Ten Cases of Healthcare Fraud
Looks like none of these involved a Podiatrist for those that think Podiatrists commit all the fraud https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/legal-regulatory-issues/healthcare-billing-fraud-10-recent-cases-5.html
Looks like none of these involved a Podiatrist for those that think Podiatrists commit all the fraud https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/legal-regulatory-issues/healthcare-billing-fraud-10-recent-cases-5.html
Just saw a Balance of Nature commercial featuring a Podiatrist recommending it to his patients. Than I found this link https://www.consumerfraudreporting.org/Balance-of-Nature.php
118 statistics on physician compensation: 2023 Attn: Dr.'s DeHeer and DiSantis, where is the speciality you love ? I don't see it.Dr. DiSantis ................. What did the late Franklin Kase…
27 physician specialties ranked by annual compensationHey Dr. Block ............... I don't see podiatry on the list. Why is that ?Maybe Patrick DeHeer can answer that question. Or Jeffrey DeSantis…
Best medical schools for 2024: US News https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/rankings-and-ratings/best-medical-schools-for-2024-us-news.html Where is PCPM (oops ...... I mean Temple ) ?????Or Kent State ? Or Mike Trepal's NYCPM shithole ?
Free and Complimentary CME in PodiatryFor the last several years, we have witnessed more and more offers to attend free or "complimentary" CME programs. ASPS, ABPM, Presents, LER, and others offer…
This is the question Lawrence Rubin posed in the latest PM News using as evidence two Podiatrists recently convicted of millions of dollars worth of fraud. This evidence is sketchy…
Average surgeon pay by state | 2023 What real surgeons are paid : https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/compensation-issues/average-surgeon-pay-by-state-2023.html
Physician assistant average annual wage in 50 states.So on the end a PA is competitive with DPM https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/compensation-issues/physician-assistant-average-annual-wage-in-50-states-2.html