There is actually a Podiatrist pitching Toenail fungal laser therapy am absolutely stunned any Podiatrist pushed this wildly discredited treatment with tons of information available on the internet on what kind of a scam it really is. I am…
Why is MIS making a comeback?
What is Podiatry's fascination with MIS? Every decade or so someone decides to reignite it and make it a thing again. Why is that? Would you rather a patient complain…
Do Bunion Surgery articles like this really work?
I mean look at this link. question. Leave out whether this procedure does anything they claim. Does anyone actually think that this stuff works? Like how stupid do Podiatrists think…
Podiatrists still marketing like 1995
How many times do I have to look in the paper and see some Podiatrist being all excited they have an article in the paper about flip flops or some…
Resistant Antibiotic story on 60 minutes should scare Podiatrists out of over prescribing
Why are Podiatrists still prescribing antibiotics for ingrown toenails and wart removal? Is it because they are idiots or just ignorant? Please watch this story so you stop.
Comments accidentally deleted
I apologize for deleting comments. I am on vacation and also having computer issues.
Finally someone asks if its unethical for a Podiatrist to wear a cock cage
Podiatrist making run at Leonard Janis record amount of malpractice suits
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