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Is COVID going to create a lost generation of Podiatrists?

Is COVID going to create a lost generation of Podiatrists?

Here are the facts of Coronavirus and COVID. The most vulnerable Podiatrists to be wrecked by bankruptcy and unable to ride it out are the recent residency grads and June Residency Grads. All one has to look at is the PM News classified section today. There were three ads for jobs or practices for sale. To give one an idea, that classified section normally has between 12-13 job opportunities. To take that and project it forward we have seen an 80% drop off in job opportunities for Podiatry grads due to the Coronavirus. Now add on to the fact that the first Podiatrists being laid off during the COVID shutdown have been the young Podiatrists. The recent hires of last year, the Podiatrists just hired by medical groups and hospitals have already been let go.

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I know a lot of people’s response is “Oh they will catch on sooner or later somewhere”. Really? How do you know that? This very similar dynamic took place with lawyers and law schools between 2008-2010. Basically, during the great recession lawyers could not find jobs and ended up taking other jobs and getting into other fields. And you know what, not a lot of them ended up being lawyers. Here is a strong article from slate in 2015 that discusses the lost generation of lawyers and what became of them:


Now Podiatrists like to believe in the profession that the recent grads are the best surgeons and most knowledgeable. Well then, are Podiatrists about to lose a lost generation? One of the problems with Podiatry is this is not being discussed enough. I mean enough of Cindy Pelazza writing some nonsense in the PM News. This problem is not going to be fixed by Podiatrists figuring out how to bill telemedicine. When there was a residency crisis Podiatry took it seriously and helped save a bunch of Podiatrists. Where is the urgency here? Podiatry is about to lose an entire generation of Podiatrists and nobody seems to care. The APMA cannot even stomach to put out anything that members are struggling and being destroyed due to COVID. Yes, there are no easy answers, but Podiatry is staring a lost generation of Podiatrists right in the face.


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[…] Is COVID going to create a lost generation of Podiatrists? […]


[…] Is COVID going to create a lost generation of Podiatrists? […]


Defintely going to podiatry school!!


Ruthus Schmeck
Ruthus Schmeck

interesting, some editing with bearded millenial wonder, vocal fry uptalking girl, and scripted “equal” training bollywood blather.


robert bijak
robert bijak

I ckd the video. First of all its nearly an identical COPY of the Caribbean MEDICAL school videos and those have been out for years so podiatry COPIED (like Barry Block does daily). Ck St. George’s or St. Matthew’s. Also, the brainwashed lifer lies have already started. They have the “white coat” doctor apparel. They throw the word physician around and “becoming a DOCTOR”. They call PODIATRY school MEDICAL SCHOOL. Podiatry is not mentioned much. NO shame. No honesty. Notice how quickly they go past THEIR part in clinic exams. They do FOOT exams and tape and HELP THE D.O.… Read more »


Sales video like a time share scam. The blatant bachelor degree call out in each of the jr lifers….guess they’re trying to over emphasize that podiatricians have undergrad degrees like real doctors- MDs. Dp wtf- Whatsa. Please take podiatry off life support. It’s dead.


Time share nice analogy! Lol


The dipshit DPM student girl states DIE section. It’s DISSection–not DIEsection. They cannot even pronounce the word, dissection, correctly. DP wtfs.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Schmeck is right. You knew podiatry was going to sneak under the tent to LOOK LIKE THEY’RE IN THE GAME. Just like a bench warmer struts the field in his pristine UNPLAYED IN UNIFORM. Purple toes and PORPHRYIN METABOLISM. Hemoglobinopathies and Beta Chains. As if any podiatrists really needs to know or really learned that in a footville franchise school. Rear foot varus, Origami leather shoes, billing codes, fasciitis (again and again)… and slippers. PODIATRY CAN’T STOP LYING. IT JUST CAN’T. LYING IS AS INTEGRAL TO PODIATRY’S CONTINUANCE AS A STETHASCOPE IS TO A CARDIOLOGIST. RosenSPLATT’s BARK is worse than… Read more »

Dingle Barry
Dingle Barry

Tom Hanks Toes, Foot heart attacks, and other nonsense to instill agita and make the sale by non doctors–DP WTFS. What a bad, failed poorfession. Robert, there is no hope. If a pandemic can’t change podiatry, what the f can? Can’t believe they actually look themselves in the mirror?! Heck, there appears a DPWTF that wants to even join or rejoin a “free” podiatry club? WHY? Holy smokes they were denial and deluded. “Financial concessions” by the foot ASSociation? They have over 17MILLION, seventeen MILLION in the bank, paid a Gilbert Gottfried look a like over 500K per year with… Read more »

Plastic Brace May Save Face
Plastic Brace May Save Face

The podiatric “residents” like to act all ‘big and bad’ appearing to do things or being affiliated with doing things medical/surgical in the hospital during the footsy “training” that they will NEVER EVER be allowed to do once they leave the post grad “training” program. They like to take pics with real doctors as if they were DOING the real medical procedure–acting 101–look the part, be the part–it was part of the podiatry CON and then larry can cut/paste/manipulate for the propaganda site. Just like pots/pans were tools for chef. Lying, bullshitting, misrepresentations, and various gradations of fraud were tools… Read more »

alan Stein
alan Stein

If DPMs are foot and ankle experts………………Why do only 38% pass the Certification Boards? LOL


bc they love retesting fees. it’s all about money. Vile conartists. Yes, perhaps there’s more than a few DP WTFS that can’t pass the test. But 38% means that the test likely is not representative of what the training program is at hospitals. They flunk folks to get more revenue for the retest fees. BS FEES FEES FEES. CONsumerism.


Fettuccini. I like to know when take tests who pocketed money!

Ruthus Schmeck
Ruthus Schmeck
robert bijak
robert bijak

WHAT A SLICK ADD TO SELL A SEAT! They say you study to become a physician FIRST!!! Oh, I don’t think the state legislatures got that memo. Hey, is this the franchise Satterfield is dean of? Remember she’s the one who told me she treats septicemia and orders blood transfusions. They learn right along with their osteopath “colleagues”. Yeah here’s the pen. Give me permission to cut toenails colleague. The lies are in what the ADVERTISEMENT DOESN’T SAY. TALK ABOUT STARTING OFF WITH FRAUD BEFORE THE FOOT SCHOOL CUSTOMER EVEN SITS DOWN! CROOKED, LYING, DIRTY…..FROM DAY ONE! The truth has… Read more »

Eddy Mex

No, they didn’t get that memo.


Sounded like a late night infomercial. Sally Struthering

Greg the bunion slayer
Greg Ladavotich

“For only $3,500 a month, you too can sponsor a stupid child. Sign up now and you’ll get this free tote bag and T-shirt”.

Past Member
thomasequinus thomasequinus

Video is all bull shit. A joke. Misleading YES.

Ruthus Schmeck
Ruthus Schmeck

Is this for real? Looks like clown college.

Greg the bunion slayer
Greg Ladavotich

What in hell are they smoking? Hospital admits? I think not. Podiatric radiology? Is that in the same category as podiatric phorensix?

Ruthus Schmeck
Ruthus Schmeck

We had a customer (patient), Sal who ate the grande thick crust luigi special from Mario’s pizzeria on 7th street. A day later he had a purple toe. Then there was Tony’s kid, Diego. He had a meatball hoagie a few weeks ago–gave him the shits. Last week, he came in with a purple toe. It may be too early to tell, but if you eat at Mario’s pizzeria on 7th, you could get a purple toe, says washed out dancer dmp fighting for relevance in so what propaganda management “news”. Podiatry 2020.

Eddy Mex

Had to barf a bit…Isn’t that pod-porn?

Come on lite the fire
Come on lite the fire

Silly shoes, harrys fake news, write in ask for help from the JokERs, smiling clown who’s upside down, mortgage mortgage time to pay, grace period aint no play, get some strings attached fine print help from thirsty rubio, fill this form out then bow out, audit, lawyer tymes, fun tymes. soooooooo keep reading about silly shoes, harry’s fake news, write in ask for help from the jokErS, danny boy was so coy, writing in, with a silly where o where is dorsiflexion grin….


Just because the lion smiles, doesn’t mean he’s friendly–Danny Boy take note re: organized podiatry.

Past Member
thomasequinus thomasequinus

Dr. Chaskin,

Do you not realize that organized podiatry is one big fraud ?
Even Barry Block is aware of this, however he chooses to look the other way.
For example he still admires Hal Ornstein, even after being thrown out of the AAPPM, for embezzlement.

Plastic Brace May Save Face
Plastic Brace May Save Face

Danny Boy. Please listen. We’re members of the tribe. Just bc the foot association leaders are also Members of the tribe doesn’t mean anything. They’re pods first and foremost. Hucksters and hustlers. Look at what they do and don’t do. Actions and inactions. Not what they say. Talk is cheap. Talk is bs promises of rainbows and gumdrops. Look at you. Look at where you are. All the some days and you’ll sees. Podiatric politicians. All the talk means jack sht. Are you really DPM proud? Stand in Your truth. Writing into shlocks rag mag wont do anything. It’s the… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak



RosenB…..you copied and pasted the info you posted on PM fake news. NO DPM has that kind of knowledge, especially one at your age. You went to DPM school when they didn’t even know about DNA and I don’t think clipping toe nails makes you an expert to speak your opinion. If I am wrong , send me a copy of your Internal Medicine residency certificate from a ACGME accredited residency. LOL, of course you can’t. DPMs love to hyper-exaggerate what they think they know. and PM fake news will post anything…except the truth that DPM land is going away….


Thanks Bigj for further clarification !

robert bijak
robert bijak

See what you’ve done Barry? 20+ years of banning the truth and reinforcing the lie produces podiatrists like ROSENBLATT. These brainwashed propagandized podiatrists are DANGEROUS. Some how their quack school orthotic fabricating basement lab has been transformed into a hemato-pulmonary lab (in their mind anyway) . It couldn’t be anything else because Rosenblatt says the MD’s are wrong (the MD’s don’t know anything about the blood or lungs!) but Rosey has the answers the MD’s with their inferior education and inferior 5 year MD ACGME residencies just can’t compete with. Yeah, Rosey says VENTS ARE WRONG, INTUBATION IS WRONG, and… Read more »

Eddy Mex

Good one R–

Ruthus Schmeck
Ruthus Schmeck

Rosenflatus is still yammering. What research fellowship in ID/immunology did he attend? Hopkins? Yale? etc..etc.. remember interloper and carpetbagger saddenfelds at the podiatrickal technical skool told Robert to puke–to get the “anger” out. Ad hominem attacks for truth telling. So, stating facts, truths, realities in a frank/clear manner is “anger” to the podiatrickal establishment and worthy of being “banned”. Banned by whom? Lifers, brainwashed lackeys, mentally ill dp wtfs-Those they cant deal w/truth or their bank account not swelling enough from the idiots that believe in podiatrickal wonderment? Believe in the easter bunny at least you get shitty chocolate.


Dr Rosenblatt writes on treatment for Covid virus. I have two questions for you where did you do your internal residency and what makes you expert in someone else’s field?

Old as Dirt
Old as Dirt

Good observation. A lot of these pods speak like they went to med school. As if.

robert bijak
robert bijak

What did you expect? The incessant lies by Barry Block’s Blog, all the clubs and lifer groups SAY YOU WENT TO MED SCHOOL, YOU’RE JUST LIKE, AND THEY EVEN CALL YOU A “podiatric” PHYSICIAN. (which is just an insurance designation) When you didn’t go to medical school you don’t know any better and you THINK YOU DID!

Past Member
thomasequinus thomasequinus

Even Barry Block applied to MD and DO schools before choosing podiatry. This is a FACT !


Shylock didn’t choose podiatry. It chose him.


haven’t done my taxes, i’m too turnt up. Drake.

robert bijak
robert bijak

He’s still trying to get even.

robert bijak
robert bijak

I have a question for you Sybly. How come you pretend to not know English grammar and now you suddenly are articulate? Sorry, I don’t trust you. What’s wrong with podiatrists mentally? Can you trust most of them?

robert bijak
robert bijak

I GUESS when you had to LIVE A LIE FOR YEARS, LIEING BECOMES A WAY OF LIFE. YOU JUST LOSE YOUR ABILITY TO KNOW WHAT’S TRUE WHAT’S FALSE, WHAT’S REAL, WHAT’S FALSE. The podiatry CON has effected minds like the Chinese Communists did in KOREA. Podiatry is wrong on so many levels. It’s not a profession to be fully proud of.

anomynous anomynous
anomynous anomynous

Dr Rosenblatt writes on treatment for Covid virus. I have two questions for you where did you do your internal residency and what makes you expert in someone else’s field? First of all, let everyone try to be friends with each other. This idea of Corona Virus attacking the platelets is something that I was fearful of. Ones training does not matter. I never completed a residency in podiatry. Yet I feel there are podiatrists out there that states claim are more qualified than me regarding getting a license to practice podiatry. Similarly there are lawyers that never went to… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

Dan, when are you going to wake up? You can’t be ‘FRIENDS’ with wild animals. By their nature they want to eat you. Likewise with the NYSPMA. They are NOT YOUR FRIENDS. You’ve been complaining FOR YEARS that podiatry f’d you over and YOU CAN’T MOVE BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T GET A PROGRAM thus can’t get a license in many states. You’ve been trying to be a good boy and make friends by going to NYSPMA meetings and paying them money. How’s that working out for you? YOU WILL NEVER GET A LICENSE ELSEWHERE. YOU WILL NEVER GET TO TOUCH THE… Read more »

Eddy Mex

Strong post R—

Plastic Brace May Save Face
Plastic Brace May Save Face

Danny Boy—jesus, please get a clue about what podiatry really was. Please. Read and reread what Robert wrote below. We authentically care about you. The little boy lost naïve shtick is a joke already. The podiatry clubs, school, training, fake leaders etc… were part of the foot con. As Robert says, Stop feeding the rats. Please Stop being or trying to befriend foot club wild animal shysters and grifters. Thank you. Wake up. Starve them they fucked you over with a smile and empty promises. You deserved much better Danny Boy. Podiatry didn’t deserve you and your inherent kindness which… Read more »

Reality......It's Traumatic
Reality......It's Traumatic

Just a lil observation. The us left and right argue about nearly everything, manicheanism. black or white “thinking.” All good or all bad. With us or against us. Need to have an “enemy” all the time to feel alive. No nuance. Very us-ian. Making extreme emotional accusations about each other to trigger the Homer simpson populace. Like Steinfeld, it was a show about nothing. Maybe one camp is right on other issues, and the other is correct on some, but the larger possibility to consider is, what if they are all wrong on the main issue? Conservatives and progressives alike… Read more »


Thanks reality

Reality......It's Traumatic
Reality......It's Traumatic

Thanks Sybly. Be safe, stay sane.

Greg the bunion slayer
Greg Ladavotich

Humans are to the earth as My Corona is to them. Sociology not advanced from the middle ages, vastly eclipsed by its technology. Living for today/tomorrow without regard for the long-term consequences. “Must keep the shareholders happy”. Not thinking about the possible future results by what has been done, but maybe more importantly, what has not been done. And not using both to mitigate a shitshow. I used to think that the the culmination would be us destroying ourselves by our own hands, but now I think the scenario we’re living now may be the one more likely. Killing our… Read more »

Eddy Mex

“All civilizations rise and fall; there are no exceptions to this rule, and the us, nor podiatry is not going to escape its fate.”

Eddy Mex

Citation to Greg for previous post—apologies G


released by China first two people with virus; ho lee fuk and Sum ting Wong…

Not Shtubly
Not Shtubly

released by the US, first two people with virus, Dumber than shit and Buff Ooon

Past Member
thomasequinus thomasequinus

Sounds like two first years students at the NY Shit Foot School in Harlem.

Eddy Mex

Could all this covid be a hoax cooked up by the Chinese restaurant industry – HOLY moo go gai pan and egg rolls—I read an article in the ‘Dumb Schmo News on Conspiracy’ that said they—as in the Chinese—were fucking around with making off label Dancer’s Pads that went awry—BOOM next thing you know old Jed’s a millinare, kin folk said gotta move away from there—THIS IS WHAT is lost on the LOST GENERATION – a sense of humor (gallows humor)- For -one of the last times – POD surgeons are NOT … you know know know the deal…But wait… Read more »

alan Stein
alan Stein

How it use to be but all gone…………………….What do most Podiatry patients suffer from? GOOD INSURANCE !


Podiatrists should all become lawyers…..they know how to lie, twist,dodge, and sell. In fact they would be better than most lawyers. The best ones would be the ones who run the Podiatry schools, then comes ACFAS and after that the APMA.


they should be grandfathered in based on years in practice!

Dingle Barry
Dingle Barry

The form and fee penalty club. Lots of forms and accompanying fees. Go lawyers! exciting. can’t take a sht without lawyers and forms.

anomynous anomynous
anomynous anomynous

Why can’t podiatry graduates go back to get nursing degrees? Perhaps some sort of a deal could be worked out to forgive their podiatry school loans.

robert bijak
robert bijak

They can. They can apply, compete, and, IF accepted, start from the very beginning because their dpm is not recognized. Think of it. Supposed DOCTORS applying to nursing school! That says a lot for real podiatry. It’s not the podiatry the lifers say it is, is it?


Podlings and their moronic attendings hanging out on video conference calls…..since they’re Not essential not integral, cant act as a physician bc of the odd triad. Hanging at home, in their pjs, Looking worried……guess it’s the tick tock of debt and maybe some introspection that they’re realizing their fucking useless.

Dingle Barry
Dingle Barry

Some of those so called chiefs, directors had a deep sadness in the eyes. Not saying this lightly. Perhaps many podiatrists realized their career and or life was a bad joke. Depression and hopelessness. There’s only so much faking it and pretending one can do. Thick rimmed glasses, stern looking lifers, low pitched voices, scrubs, un-academic journals, beeper, the stetho, inferiority complexes, etc. All the cult like Podiatry creed and mantras were meaningless, it’s shows in the eyes. They died a long time ago. Walking dead.

Eddy Mex

Dingle, that was a profound, insightful post; looked into the -lack of souls – sadly not giving rat’s ass about anyone or anything they professed..THE P- to be their life calling.

Dingle Barry
Dingle Barry

Thanks Eddy, not to mention many podiatrists aging poorly. Probably from the unconscious yet very real stress of 24/7 faking it and pretending. Eventually the truth comes out and manifests itself. in this case it’s 50 going on 70, 65 going on 85 etc. Many also look like they’ll be pumping insulin in @ 5 years.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Ha! Just looked at the Student Podiatry site. It’s a mirror reflecting how desperate podiatry is. Students (customers) are getting interviews nearly anywhere they apply. A few were offered “scholarships” right at the interview! One desperate franchise offered $15,000 on the spot. Guess 15 grand is the price it costs to get $150,000. Don’t think podiatry schools aren’t run by clever businessmen who know how to keep profitable. To prove podiatry is a fall back for rejected students one guy said he applied to MD/DO/QUACK SCHOOLS. He was immediately accepted to foot college and he put $$ down to insure… Read more »

Dingle Barry
Dingle Barry

Robert, these are the experiences, realities, and truths that most DP wtfs cannot nor will not hear.

Dingle Barry
Dingle Barry

It appears to be a tuition discount. Arbitrary. Could be 15k or 100k. All bs. Desperate for warm asses.


Does anyone know how many podiatrists are working the frontline at a hospital and performing gastric intubations before putting the patients on ventilators?

Past Member
thomasequinus thomasequinus

ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO ZERO. Just like Barry Block. He is also a ZERO.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Yeah, 0


Gastric intubation was used out of sarcasm. If you perform an intubation and do not recognize the cricoid cartilage, you will have inserted the tube down the esophagus. You know, like a in DP what the?

robert bijak
robert bijak

Don’t expect the APMA to admit anything. It’s not “personal….it’s business”. Do you think APMA politicos want to go back to cutting TOENAILS when they could be flying on jets and staying in luxury suites with free food and drinks? Yes, there is a podiatry CRISIS from COVID and COVID was “the one straw away”, from breaking the camels back. Hey, I have an idea to solve podiatry’s superfluous stance…LET’S BUILD ANOTHER FOOT FRANCHISE LOCATION IN TEXAS! And you want to know if they’ll defer YOUR DUES during this COVID CANYON in your “business” so you can REJOIN?!!!! It’s a… Read more »

Dingle Barry
Dingle Barry

1. The DP wtf “degree” is NOT translatable in other career/professional paths like a JD, MD, RN, MBA etc…YES there are a very few exceptions, however the vast DP wtf majority are limited as podiatricians and stuck grovelling for a subsistence lifestyle bc they were C students who ‘graduated’ from asstown uni magna cum lousy. 2. The huge amount of stupedent (CP) loan debts and other debts is eye watering-good luck trying to take on yet another career change midlife with that debt slavery noose around your neck while trying to portray the fake lux car (leased) lifestyle. Bs artists… Read more »


great take on podiatrists! let real doctors take over and have real training (no pods )!

robert bijak
robert bijak

Excellent expose Dingle. What’s the chance that the BarryBlock-meister would ban censor and come to your house to cart you away to podiatric prison, or that the quack schools would allow students and potential students to read your truths? A fraud and a con is built on a fraud and a con. There is no place for the truth. Your statement should be sent to every pre “med”? advisor and they should warn students that when they get rejected from med school (as most will) there is a fraudster-devil waiting to whisper in your ear that “I can get you… Read more »

Greg the bunion slayer
Greg Ladavotich

As Ron White would say, “You can’t fix stupid”. You also can’t fix what’s beyond broken.

With the choice of going to an RD or a second-tier reject kinda RD that came from poddy land, where would your go? I know where I’d go; just like Mr. Dr. Robotsky.


Tell em greg

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