Podiatry Posts

Youtube Chiropodist known as “Toe Broe” loses license and ends show

This is unfortunate apparently he missed cancer on a toe in a patient and got his licensed suspended. That seems a little rough that could happen to anyone.


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Charlie KrauseDremel DPMrobert bijakMarkSeptic tank stank Recent comment authors
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What not
What not

No one’s going to p stool.
Geez wonder why?!
Maybe align with a collision center or metal bars door fabricator?

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

At least they do something ONLY Collision centers do. You don’t see them competing with gas stations or tire companies. In podiatry everyone gets in on the foot business.

If podiatry was such a hard “doctoral” field why are there Nail Salons, Good Feet stores and PA’s “eating podiatry’s lunch”?

Hermine the Dog
Hermine the Dog

My husband Barri, tells me Daniel Chaskin is a PM regular.
His office is located across the street from a collision center and has bars on his waiting room office windows.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Thought I’d click on to one of the ads here. This one was for EDEMA mitigation. Some mysterious “dr” allegedly researched and concocted a miracle cure for broken “lymph pumps”. This “dr” was called a foot specialist and I suspected he was probably a wtf turned businessman. I wasn’t able to confirm this but the point continues how PODIATRY AND SALES are so historically related. Naturally this was some natural concoction big pharma didn’t recognized because they are so greedy. Yeah, sure. Furthermore, I saw an ad from ORTHO FEET and references to foot problems and orthotics was clear. My… Read more »

Podiatry bytes
Podiatry bytes

Podiatry was a failed state

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

past tense, was? Is” is the proper tense.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Is it entertainment or disappointment? It’s kinda entertaining seeing how stupid podiatrists are. (too a point) but also disappointing that so many pods have scientific naiveté. Let’s start with the perennial advertiser Conway McLean. He’s talking about the dangers of microplastics to the lungs. Mister McLean has NO CREDIBILITY IN THIS AREA with a dpm certificate of achievement. Perhaps microplastic SHOE inserts but NOT PULMONARY considerations. He reads something then regorges it as so many podiatrists do to LOOK smart? Pods should be more concerned with someone falling after getting tangled and tripped up by a plastic band from a… Read more »


It’s sooo embarrassing yet you keep a foot ‘license’in your 80s just in case….and spent decades ‘hoping’ for a change.


Dp w. T. F.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Yes and my boats had TWO motors, I carry a spare tire and I also have a pistol carry permit. Better to have them and not need them then to need them and not have them. BTW, you need a “foot license” in order to have an RX license. Go ahead and walk a tightrope without back up if YOU want. You MAY be sorry…and I’m not 80…yet.


You’re a hypocrite for chastising Chaskin. You both still do podiatry and you both still carry license. And do podiatry con tinuing ed. yet you hate podiatry?!?! Acta non verba or no action written blather.
And yes boots was a old fool with the US work addiction disease.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Wrong! I do not do podiatry but Mr. Chaskin does. I carry a license for the above answered reasons. I can do two things at once Mr. Mark. Many retirees maintain a license. I actually just spent $6.00 to renew my California license. Call me sentimental.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Yes, 6 dollars, not sixty, and not six hundred!

Septic tank stank
Septic tank stank

Why ? California was a shithole Robert.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

I heard, Septic, that the California pods were Soooo, superior that they were going to get M.D.’s. I wanted a piece of that because I do not respect the dpwtf certificate of achievement.


Thought you said many times to starve them financially. Guess you’re full of kakapoopoo.

You owe Dr. Chaskin a sincere apology.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Yes, “Mark”, that’s why I haven’t given a penny to the APMA IN >40 YEARS, AND DONATE 0 DOLLARS TO MY QUACK SCHOOL. I pay only WHAT IS REQUIRED AND MANDATED BY LAW. Nice try Mr. Mark. You don’t seem to bright either.

Charlie Krause
Charlie Krause

Many gleefully work in the US in their 70s and 80s. It’s willful elder abuse!

Dremel DPM
Dremel DPM

Podiatry is a profession that makes an income by finding disease and pathology that is not there. Also to upcode as best as possible. Sell as much product as possible. IF THIS WAS A VIABLE PROFESSION, APPLICANT POOL WOULD BE SKY HIGH. The numbers do not lie, as enrollment has dropped 70% SINCE THE 1990S. THE BEST THE SCHOOLS CAN DO IS FIND foreigners and those with J-1 VISAS TO ENROLL.

Hallux Guy
Hallux Guy

Earl “Boots” Horwitz practiced up until 87 years of age, Mark !!

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

The Des Moines school joined up with the ‘BRYAN’ (who?) school to “foster and opportunity for aspiring health care workers”. Along with OCCUPATIONAL THEAPY DOCTORATE PROGRAMS THE FOOT “DOCTORATE” program will expedite interviews. Yeah, the foot school will pick you up and drive you to the interview and clean your desk chair if you’ll only sign up. Desperate podiatry. Dying on the vine because it won’t give up McQuactics and arch support and shoe sales. Quack Connelo says he believes (belief because there’s no science) that walking barefoot in your house will “engage muscles and metabolic efficiency. Show me the… Read more »

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

All y’all got to know is that in NEW ZELAND they’re offering a MICRO-COURSE IN FOOT TECHNICIANSHIP. HALF OF IT IS ONLINE! It seems that podiatry can’t be that hard if the GOOD FEET STORE OWNS THE ARCH SUPPORT (Mc Quactic) side, the Nail Salons are taking over the toenail side (major part of podiatry), and the NP’s and PA’s are taking nearly every thing else medical. Foot and ankle orthopods are multiplying and control the majority of MD referrals for the foot. All we need now is some Community College or govt. organization to offer a MICRO podiatry course,… Read more »

Than Dihn
Than Dihn

All these made up “schools”-more hustling for student loans and bucks to be had. Even in shithole New Zealand another American colony-vassal with fugly overly westernized “women”.

Most dp wtfs have Never heard of the Johns Hopkins school of podiatric medicine or Stanford U Sch of Pod Med? Nope.
More like the Juan Hopkins Sch of Podiatrical Theatrical

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Juan Hopkins-funny


The Philadelphia Foot school publishes a newsletter called “Strides”. In the most recent issue of Strides there is a solicitation for donations to the student activities fund, due to a severe enrollment shortage. With a little research I found that the total enrollment for the school for the 2023-2024 academic year was 273. Compare that to my class of 120 students (1982). Additionally, the reported enrollment for the school for the 2019-2020 academic year was 361. Apparently, the future is not very promising. More disturbing is the failure of the school, APMA and other stakeholders to make any effort to… Read more »

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Sure, PA’s have a broader license, more potential, and are a recognized necessary part of the mainstream. Podiatry is paying dearly for remaining on MC QUACTIC ISLAND. The lie that “knowing biomechquatics” makes us better is proven false. I love the TV commercials for the GOOD FEET STORE where you see a guy or girl fitting the customer (podiatrists errantly call them patients). Did they waste a semester or two in a Biomechanics course? Do they need to? When I hear how successful the Good Feet Stores are I wonder what the hell was all that McQuactic stuff about that… Read more »

Podiatry oath
Podiatry oath

I remember in podiatric medical school about learning st elevations. However for a patient with foot pain knowledge about a compensated forefoot valgus differs if it is fully vs partially compensated vs. uncompensated.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Nope! Just Mc quactic bs. Fully compensated, partially compensated valgus are all PODIATRIC mumbo jumbo to appear like an arch support SALE is “medical”. The GOOD FEET STORE TECHS USE NO MC QUACTICS AND MILLIONS DO WELL. Most of ORTHOTIC biomechanics is BS in practical application. Why do labs and lifers insist they’re “PRESCRIBING” while no such regulation exist? It’s just rationalization. Throw in Chiropractors, physical therapists, and just plain old OTC supports and the numbers helped WITHOUT MC QUACTICS refutes the need for the mumbo jumbo. If we were real DOCTORS, without the need for financial survival, we too… Read more »

Show me the ugly
Show me the ugly

What oath chassskin? The dollar sign?

Podiatry oath
Podiatry oath

The whole purpose of the oath is not the dollar sign but patient well being. This is what podiatry is all about. It is possible a few podiatrists might not fully uphold the oath they took at graduation. Please read a national podiatric medical magazine and you will see how podiatrists benefit patients.

Barred windows
Barred windows

Chaskinitis alert

Postings have not increased
Postings have not increased

“More disturbing is the failure of the school, APMA and other stakeholders to make any effort to thwart this impending crisis.”

Not surprising at all. Look at the dolts who “vote” who really thk there’s a true difference in the parties, it’s a uniparty. a club in which we’re not in. Lots of dinero for wars, the 51st state, and imperialism but no help for its own citizentry.

Numbers do not lie
Numbers do not lie

Podiatry as a profession will dwindle down to a few schools. The number of years to obtain a limited license in a field that has now decided to be a surgical specially is an economic model doomed to failure. PAs and NPs will rule the roost, not a limited license 7 years of school DPM degree. The one possible saving grace would be to have a full license like PAs and NPs but the low IQ APMA and CPME and Deans at the schools all have no concept of the reality in the real world of medicine.

Past Member
Past Member

So so TRUE !!! All of the apma BOD have an extremely low IQ. I read somewhere on this site that Larry Santi had a major stroke. I have not seen this mentioned on pm news.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Oh the apma, cpme and deans do know but they DARE NOT MOVE FORWARD for two reasons. First, they’d lose their big fish in small pond position and second, they’re mostly adverse (lazy) to more responsibility and the education needed to have that responsibility. Because there is only a narrow selected pipeline of lifer-types to choose from, the incestuous, FAILED PHILOSOPHY OF DELUDED CHIROPODIATRY CONTINUES. If you are SO INSECURE that you pay money to these FAILURES to protect you, YOU DESERVE SUBSERVIANCE to the PA’s and the GOOD FEET STORES. I LAUGH AT YOU and continue to be happy… Read more »

Podiatry oath
Podiatry oath

Podiatrists are well educated. They all went to podiatric medical schools. My opinion, some of the finest institutions nationwide are podiatric medical schools. Don’t agree, why not call the APMA and state societies?

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Absolutely don’t agree! they are podiatry schools, not podiatric medical school anymore than dental schools are dental medical schools. You are not a Doctor. You did not get accepted into Medical School. You didn’t go to medical school. Those “finest institutions” are not part of major universities. Most are associated with schools that are having economic trouble or who have worked out a “money” deal. Calling the APMA OR STATE SOCIETIES WOULD NOT GIVE A FAIR, HONEST, OR OBJECTIVE ANSWER. Once again you are wrong on all your points. Your postings alone PROVE PODIATRY IS A CATCH BASIN for Medical… Read more »

BS is Podiatry
BS is Podiatry

The are not medical schools, they are Podiatry schools. Medical schools teach all aspects of medicine, surgery, ob-gyn, pediatrics and psychiatry. medical schools have rotations in teaching hospitals. Medial schools , all 126, have the same curriculum, Podiatry schools are all pot luck programs, no consistency in the courses. AND the clinics at all the Podiatry schools are , well, just crap. The clock has struck midnight, Podiatry can not fool them selves anymore that they are “like” medical school. the very low applicant pool is proof of the failure of the profession.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Couldn’t agree more. the clock has struck midnight and podiatry is turning into a pumpkin.


Regarding diagnosing bilateral edema, perhaps we may not have been taught about urine dipstick testing, chest x-rays, and cardiac echo, but my guess is most of us probably remember learing about ruling out congestive heart failure, creatinine results, electrolytes, albumin levels cholesterol, prothrombin time, liver enzymes, and thyroid stimulating hormone. After all, liver abnormalities, cardiac disease, poor renal function, neprhotic syndrome I remember learning most of this in our internal medicine course at podiatric medical school. That internal medicine course did emphazise renal dysfunction in different lectures. Medical texts however are more comprehensive. Harrisons is good but I prefer Cecil… Read more »

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

The analogy of comparing dermatologists and their referrals to podiatrists and their referrals is INVALID. Dermatologist CHOOSE THEIR SPECIALTY AND WHAT THEY TREAT WHILE PODIATRISTS (for the most part chose podiatry because they were rejected from the broader field of medicine) AND ARE REQUIRED (THAT IS, REQUIRED!) TO REFER BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT CONSIDERED LEGALLY COMPETENT TO TREAT ANYTHING ELSE. Remember, Mister Chaskin, Dermatologist are PHYSICIANS FIRST. FULLY LICENSED AND THEY ARE ABLE TO DROP OUT OF DERMATOLOGY AND DO FULL GENERAL PRACTICE IF THEY WISH. No such ability with a dirty podiatry certificate. You can cite all the titles… Read more »

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Are you COMPETENT to auscultate the heart for CHF? Are you competent to auscultate the pulmonary system and R/O CHF from other pulmonary conditions? Do you order Nautretic Peptides routinely? (because edema is common in a wtf office, right?). Can you recognize CHF on an EKG strip. Do you read an ekg? Do you have a machine in your wtf office? Do you know the difference between a waxy cast in the URINE and a white cast? Come on Mister Chaskin. At your age should you finally ADMIT THAT YOU’RE JUST ANOTHER MEDICAL SCHOOL REJECT trying to LOOK LIKE YOU’RE… Read more »

Thanh Dim
Thanh Dim

You really are fkg new yawker stupid or trying to be funny.

Postings have increased
Postings have increased

Toe Schmo got the ax yo

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