ACFAS is currently putting on their big conference in Vegas and a couple other in person conferences are currently scheduled to begin. The question to be asked is are people going to go back to in person conferences after COVID. The fact is in-person conferences were struggling before COVID to collect bodies. One needs to only look at half empty lecture halls from the latest APMA conferences. Will these people return? Will state go back to requiring in person attendance? There is no doubt going to be a reduction in in-person conferences but how much we must wait to see.

what happened to that plague, sheeple wearing 2-3 masks, having N-95s, cloth masks, face /welder’s shields, gloves, walking 6 ft from other idiots, sanitizers, alchol wipes, ass wipes…. YET at the foot CONference, the idiots were all together, smiling, NO masks, hugging, arms around shoulders, close contact pics, etc… what happened? Did that plague magically go away in Nevada? Before that CONference, the idiot pics had masks on, gloves, no close contact, yet when they went to NV -the plague was absent as depicted by hundreds of pictures of Dpwtfs back to “normal”. what happened to that plague? Did the… Read more »
Yes, a lot of podiatry IS “SHOW BUSINESS” with a cast of about 12,000 “actors” strutting and fretting their hour on the stage. Definitely “A TALE TOLD BY AN IDIOT SIGNIFYING NOTHING”
And the lead in the play was Danny Boy.
Once upon a time a man decided to apply to podiatry school.
They said, “No.”
And he lived happily ever after.
good one!
I believe we missed point with stolen vaccine! Podiatry steals from insurance companies, each other and now pharmaceutical company…circle of life
Nice, good one Stybley.
Mug shots of the vaccine theft everywhere except on larry’s funny news including the story on NY upper state local news, antisocial “media”, others. Yet, crickets in the funny foot pic “news” blast. larry reprints other DPs getting criminally prosecuted along with animal torture reprint…why???? Are they not on good terms with shrimpster?
Do friends of larry get priviledged treatment? Was that the lack a wanna special? Buttfuckalo. What a shit hole.
Barry Block has been proven to be a prejudiced pro podiatry and pro politics ‘man’. And he claims to be a lawyer? Isn’t law supposed to be fair, open, honest, and blindfolded to prejudice? Perhaps that’s why he sells ads more than he practices law? To me, it proves that he purposely censored, sequestered, and hid the story about Roy De Francis PAST PRESIDENT OF NY FOOT TECHNICIANS WHO STOLE A CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE and skated witout losing his license or being jailed. It also proves to me there’s a controlling group of lifers in podiatry who tenaciously adhere to power… Read more »
Yah, he’s supposedly “trained” as a lawyer/law “profession”. They are supposed to be objective/fair/no politics/no prejudice, etc..etc…guess shrimpster’s a bad joke.
Does anyone thk the NY pod board will yank the license, have disciplinary hearings, or simply silence, sweep under soiled rug? Maybe given his age could be dementia, Alzheimer’s, or other cognitive decline
Or, (MORE LIKELY), it’s the typical elitist narcissism seen in PODIATRIC Lifer Politicians. They think they’re above the law because they’ve lived a life surrounded by sycophants back slapping, atta boying, and fake plaque awarding them. They truly live in a SELF MADE world of fantasy, far from reality. I think a little JAIL TIME might wake ROY DEFRANCIS UP. This guy never did a program and started his business right out of the NEW YAWK FRANCHISE and well into his 70’s he’s still selling. What kind of family raises this kind of child? I think most podiatrists have a… Read more »
Yes!! Sycophants. How is a guy who never did postgrad training head of the NY foot ASSociation? Paging Mr. Buddy Buddy
Exactly, saving to buy a really nice casket.
Line it with the loot, schekels of ill gotten gains, take it with ya. POS. That’s was the “legacy”-shysters all.
It was one of the moguls, Rockefeller, Carnegie or the like that said making and accumulating money is one thing but TO DIE WITH A LOT OF MONEY IS A TRADGEDY. Think about it Barry Block. You whore’d yourself out for a few accolades from people like you, ruined the evolution of a profession by entrenching lifer-liars, all for loot. What a legacy you leave. Purely a greedy NYC money lover with minimal morals. As I fade on I’ll take solace knowing I exposed you for what you really are and that I was on the side of righteousness and… Read more »
1000% spot on R.
maybe he expects to take it with him, cushy coffin liner all that money.
Mr. Rosenslum,
His first name is Barry FYI. Yes yes yes friends of Barry (ie. Jim Christiana, APMA BOT members etc.) get their asses kissed by Barry. I remember you once said Larry has brown lips. But it is Barry that has the brown lips.
I question whether he is a shrimpster or nerd or both.
Thanks Mr. Hallux, it’s a barry the bullshitter. It must take some serious delusions, cognitive dissonance to go from: a low tier/no tier undergrad B-, C+ student, bombed MCATS, go to p school, back test ville/weak ass classes/clinics, post dicking around at some band aid box hospital scrubbing in with a MD and/or Dpwtf (blind leading blind), call yourself a “resident”, hands on cadaver foot suture practice taught by other Dpwtf, and then presto chango! call yourself a “Surgeon”. Go to p meetings that reinforce that delusion and pay endless dues for them to repeat the “surgeon” mantra to their… Read more »
He’s a selfish self absorbed sales man desperately seeking approbation…..even at the cost of HURTING PODIATRY.
Says the NON doctor to other NON doctors: What kind of DVT prevention should we give for pts in cam walkers?!!! 7 years and they taught you what? See, stupid Block wouldn’t know a stupid question from an intelligent one. He’s too busy SELLING ADS. This question ADDS TO THE PROOF THAT PODIATRIC EDUCATION AND APPRENTICESHIP IS INCOMPETENT AND DANGEROUS!!! ANY P.A. could answer that and could treat it. Should a podiatrist even consider treatment (prophylaxis) of a “leg” condition? Are podiatrist licensed to dx and treat coagulapathies. Do they have the requisite knowledge re the cardiac ramifications that can… Read more »
Pods felt safe at the podupetry surgery club. They could walk around a hotel, with flashy name badge, cheap suit/skirt, feel big in a goldfish bowl. Strutting, puffing, belching. Peacocking clowns. Breaking wind with their mouths. They were amongst their own. Liars and fraudsters talking to other liars and fraudsters. An echo chamber of me toos, and you go pody/surgy, wow wee Jane Bob that poster abt tibiocalciniofartio C3 P0 was ah ma zing!!! Maybe your residumpsey (E/CP) will buy you an order of chicken wings at the overpriced dump hotel resto. We will take picts of chicken wings and… Read more »
There’s a new school of podiatry opening up at University of Texas Rio Grande School of Medicine. As if they need MORE podiatrick skools/stools? They can barely fill the seats with asses.
Is this the new podiatrick skool-cesspool run by diversity hire Heartless. The imbecile who told pod grads that no one promised you anything (paraphrasing) post 300K+ in stupedent loans….. What a dumpster fire.
R had a great quote regarding podiatrick CONferences–“It was a carnival of the conned.” Encapsulates reality concisely.
I guess I’m monitoring Block earlier than the rest of Pod Posters. How about this DIRTY PODIATRIST? He want HIS MONEY. He biopsied a HOSPITCE PATIENT with a suspicious lesion. WTF IS HE DOING? Hospice means the person going to die in a short time and nothing more can be done to save him so WHY THE FK is this dirty podiatrist biopsying something? HE’S DYING ALREADY! What are you going to do for him? Wait a week for a dx and refer him? For what? He’ll be dead from his orginal condition shortly. This dirty money loving fake just… Read more »
the propagandist featured a submission by an yes man oriental foot tech with vivid details of a murdered wife and do by an Aussie chiropodist, yet that other buddy buddy pody stealing the experimental vaccine is not featured…..
Just got back from my REAL MD DOCTOR. I’m old. I need to go a lot. There was a sign there welcoming a new MD to the practice. It said we welcome Dr. X bla bla. and they gave his profile as GRAUDATING FROM ROSS UNIVERSITY! Don’t let anyone tell you that if you go to a Carib. Medical School you won’t get a residency or a US license. The podiatry schools and resi-apprenticships will tell you that because they don’t want you to bail. If you do they lose tuition and then GOVERNMENT money in the apprenticeship. FMG’S are… Read more »
While your sleeping on Saturday the zombie podiatrist ad seller Barry Block puts out more rubbish. He didn’t have anything about the “connected” pod below who stole vaccine maybe because he’s from NY and was a prez of the NY pod technicians. Buy Block head did have a survey which provides more proof that podiatrists aren’t scientists or doctors. His survey shows that 75% of podiatrist say that 90% of what they treat are CAUSED BY SHOES!! (I guess medicine isn’t necessary to be a foot technician, just shoe knowledge and shoe insert knowledge to cure 90% of their customer.… Read more »
Those con ferences are useless. Seriously, what’s next 101 fascinating ways to leave your bunion, how to do another charcot? How about girl power surgeries-lady flunk.
JUST A FOLLOW UP ON THE PODIATRIST STEALING COVID VACCINES. IT IS ROY DE FRANCIS DPM and his MUG SHOT is on the internet. He alleges he stole it for his wife who couldn’t get an appointment! Really? Covid Vaccines are available everywhere here and she’s in her 70’s so she easily qualifies. Again, if YOU STOLE a CONTROLLED substance from a GOVERNMENT FACILITY would you expect a DISMISSAL OF THE CHARGES?! The D.A. said “in the interest of justice” !! Was he caught on tape STEALING. Was there an audit? HOW DID THEY CATCH THIS WNY FOOT CROOK?! SOMETHING’S… Read more »
Of course Shylock will not report the stolen experimental vaccine by one of his elderly lifer “colleagues” (another pody who can’t stop working-46yrs+ it HAS to be mental derangement– or perhaps, he really needs the money-in that case, it’s sad). That “publication” (like MSM) is simply selective, censored, massaged agenda, propaganda rag for his personal enrichment. Gotta “love” the endless pics of different colorations of girl foot techs to further pad his shyster wallet and appeal to the dumb masses. Profiteer off of races and genitalia. Shylock you’re “good”…like a cockroach.
Yes, there is a mug shot present on many search things. However, the question remains, IF barryister “Editor” calls himself an “Editor”, why didn’t he publish this story? The AG/prosecutor appears to be “dismissing” the case, but using it apparently as a marketing tool to help warn others not to pull this bs. That would be a good learning lesson for the mismanagement “Editor’s” readership? Would it not? He certainly prints other Dpwtf stories of woe/fraud, etc. and other pod-centric stories like cars going through podiatry strip mall offices endlessly, girlie pics with recent foci on trendy diverse (non white)… Read more »
BARRY BLOCK HAS NO HONOR “F”. That’s why he is representative of the DIRTY BAD FACTION THAT CONTROLS PODIATRY. He is a vestige of the “old NY” school that started the podiatry franchise business and whose sordid personalities are found in all 9 podiatry franchise schools. All the ‘students’, practitioners, and “other interested parties” whom Barry Block “obtained” e mails from should WITHDRAW THEM! His BUSINESS would fold and podiatry would become clean. An honest view of where podiatry really is would arise. ANYONE can get PM News (if they wanted) just by googling it. But, to allow it to… Read more »
Thx Roberto.
So it engages in selective/agenda “journalism” and therefore said “publication” was nothing more than propaganda-advocacy for an agenda. He should work for MSM-Government. No different than reading the corporate “news”letter. In essense, it was a daily wastebook posting to further a certain agenda for “strategic purposes”, that is revenue enhancement for select individuals.
You can’t make this up…and I’m not. I just got home from a quick dinner and turned on the radio to catch the news. The VERY FIRST STORY is about a “dr” named Roy De Francis who STOLE A VIAL OF COVID 19 VACCINE FROM A CLINIC! Now I don’t know if there is another “dr” by that name around here but there SURE IS A PODIATRIST with that name and the age (mid 70’s) is about right! I mean, IF this is the same guy, (my guess is 95% it is) he’s not even allowed to give a vaccinations?… Read more »
Hours of operation appear to be full time working multiple foot clinics, 40-50hrs+ weekly, age mid 70s.
That is crazy. ALso, parading around w/ “MD” license plates when just a foot tech?!! If that really happened, what a joker. Agree, must have some in, or special treatment. Enhanced pody like enhanced interrogation techniques!!
I can assure you the MD plates thing is TRUE, and the age is true, and it was a clinic he STOLE from. Do you think the LIFER LIARS would defend YOU or cry to have your license yanked? Unless you’re a podiatric politician or part of their cult they would let you rot. Podiatric Politicians are (like most politicians) SELF SERVING, NARCISISTS.
Yeah you’re graduating. Suckered students with dilute doctorates acting as space occupiers for 3 years so Apprenticeship & Hospital Directors MAKE MONEY FROM THE GOVERNMENT OFF OF YOU. Otherwise YOU HAVE NO PURPOSE IN A HOSPITAL except to “act like a nurse” in a clinic of nails and ulcers. Graduating apprentices: The world is about to hit you “upside the head”. Now you have to scratch for customers and those Clubfooted, diabetic, Charcot, ankle fractured feet WILL NOT BE IN YOUR WAITING ROOM. Put that ad and coupon in the paper and GLADLY take the 60 plus nail patient in… Read more »
That’s a great qsn Robert-what precisely does a Dp wtf stand for other than a car salesman waiting for a sucker to get tangled in their web. The ONLY thing they “advocate” for are their bank accounts.
The difference is nurses are able to tx systemically.
Yes in podiatry live seminars back. Important for cash flow…
Serious qsn: Why do “grown” pods get so animated-worked up over flip flops? What was it abt flip flops that triggered them so much?
Why? You can learn at home, in a cafe, in the park, etc..why travel to and from to Asstown, spend thousands to stay at some shitty corporate chain hotel with thin walls,sex noises from folks in the adjacent room, then schlep downstairs in a marijuana filled elevator to listen to some badly aging simp Dp wtf drone on about fungal nails, bunionologies and or various ways to up code. No bleeping thx.
But bring Dr. Nocandoo FREE donuts and PIZZA for lunch. Is he still playing the guitar ? Bodybuilding ?
Flying his model helicopters ? Kissing Patrick DeHeer’s ass. Stopped writing for Podiatry Day when he was ganged up on. Still specializing in the pediatric foot and occasional ankle ? Sure he is. Just Like Louis DeCaro.
Why waste your hard earned money for useless seminars. There are 4 types of lectures at these seminars. 1) rehash of Chiropody. 2) lectures about procedures you will never do or are by law not allowed to do. 3) infomercials. 4) lectures by blowhards with an alphabet of bullshit after their names.
Save your money and get the oil changed on your leased Lexus.
From the evolution of podiatrical foot “surgery ” college thing. The footy surgery klub task farce chose parody as its focus for 2007 summer retreat. It also established a parody task farce with the national footsy ASSociation. Parody remained a watchword at the footsy college surgery meetings with incoming presidunce of a beantown limb salvations klub. Another proud member of the diabetic foot mafia yet couldn’t cut his way out of a paper bag. Low pitched stated the curriculum of podiatrickal medical “school” was equivalent to MD medical schools (cue: hysterical laughter). Contrary to the detractors, we are much closer… Read more »
The conferences are SO BORING and Non PRACTICAL (most STATE scopes preclude the fancy procedures the same couple of pods lecture on). It’s gotten so bad and boring that attendance has to be taken at various times during, or at the end, to KEEP AN AUDIENCE. Don’t you love it when the last lecture is on padding or biomechquactics? Yeah, I want to stay till 7 Pm to hear about DR. JILL’S FOOT PADS or a new way to measure for orthotic-quactics. Or, what about the orthopedic surgeon wanna bees. You know the VERY FEW taught in the military or… Read more »
In my home state they take attendance because big shot Apma official faked sign in and boasted about it! Then state found out suspended license …
Styubly, most likely theater for a “suspension”. It is for a press release to warn the lackees and other dolts, better not do a fakeroo, or try to pull something, etc…All to keep the normies in line.
If people wanna pay for this dreck, let em. It’s like paying your abuser.
It was a show…abt nothing. They’re sitting on ~14M in their coffers-got to show their idiot constituents their dues monies and fees they paid for all this time. Same old topics, “surgeon” yammer, (never that p word), yet lots of marketing, showmanshit