Podiatry Posts



We have been reading about this collaboration between podiatry and medicine to allow podiatry students to take the national examination to get an M.D. degree. 

Everyone has been worried that the podiatry schools will have to change the courses. Turns out this is not true. The M.D.’s were so impressed with Ira Krause, D.P.M. 

and Jeffrey DiSantis, D.P.M they changed the test to be more podiatry friendly. 

The Podiatry Post actually obtained sample questions from their newly revised test. In the future, forget Grey’s anatomy. PM News and PM Magazine will be the new standard.

A 46 year old female returns from a two week trip to Nigeria. She suffers from SOB, nocturnal diaphoresis, cough, hemoptysis. She has a temperature of 99.6. What is the most likely diagnosis ?

A. Tuberculosis

B. Pneumonia

C. Forefoot varus

D. Multiple myeloma

E. Aspergillosis

Answer: C. Forefoot varus.

Explanation: Pronation causes the foot muscles to work harder. This will increase cardiac and pulmonary workload and strain the lungs. A Cluffy wedge may be helpful together with orthotics.

A 67 year old male presents with a two month history of progressive headaches, diplopia, nausea. What testing is most appropriate ?

A. CT scan of the head

B. MRI of the brain

C. Spinal cord tap

D. Cervical spine radiographs

E. Calcaneal axial radiographs.

Answer: E. Calcaneal axial radiographs

Explanation: You are still a foot doctor and cannot order the other tests. He may have a tarsal coalition which you cannot see with the other tests. If not you still get paid for the x-rays.

A 22 year old male presents with epigastric burning pain, worsened with recumbency. The pain occurred after eating spicy foods. What medication is most appropriate for initial therapy ?

A. H2 inhibitor

B. Antacid

C. Avoid spicy foods

D. Formula 3

E. A and C

Answer: D. Formula 3

Explanation: You can sell Formula 3 for a $7. profit !

A 43 year old female has diplopia, bilateral drop foot, bilateral lower extremity paresthesia, ataxia. Which disorder should be considered ?

A. Multiple sclerosis

B. Guiliana-Barre

C. Gastrocnemius equinus

D. Intracranial neoplasm

E. Poorly fitting orthotics

Answer: C. Gastrocnemius equinus ( McGlamery – DeHeer syndrome )

Explanation: Everyone has an equinus, don’t they ? This was a trick question. Poorly fitting orthotics means that you can sell the patient new orthotics. 

If that does not work you can do a gastrocnemius recession surgery. The real answer is E then C.

Well, how did you do ?  Ready for that M.D. degree yet ?  I know I am.

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alan Stein
Podiatry is DOA

USMLE? WOW, APMA IS PULING OUT ALL STOPS, SHOWS HOW DESPERATE THEY ARE TO KEEP MEMBERS. Podiatry is….well Podiatry, always will be, no way are DPMs equal to MDs/DOs, and you can throw in NPs and PAs. NO full license? No income in the future.


What about the sardonic smiling bald fake “md”-maybe he could take the USMLE and prove all the “haters” wrong?

robert bijak
robert bijak

He has no license, so he either didn’t take them or FLUNKED THEM. Do you really think someone with an MD would just stop and fall back on his wtf certificate instead of was an MD? NO way! So much and so many in Podiatry are just plain LIARS, ILLUSIONISTS, AND DELUSIONISTS. There is a definite mental derangement within the podiatry trade.

Subshop Fraudmont
Subshop Fraudmont

IT was an honorary ‘research’ ‘degree’ from brexshit. db foot mafia klick


How can one clip for 40years+ ? Work “really hard”, rewarded with more work, rinse, lather, repeat. Don’t they get burn out?

alan Stein
Waving bye-bye to Podiatry

This USMLE thing will expose that the APMA is full of it and has no idea what they are doing. It will be known as the stunt that killed Podiatry.


Good, nothing like pants down honesty. ANything that helps with the decline is great

robert bijak
robert bijak

It’s been long said that podiatry is it’s OWN WORST ENEMEY. More specifically and accurately, it’s the APMA that is podiatry’s enemy! THE ENEMY IS IN THE HOUSE! How clever and devious the podiatry crooks are. Pretending, ostensibly, to protect podiatry, the APMA is deviously keeping it under IT’S control. Very devious. Very dirty. Just like they do it in NYC, the home of the original podiatry con.


I went to one boomer Pod who was on verge of retiring after 40years but need some help. There are few jobs after residency so you can’t be choosy. You have to eat and sleep somewhere. And I will not live at home like so many others. The boomer Pod wanted to give me 32 bucks an hour for a maximum of 20 hours a week with only 4 hour shifts of c and c. After taxes it comes to around 23 bucks an hour. They said they would only give me 4 hour shifts because the work would be… Read more »


Welcome to podiatry-f up world


Don’t be embarrassed the schools said were real doctors with real earnings….

robert bijak
robert bijak

……and the CON COMES HOME!. What have we been WARNING you for all these years! Getting this student site readers. We told you we’re telling the truth about podiatry here. We have no $$ in the game like Barry Block the misleader or the APMA who wants your money every year, the quack schools which got you for 4 years and the apprenticeship that split your money between the hospital and the apprenticeship director. Go ahead, compare your “dr” to an MD now. You’re NOT “JUST LIKE” ARE YOUR? ANY MD specialty does better because they’re actually doctors. YOU were… Read more »

F Podiatry
F Podiatry

Thanks F! This student of podiatry states we have “some education, training and expertise “. Sure that’s why a podiatrist what’s to know if can bill deceased hardware removal!??!!


Sorry same education

Twenty Million Dollars
Twenty Million Dollars

Robert–we need to keep pressure on the shrimp why he omitted the vaccine stealer thief from that mismanagement site. He has NO problem posting other podiatrist fuck ups and criminal activities. Why not this person? Is that not a form of censorship, filtering, etc…That fake smile sleazy used car dealer face makes us puke

robert bijak
robert bijak

The shrimpster is in cahoots with podiatric politics. It’s one clique. One cult of similar thinkers and they protect each other and their fiefdom. Roy De Francis was president of the NY foot Technicians and as such is deep in the secret society. Anyone else who stole a controlled substance and was arrested would have lost their license at least. Some JAILED. I strongly suspect the fix and whisper was in to “protect the cult” at any cost. Such a large MUG SHOT. Such a high ranking politician SHOULD HAVE BEEN PUBLICALLY EXPOSED. Of course that would hurt PPAC PLEAS… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

The shrimp, Barry Block, is so into money he just doesn’t care. He wants a casket full of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. He thinks he can start a BUSINESS in the after life.

Reality......It's Traumatic
Reality......It's Traumatic

“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations.”
― George Orwell


A question to ponder:

If a licensed cessna pilot took a 777/747written exam and passed, would you feel comfortable with them flying you and your family around?

robert bijak
robert bijak

Point made well legit


Or a person who reads dermatology books and does dermatoscopic exams. They read a few books on the subject, attended some classes etc. and think they’re knowledgeble or justa likes. Or forensics, radiology, pediatrics…the world is your foot oyster Dp wtfs.

Or, Maybe get a lounger chair, and watch planes take off and land, then you too can be a “pilot” and fly planes.

robert bijak
robert bijak

foot oyster. Good one


Come on. the unknown triad “DPM” thing is like a naturopath D, or a DC….”doctors” “medical school”…how about Clown School? Join Ringling Bros.

alan Stein
Waving bye-bye to Podiatry

Common guys, get with the program, who ever said….”Just copy what MDs do and we will get students” and it worked. Now we are Podiatric Medical students who go to Podiatric Medical School, we have a white coat ceremony, we have a match for residency, we do 3 year residencies etc etc. and now >>>> USMLE. How did Podiatry get away with this blatant medical copying but not being medical? Easy, NO one cared, too small and insignificant profession but now they just went overboard with the USMLE thing and this will sink this non-physician limited license profession.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Doesn’t Barry Block copy ads and doesn’t Leonard Levy copy MD articles. Does podiatry do anything original except shoe inserts? (oops, they don’t even do that, GOOD FEET stores, etc.) If you really knew podiatry before you went into podiatry you probably wouldn’t go into podiatry.


Many Dp wtfs were slick. They knew what to say, and how to say it. Or not say anything. They were fake as a 3 dollar bill. Their main “job” was to keep the facade up and the $ rolling in. Empty platitudes like : Thank for your “service”, pictures of clueless smiling trainees (pigs to the slaughter), constant pictures of womyn with various colorations,/phenotypes, black pods, mexican pods, oriental pods, young podies, old podies, in between podies, etc.. To Dp wtfs, these people were nothing more than various markets to sell their goods, adverts, and wares to-it’s trendy, a… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

You know, I’m sure at least SOME students read here. To them, don’t you see the warnings? I know you’re into it and it’s hard to get out BUT GET OUT! Go to the Carib unless you’re one of those legacy sons from a pod father or just want a “nice little business”. For the rest of you GO TO THE CARIB.!

Reality......It's Traumatic
Reality......It's Traumatic

Sartre stated, “If there is no God, everything is permitted.” which could be postmodernly updated to read, “If there is no God, everything is equivalent.” Podiatricians are adrift on a sea of meaninglessness. Hamster wheeling into oblivion. They MUST make up nonsense to act relevant and continue paying their endless debts.

Though, still amazed, like a cockroach, how podupetry could endure very long based on a foundation of lies. It’s an anomaly worth examining.

robert bijak
robert bijak

There is no God in BUSINESS! Doesn’t this explain a lot of podiatry? Can you imagine MD blogs talking about these subjects?!! Can’t you see how far podiatry is from medicine and honor?

robert bijak
robert bijak

Yes “f”. Podiatry walks in the shadow and foot prints of MD’s copying their terminology with a slight twist. Close enough to confound all but the most diligent. It would take a world renown forensic podiatrist like Nierenberg to see the podiatric foot prints inside the MD ones. Podiatry keeps a sneaky profile. APMA VS. AMA. APMLE VS. USMLE. CPME “RESIDENCY” VS. ACGME RESIDENCY, PODIATRIC PHYSICIAN VS. PHYSICIAN. You can add the rest, I need to wretch.

F Podiatry
F Podiatry

It’s intentionally misleading.

alan Stein
Podiatric Reality bites

Enough of this USMLE crap and enough of this fragmented and splintered profession with its 16 boards and organizations. No one needs a Podiatrist. plenty of other healthcare providers can do foot and ankle care. 7 years for a limited license with decreased reimbursement? Only a select few will do it and its those select few that have a GPA of about 3.15 and IQ around 80 and will think they are surgeons in a medical field with a student debt they can not repay.

alan Stein
USML what?

NO way will a Pod student ever pass the USMLE exam or how about no Pod student will even be allowed to take the USMLE exam. The Pod residencies ACGME approved? Never will happen unless ACGME counts running around the hospital trying to find a surgical case as a rotation. The Pod schools are excellent at BSing the students, then the APMA takes over once you graduate with their BS. Solo Podiatry practice is DEAD. Reimbursements sinking and all APMA wants you to think is that…..we will take the USMLE soon and will be called physicians. The disinformation from APMA… Read more »


The disinformation from APMA and CPME and ACFAS is better than CNN and their narratives. CNN, BBC, NYT, South China Morning Compost, The Young Turds, Washington Compost, etc. all biased, false narrative bullshit. Propaganda, Fake, corporate-owned, agenda “news” like BM “news”. Operation Mockingbird type swill to manufacture CONsent.

All the “news” that fits our views. Advocates for a certain agenda as “news”. Did the barrister midget ever work for these fake “news” corporations-he’d fit right in!

robert bijak
robert bijak

Block work? Only if you consider SELLING ADS and banning and censoring work.


You mention little or no students passing. How about big shot Apma board directors they need take it !

robert bijak
robert bijak

Now that would be revealing!

robert bijak
robert bijak

GEE “USML”, Podiatry sounds like a crooked, fraudulent, lying profession to me! How naïve I was when I THOUGHT podiatry was really an accepted part of medicine. I never imagined “doctors” would lie to potential students but boy they laid it on me, and yes, “the MD in 10 years” lie was a hook used way back then too. I remember “dr” RUBENSTEIN AND BRACHMAN laying it on. I assumed they were honest men. I didn’t know they were salesmen running a foot school franchise. That is, they never said podiatrists are only recognized as helper-handmaidens like PT’s and nurses… Read more »


Yet, Shylock “publishes” other podies misdeeds. Where’s dumbfrancis?

alan Stein
ICPM = Scholl, LOL

Sounds like you went to ICPM…I am a 1980 grad and the BS they threw at us then was amazing, we soon will be with Loyola Med, we will have MD degrees soon. Meanwhile Our instructors were (was) Bariether for anatomy, histology , embryology, neuroanatomy, he really ran the school and the students sucked up to him, if only we knew that he had no formal teaching experience, had no idea about Podiatry, yet made curriculum decisions and made lots of $$$$$ and became associate dean, only in Podville would that happen. He lied with the whole crew there at… Read more »

Dumber than Dingle Barry
Dumber than Dingle Barry

what happened to bar__ and other deans there?

robert bijak
robert bijak

I “graduated” ICPM ’76. Close enough to have been in same bldg with same promises. Was Rubenstein and Brachman there? They sold me a bill of goods and talked me out of going to the Ohio franchise touting the “new bldg” Northwestern professors etc.. Like most there was a lot of busy work the first 2 years. By then you were too far invested to realize the clinics were toenail quack clinics and the senior year was trying to see a minority into some procedure (even a P&A was rare). I guess the sales experience was prescient to what everyday… Read more »

days of wine and hoses
days of wine and hoses

What happened to all those porkjects? 2015, 2000, etc……nothing. Any comments Dan since you appear to champion dmps taking the MD licensing exam even though podiatry students and practitioners are dumber than stale dog shit.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Gold toed Hoof’s are what the sick shrimp is into today. This ill 70+ yo can’t stop thinking about shoes. I wonder if has sought psychiatric care yet. Somehow does he and his cult of lifers think abnormal shoe pictures make podiatry become closer to medicine. Or, are they PURPOSELY keeping podiatry distant from medicine so they can retain their moneymaking businesses that sophisticated MD’s would have them institutionalized for? Just for filler, and to keep money in his bank account, Block prints this nonsense today. A couple of guys post their LINKDIN info.. Not very medical seeing ANYONE can… Read more »

do you trust ur podiatrust
do you trust ur podiatrust

mr lee vee the 4:00P supper special today is: bland chicken breast, goober’s peas, mashed potatoes, and a nice banana puree. Then beddy bye time at 7:30P.

alan Stein
USML what?

you forgot to chop up the chicken breast

robert bijak
robert bijak

He thinks if he quotes enough MD journals someone might award him an “honorary MD”. How did those years working FOR an osteopathic school work out? Did they give you a D.O.? Naw, dpm is still 2 steps below a dentist.

Thanh Dum
Thanh Dum

The interloper/carpet bagger did the osteopathetic thing and it did NOTHING to substantively progress podiatrics. It likely substantively progressed wallet


In his mid 70s and presenting silly shoe pictures. There’s something way off. Roberto think you’re right about him PURPOSELY making podiatry a joke and far away from medicine so as to financially profiteer off of tom foolery

robert bijak
robert bijak

Yup the cover is coming off the con.

Thanh Dum
Thanh Dum

P-USMLE Test: A patient you operated on with ex fix, hardware, etc. passes away a few weeks later to an unrelated chronic condition. The decedent’s family wants the ex fix removed. You should consider all the following EXCEPT: A. Remove the hardware gratis, and present apologies to family/family during this difficult time. B. Solicit the decedent’s family who may need nail trimming services to help make up for lost revenue due to 1 less customer. C. Ask how much to charge the dead customer’s family D. See what type of autopsy money codes may be pertinent to the ex fix… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

Nice summary indicating that podiatry is a slimy business interested in money primarily. Right out of a NY City slum.

Hallux Guy
Hallux Guy

Paul Kesselman will answer the foolish question.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Kesselman is so into shoes, selling shoes, and coding for shoes. Does anyone know if He or a family member actually OWNS A SHOE STORE. It’s obvious from his history that his expertise is in billing not medicine? Feet and shoes. A FAMILY business.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Oh, how Barry Block protects his income. One sided rainbow butterfly pictures of a sinking trade. Trying to sound good a Rochester Pod is a big deal doing MINIMALLY invasive procedures. I guess that leaves the BIG SURGERIES to the real MD doctors. If Podiatry took a shit on Block’s shoe (of the day) BLOCK would find something + like it was a perfect “elimination”. Military pods are lauded but they mainly learned from MD orthopods and the military regs are pretty loose in a pinch if you’re a DOCTOR or not. Lots of medics can do what pods do.… Read more »


if Podiatry took a shit on Block’s shoe (of the day) BLOCK would find something + like it was a perfect “elimination”.

LOL. Nice Roberto. That’s precisely what shlock would do, find a “positive” ( sell advertizing through footology and profiteer) in something disgusting.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Interesting, “hard to pass”. If anyone could take the test and they pass, it does seem like they should be allowed to “move on” to be accessed on the practical application. Just wondering. When was it LEGISLATED(?) that one need to attend a school to be allowed to take the exam?! Did the SCHOOLS make this rule to protect themselves and their business? HMM?! I wonder if there’s a legal challenge here? It does seem to be a matter of tradition and precedent BUT who allowed the necessity to be schooled first? I guess if a test has value as… Read more »

Very hard to pass exam
Very hard to pass exam

My opinions:
If anyone wants to take the USMLE they should be allowed to. If they actually pass, then there should be some path available to obtain a license to practice under supervision. If supervised, and deemed successful, a license to practice medicine should be granted.

Mr Simp
Mr Simp

Is that Danny? Sounds like it

Twenty Million Dollars
Twenty Million Dollars

If this, then that. Simply passing a USMLE doesn’t bestow medical acumen. Most podiatry students could not find their way out of a paper bag with a map and a flashlight. Would you trust the mental midget? How about orange suit krotch?

Very hard to pass exam
Very hard to pass exam

“Simply passing a USMLE exam”
This is not a simple exam.
Medical acumen is required to pass a difficult exam. Perhaps many older MD s would not pass a current USMLE exam.

Twenty Million Dollars
Twenty Million Dollars

Appears to be Danny Boy-did not state it ‘s a “simple exam”–stated “simply passing an exam doesn’t bestow medical acumen”. Podies were stupid and liked being lied to. EVEN IF they pass, so what? This is more keep hope alive BS to keep dues rolling in, donat They still have NO real ACGME residency, nor real ABMS board certification. If there was (a huge IF) to go to a real residency post passing USMLEs—-very few dp wtfs would stay in podlietry. Maybe ask the foot ASSociations that you love so much (and continue to financially support)-why the “degree” is unknown… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

Oh yeah, That’s Dan Chaskin. His favorite line is to compare “old” and “new” practitioners and a current exam. BTW DAN. In medicine there’s at least 2 types of acumen. Book and practical. One can pass the “book” exam but not know how to intubate do a cut down” or do a tracheotomy. As has been cited by other posters passing the USMLE is possible because its THEORETICAL BASCI SCIENCE. Taking part II&III requires actual hands on experience. Podiatry DIES after the second year in quack school. That’s where MD students start reading ECG’s and podiatry students go to the… Read more »

Eddy Mex

Maybe, then again maybe not. I suppose folks who’ve maintained monumental CMEs, through intense study would be among those who could. But, why, if you’ve been an MD for decades and many of the nuanced things that were learned still rattle around in the critical thinking processes. I wouldn’t want to do those tests again—Why? Because there’s no interest. MOC was a big deal a few years ago, and I quit paying ridiculous fees to refresh old material. The biggest insurance brokers in the US—the AMA. There are MDs who are dumber than dirt on a parched Springerville summer day.… Read more »


Podiatry reaches new lows! ( if that’s possible).A former Apma president what’s to know if you can bill on dead person removal of external fixator!


I wonder if the idiot booked OR time for removal of the hardware. Typical podiatry lifer. Like doing bunion surgery on a hospice patient.

robert bijak
robert bijak

ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING SPEAKS LOUDER PROVING THAT PODIATIST ARE CROOKS AND QUACKS THAN MICHEAL KING OF TENESSEE WANTING TO BILL A DEAD MAN! Apparently he put a fixator on after a surgery and the patient died with it on. I have a couple of questions about that but no one else seems curious. The family wants the fixator off in the coffin. See Block, you can’t take it with you. KING WANTS THE CODE FOR REMOVING THE FIXATOR FROM THE DEAD MAN! Is this King related to the King who was an APMA PRESIDENT? The NY past president was arrested for… Read more »

Thanh Dum
Thanh Dum

Billing a dead man for fixator removal. Wow. Just bleeping wow.

Eddy Mex

They didn’t teach coding, but if someone dies on the table billing and coding go out the window on account the estate/heirs will consider finding a way to sue for negligence, error. A lotta guys write it off and the hospital does the dirty work. When you rap with the family waiting is a calm, compassionate sit-down), and a few “we did all we could.” There are some docs who bill up front (especially terminal patients), or those who don’t take insurance-period.

Twenty Million Dollars
Twenty Million Dollars

Real doctor Eddy, the patient did not die on the OR table. The patient died after surgery with the hardware externally exposed due to some podiatrical theatrical operative nonsense. The family wants the ex fix/ex lax whatever removed before the casket viewing/and/or burial. The DP WTF schmuck is looking on what code to bill the decedent’s family. Is that a scumbag or what? Always about $. Hu$tlers. How about doing a Mitzvah you fucking schmuck you. You DP wtf you.

Hallux Guy
Hallux Guy

Mike King would not know from doing a mitzvah.

Mr Simp
Mr Simp

Appears to be former ASSociation prez billing the decedent. Excellent, very podiatrick

alan Stein
Truth in Podiatry is Lacking

Which of the following Podiatric Specialties really exists as a full time practice?
A. Pediatric Podiatry
B. Sports Medicine Podiatry
C. Lower extremity reconstruction
D. Wound Care Podiatry
E. Nail Cutting, callous reduction, orthotics, and some HDS/ Bunion surgery

robert bijak
robert bijak

To mentally ill lifers, politicians and quack school faculties and Barry Block the ans. are: a,b,c,d. To normal realists ONLY ANS E IS THE FULL COMPREHENSIVE CORRECT ANS..

alan Stein
Real Life Explanation

Good Day Doctors ! I was asked to post on this site for the following reason, I spent 2 years at a college of Podiatry ( no need to say which one) and took part one podiatry boards, I then got accepted to St Georges Med School in Grenada. I took USMLE Step 1. THERE IS NO WAY ON THIS EARTH THAT THE TWO TESTS ARE COMPARABLE. Plus, how will Podiatry residents ever pass USMLE step 3 with no clinical medicine knowledge. Hence why I left Podiatry, too much BS and I was not of the mind frame to buy… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

Most impressed, “real life”. You made the right decision and are a real doctor with no pretense. Continue reminding foot technicians the BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MEDICINE AND PODIATRY. As a resident in Pediatrics will you be prescribing ‘KIDDY THOTICS” for your sick children? Podiatry is a quack profession compared to medicine isn’t it? Would love to hear how Grenada can get rotations in the US and the quack franchises CANT! Also, any info on courses, study loads, and experience would be informative. You have the unique vantage point of pod and MD and hold the weight of veracity, something rare… Read more »


Thanks and all best to you! Smart!

F podiatry
F podiatry

But but but they call them APMLEs it sounds like USMLEs,….. you mean they’re different…. no friggin way!!! Just kidding. Good luck and f podiatry -it’s a fraud


When does this farce end. Foot techs now spend an additional 3 years before they need permission to cut toenails. This is what is mostly done. It is one of the most used Medicare codes. Ankle reconstruction is no where to be found. You spend your day in your nail salon and you think you are “equal ” to a MD. Exactly, who are you kidding. The initial people who take these tests, should be Trepal, Levy, our ID specialist, Pinkus and of course old man Weiss to name a few. When they get wiped out by this test, no… Read more »

Reality......It's Traumatic
Reality......It's Traumatic

The farce will not end. That’s the beauty of it.

Dingle Barry
Dingle Barry

Mr archer: “When does this farce end.”
How will the farce end?


It ends with mass failure on students taking of USLM! I guess podiatry should be careful what it asks for…

robert bijak
robert bijak

USMLE’S?? Yeah Right? Pods are talking about SUPER SHOES and the FORE foot. A podiatrist, McGuire, who’s a PHYSICAL THERAPIST talks about OVER THE COUNTER anti fungals. I’ll be his PT knowledge was far superior than his wtf knowledge USMLE? IVAR ROTH A CULT BUDDY OF BLOCK says use a HAIR DRYER TO DRY YOUR FEE.T ITS FASTER! But he warns don’t use it if you diabetic. Gee, can I use it in the shower IVAR? Look at Roth’s picture: To me it’s CON MAN with a con man sneer. How can you name the blood supply to the mesentery… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

LOCAL NEWS STORY: Child had “lump on his foot”. Eventually an MD saw him. Turned out to be a SARCOMA. MD’s amputated a toe but disease had already spread to all lymph nodes. Chemo 3 times/wk. POINT: Don’t fk around. Serious sht can happen. Proper Imaging, quick action, and still dicey. No one said if a wtf saw the kid first but I suspect, if so, it would have been a LOOOONG time b4 a referral was made. The pod would have stuck a needle in there thinking it was a cyst maybe blamed his pronation for rotating the foot… Read more »

Ronny Nocandoo
Ronny Nocandoo

Dear Guest The DPM real USMLE exam question—–Had to be revised given PC censoring dictatorshit:

What makes a Lub-Dub sound?
A. The Black man
B. the white man
C. An undocumented Latino/Hispanic/Chicano/Latinx.
D. A DPM having a different way of speaking.
E. The loop around the nose ring
F. The DPM banging her office manager against her desk in her private office after hours.

Eddy Mex

Lub happens when the mitral and tricuspid valves close. The next sound – dub happens when the aortic and pulmonary valves close after the blood has been squeezed out of the heart. pH of blood in the arteries should be between 7.35 and 7.45 for the body’s metabolic processes and other systems to work well. as produce acids, so the body has a complex system of feedback and regulation to maintain healthy pH levels Most acid made in the body is carbonic acid. This forms when carbon dioxide combines with water. Carbon dioxide occurs within the tissues of the body… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

Neah! If we wanted medicine we would have gone to medical school. Podiatry is the best kept secret and every MD wishes he’d have heard of podiatry first. You’re just a malcontent loser. I love podiatry

Twenty Million Dollars
Twenty Million Dollars

What is a common cause of priapism?

A. Looking at funny shoe pictures
B. Placing a foot in one’s crotch during a toe nail trimming.
C. Sickle cell anemia
D. Presenting a bunion case at a podiatrick surgery CONference.
E. Seeing Shylock’s empty / sad eyes

robert bijak
robert bijak


Twenty Million Dollars
Twenty Million Dollars

LOL Robert

alan Stein
The DPM real USMLE exam question

What makes a Lub-Dub sound?
A. The Liver
B. The anus
C. A DPM stuttering
D. The loop of Henle
E. The DPM banging his office manager against his desk in his private office after hours.

Septic Tank Stank
Septic Tank Stank

On a sunday afternoon as a residunce at Rectoville hospital, had to get some coban tape from the clinic. Heard some heavy breathing noises and moans through a closed clinic exam room. Heard the ritter chair moving up and down noises too. Well, it appears that one of the obese MAs and a dp wtf residunce was having a little afternoon delight. Now that’s definitely a me too!

alan Stein

A patient presents with an ingrown toe nail left Hallux, medial border. How many CPT codes can this generate?
A. One
B. Three
C. Five
D. Seven
E. Depends on patient’s insurance but ill get as many as I can.

alan Stein
DPM does not equal MD, PA, NP

This move will kill Podiatry. The have tried their other Bullcrap programs, project 2000. vision 2015 and now the USMLE is coming ( maybe). By exposing that DPMs are not physicians and that DPMs do not take medical licensing exams it puts Podiatry right where it belongs, limited license, non -physician healthcare providers. Its a mistake to promote Podiatry as a surgical specialty yet at the same time telling potential students you can specialize in what ever you want. This is a path to bankruptcy and with the elimination of CPT codes in the near future, the Podiatry profession cant… Read more »

Dumber than Dingle Barry
Dumber than Dingle Barry

Or many dp wtfs being employees/lackeys for some health corporation. Get a regular paycheck, they own your soul and you make a little bit more than high school teacher or cop (without the real pension).

robert bijak
robert bijak

That’s why podiatrists work into their 70’s or die before then.

Dingle Barry
Dingle Barry

Yup-it’s insane how anyone could work that long–~65yo you only have roughly 7-10 years of pretty good life left before the shit starts hitting the fan. Live life, forget dietry. Heck, folks croak in their 40s and 50s, life’s short.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Yeah dingle I’m there, and I regret the waste.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Dumb podiatry got snookered by sharp MD’s who put out USMLE bait and podiatry bit and hooked itself.

Greg the bunion slayer
Greg Ladavotich

“This move will kill Podiatry”. Really? Podiatry is already DOA. Just ask the CRNPs and the PAs. It’s all about money. I had to get stitches a few weeks back and was tx’ed by a PA. She was very nice, but during my txment the discussion about my problem and other related questions I ascertained that the PA education model was based on algorithms and lists. This conclusion was based on some of my questions, which were more or less responded to “I would have to review my ‘lists’ of recommended tx”. This of course is my personal experience and… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

Well Greg, those algorithms and list of recommended treatments seem to be good enough for the State Legislators to grant a full license. I wish the podiatry quack schools would be that incompetent.

alan Stein
White coat Syndrome

Dear AMA, I went to the Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine. I am a physician because my Dean told me we are, you know, the dean who never practiced in her life, the dean who went to some small Florida Pod school. I find it offensive that you want us to take the USMLE exams. Will you take our biomechanics exam? Will you sit in clinic with 8 other students and see no patients and pay big bucks in tuition dollars? This all takes skill. A 10 blade is not for everyone ! Thank you Class president of Scholl college… Read more »

Greg the bunion slayer
Greg Ladavotich

You’re right. A #10 blade isn’t for everyone, but a 312, 13, 14, and 81 are good enough for the poddies. By the way, when I was a stupdent 30+ yrs ago the clinics were the same… dumbasses. If you are truly an ass-kisser, you will have your comeuppence…

alan Stein
Feet only Doctor

Wait a minute…I thought DPMs were physicians, I see their pictures and they all have a stethoscope around their necks LOL !!!!

robert bijak
robert bijak

Those aren’t stethoscopes, they’re NOOSES.


And they wear lab coats with the title “dr” on them, rarely the DP thing. They claim they’re “surgeons” too. LOL

robert bijak
robert bijak


Septic Tank Stank
Septic Tank Stank

So you’re a foot dentist and bunions are your cavities?

alan Stein
DPM who knows BS when he sees it

Stop this USMLE insanity. This is a PR stunt, to get the low “C” average college students to apply to Podiatry school. Dont you love how the Pod schools and APMA and ACFAS like to say they went to MED SCHOOL….LOL. delusional at best. This will never happen, the Pod schools have the poorest 4th year rotations at hospitals, they lose rotations every year. The basic sciences is not integrated to USMLE style test taking and then USMLE step 3 is all clinical medicine, where do you get that training in an un-approved ACGME pod residency. Podiatry has ben in… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

Hey kids, listen to these guys. This is true podiatry and the true state of podiatry. We’re not here because we’re losers or malcontents. We’re here because WE WERE LIED TO, had our money stolen, and we’re being bad mouthed. WE WANT PAY BACK AND RECTIFICATION. Make podiatry great or get rid of it. It’s a FRAUD AS IS. I know you don’t want to believe us and the Barry Blocks and other offer a SEDUCTIVE SECOND CHANCE BUT IT’S A LIE. WITOUT A WHOLESALE CURRICULUM AND PHILOSOPHY CHANGE PODIATY WILL REMAIN AN ANCILLARY HELPER TRADE WITH A DILUTE DOCTORATE.… Read more »

Greg the bunion slayer
Greg Ladavotich

Podiatry will never be great with mediocre people. It’s time to pull the plug. Long live podiatry.

Reality......It's Traumatic
Reality......It's Traumatic

You’re preaching to the choir R. 98.7% of dp wtfs were brainwashed, and/or eagerly and voluntarily participated in the bs. Debts and payments are great controls of the hamster society. Enslaved. They want what podupetry was offering. It was consensual sex, not rape. The wool was NOT being pulled over their eyes—the wool WAS their eyes. They were not forced into podiatry, they willingly chose it, to stay in it, happily participate in it, etc… It was their religion. A cult. Pay your fees, dues, time, etc…to your protectors, masters, leaders, famers, etc…Go to their clubs, societies, smile alot, clap,… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak



Robert asks an interesting qsn.

Was podiatry a cult?. A bunch of ‘religious zealots’ who’s God was the foot? Anything that was against the foot orthodoxy was banished/ostracized by the group thinkers and hive minders. Those who did not vigorously defend footology were ‘cancelled’ because that person insulted their “God”-the foot. Anything that rebuked the foot lust was met with vitriolic remarks and Dpwtfs going uncorked? Remember-you only catch flak when you’re over the target.

Perhaps, that’s why Robert was banned from the propaganda site? Gotta a bit too close to the bone.


How many podiatrists in practice could pass this?


Also would podiatry management be a study guide?

Thanh Dum
Thanh Dum

If the examination includes pictures of outagggggeous shoes and ways to bilk, mean bill, then yes.


As far as the questions in Cecil’s dermatology, I did pretty well. But I got one question wrong. But I aced the self assessment in another dermoscopy text. The problem is that general medicine has so many other topics. I believe one has to spend years studying each section in order to do well.
There is also so much more to learn.

Eddy Mex

Self-Assessment tests are linear—often multiple choice. USMLE/FLEX/ECFMG build on previous questions. In another post used blood gases, acidosis/alkalosis, heart sounds, lung sounds, comorbidities, etc. in another post questions comes up, maybe a paragraph long referring to that patient, heart/lung sounds/physical findings—A cascade of questions follow. There are a whole lot of topics including but not limited to the questions asked. Tying to put together a puzzle with morsels of information (ie blood chemistries), response to meds and the environment they’re targeted to reach, or an anatomic structure—Nope, wts are dangling a carrot that’s gone stale. The same questions are often… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

EDDY the problem is that most podiatrists were never exposed to REAL FULL MEDICAL EDUCATION ergo they don’t know what they don’t know. They think medicine is pronation fascitis and a cortisone injection and scraping an ulcer. They never got more complex than that. That’s why the “just Like” lie continues. Continue schooling us on what REAL DOCTORS KNOW AND DO because the quack franchises sure won’t. They have to protect their investment, which is, running a trade school for future foot technicians.


Why do pay your abuser?


You had a tough day in the strip mall sales (podiatry) office. What would you most likely do when you get home?

A. Read JAMA/NEJM/Annals
B. Conduct background research for your laboratory
C. Study the biochemistry of metabolic syndrome
D. Look at Shlock’s silly shoe pictures to get “stress relief”

Hallux Guy
Hallux Guy

Danny Boy Chaskin chooses (D). Barry Blockhead’s foolish pictures of shoes.
And this gives Chaskin stress releif.


Case Studies in Delusions and Cognitive Dissonance:

May 19 2021
“No one wants to hear they need surgery. But sometimes, it’s the most effective way to treat your foot or ankle. Good news: Your podiatrist is an expert. Podiatrists train in three-year surgical residencies focused on the foot and ankle. #OperateLikeaDPM”


In preparation for the test, maybe we can form study groups with our brethren in arms, the optometrists. When PAs start doing vision testing, they will be out the door as well.

Black Pill Footology
Black Pill Footology

What type of shirts did Ghastworthless wear?
A. Collared shirts
B. No shirt
C. Hawaiian palm tree shirts
D. Low pitched voice shirts

Hallux Guy
Hallux Guy

The answer for the past executive director is (C). Hawaiian Shirts for his Hawaii home that my dues money to the APMA contributed to.

robert bijak
robert bijak


robert bijak
robert bijak

Here’s REAL PODIATRY: REIMBURSABLE (that’s $ to you honest podiatrists) AMNIOTIC IN OFFICE WOUND DRESSING. FREE REIMBUSABLE GUIDE FROM I.M.S. SUPPLY. Who owns it? Ans: Micheal Schubyn, dpm. Who is he? He’s the Arizona podiatrist who SURRENDERED HIS LICENSE after the ARIZONA BOARD OF PODIATRY charged him for multiple offenses in treating TRAILER PARK PATIENTS! I guess he gave up practicing to go into SELLING. Kind of like Barry Block gave up podiatry to SELL ADS. Why is $$$ such a part of podiatry and why do so many podiatrists steal and bill? Because podiatry schools know they’re not medical… Read more »

Neurotic and Overcatted
Neurotic and Overcatted

He didnt mention these truths because that would hurt ad monies and the buddy buddy system that exists.

robert bijak
robert bijak


jeff ch

Michael Schubyn also got busted in Alberta for billing patients he did NOT see! This guy is a crook through and through from North to South! Now he resells used Podiatry equipment. He screwed over his associate and ripped off the bank that loaned him the money for his office.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Podiatry still tries to remain podiatry, a dilute medical business of C+, B- students, yet wants the glory of the MD degree but not the responsibility. Podiatrists do not take the courses or the rotations, nor do the quack schools have the will OR ABILITY! to offer true medical courses. Your example of sample test questions demonstrates the ABSURDITY OF PODIATRY CURRICULUMS with biomechquatics and nurse level medical courses. Podiatry is JUST NOT A DOCTORAL LEVEL PROFESSION. That’s why notes and nurses are needed to cut toenails. NO PODIATRY SCHOOL PREPARES PODIATRISTS TO PRACTICE MEDICINE. I said it before and… Read more »


They may take similar sounding classes or biochemistry course work-diluted, etc…however, they do NOT have the ability nor acumen to a doctor. They’re foot techs. 26 cm of minor ailments to sell to the lower middle class and poor.

robert bijak
robert bijak

‘similar sounding’! Yes Rosenslum. Think of how podiatry uses that con. “Residency”, when it’s an apprenticeship. “Just like”, when it’s “Nowhere near”. “Medical School,” when it’s Podiatry College. Limb Salvage, when no one has done a bypass or a stent. Sports Medicine, when malpractice insurance stipulates NO PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES. SURGEONS, when none has done anything above the knee alone or are licensed to. Physicians, when notes are needed by PA’S TO CUT TOENAILS AND NO WHERE IN THE UNITED STATES CAN A PODIATRIST TREAT ANY SYSTEMIC DISEASE. Ok, now tell me that PODIATRY ISN’T A LYING CON AT ITS CORE!


Eddy–didn’t the Kalifornia pod club had their “best and brightest” students take a special USMLE version and BOMBED so badly that they hid the results? Please correct if inaccurate. I believe the damage Dpwtfs can do is attributed to stepping on nail, hence, their very limited license to do podiatry NOT medicine.

robert bijak
robert bijak

“THEY HID THE RESULTS” Isn’t that typical of a cheap trade. HIDING THE TRUTH. Podiatry doesn’t belong in the sphere of a true UNIVERSITY BECAUSE IT’S JUST PLAIN DISHONEST.

Eddy Mex

Toe legit: Yes. Didn’t have any pods even score 50%. Sort of like dogs taking veterinary exam. Biochemistry as taught in almost a different language—arf arf. Holy Kreb’s P skool is P skool. Physiology-lite, pathology for dummies., etc., etc. You’ve got to know this inside out—as in studying. Well, since the podiatrix surgeon focuses—maybe they don’t get it: the 80s are over. Agree that the damage Dwtfs is about as stepping on a nail.(unless it’s 5- ft long)—But be mindful that many highfalutin lifers are specialists in sales tactics. Used car salespeople are content in their lot in life, on… Read more »


Thanks Bro Eddy.

They’re like VCR salesmen.

Reality......It's Traumatic
Reality......It's Traumatic

This IS definitely a podiatrick test.

You have B-C students from Walla Walla Bing Bang unknown undergrad, mediocre MCATs/GREs/DATs…and presto you got into the grand ride called podupetry skool– you definitely docta material…you definitely a “surgeon.”

Also, if you have a certain phenotype and/or genitalia that’s really good; it will definitely help for propaganda/marketing for others to join the circus.

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