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Quality Podiatry commercial

This is actually well done with quality production

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I love a parade-carnival!Dihnrobert bijakNYNJ podiatryNo where else to turn Recent comment authors
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No where else to turn
No where else to turn

Have 170k in federal loan debt (interest rate around 6.8%) from failing out of a Caribbean med school. At the time, was not ready for such a daunting task, was going through major depression and figuring out the special dosage for a new anti-depressant regimen my doc put me on, and had some major family issues which involved me having to come back to the States for a week right before an exam because my mom went to the hospital. Maybe all of these are lame excuses though, don’t know. Who knows, it’s sad and frusterating. Thought of the military,… Read more »


So sorry about your situation. Become a PA or NP you will make a living and have a future!

robert bijak

Podiatry NOW A DAYS is a risky bet to get rich on. Once private practice and “creative billing” made some rich foot techs. but private practice to get rid of debt is a loser. AT BEST after7 MORE YEARS you’ll be lucky to get a STEADY JOB WORKING FOR MD’S. Starting in the foot game at 40 is 2 strikes top of the 9th. no men on base and your down by 10. Get a good UNION JOB (TEACHER, GM WORKER etc.) you’ll make 6 figures all kinds of benefits, pension health care and a chance to wiggle out of… Read more »

No where else to turn
No where else to turn

Thank you for trying to help. Can’t even get rid of these loans from all this schooling. Cigar Clinton prevented students from discharging debts. Yet zellinskky and isreal get billions from our money and the US citizens get the shaft !

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

It seems hard work doesn’t pay in a society that has “programs” for all the lazy and punishes those that have tried. KAMALA is just going to give 25 grand of YOUR MONEY AWAY to the unaccomplished and illegals. I guess certain religions think EQUALIZING EVERYBODY WILL BRING ABOUT NIRVANA. Along thos lines, I’ve always wondered how we ALLOW politicians to punish success. Put in a pool. You gotta pay increased “taxes” (extortion) for life. Put on an addition. Nope, Not unless you pay. Yet, millions come across the boarder offering nothing but a hand out and an open mouth.… Read more »


why are we being used and abused by foreign entities! podiatry included

I love a parade-carnival!
I love a parade-carnival!

truth is difficult for most pods and americanio dolts (redundant). They gleefully enjoy eating shit while being profousely gaslit, and psych opd. most live paycheck to paycheck while indeed being used and abused by foreign opportunists and lied to by politicians who don’t give a flying f about them.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Congratulations on 25 years PODIATRIST Goldstein says to Yates. Translated: great gig for 25 years being in an invented, copy cat, (less than) FOOT ONLY sports club.. He claims INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITION. Hell, NONE of the world really EVER THINKS IN TERMS OF PODIATRY. The world thinks in terms of DOCTORS (md) NOT COPY CAT PRETENDERS who need to foster a lie for some SELF INSECURE REASON. A non MD, trying to look like one and who is AFRAID TO GIVE HIS NAME goes into a detailed STORY about how tired he is from doing surgery and consults as he walks… Read more »

Tom Lions
Tom Lions

What the f is a world renown podiatrist? As Robert says, no one really thinks about podiatry except dp wtfs.

Postings have increased

Robert, please think. I just remember reading in PM News about a podiatrist advising against walking barefoot. This is such important information. What a wonderful informative publication in my opinion Please reread it and try to understand the concepts being taught. This is one example why being a podiatrist is important. Educating the public on proper shoe gear, treating toenail problems are all examples of helping the public. Plus take a good look at the APMA. Please spend your money on dues to qualify for membership. Please contact the president of the APMA about joining.

Operation Podio
Operation Podio

“Plus take a good look at the APMA. Please spend your money on dues to qualify for membership. Please contact the president of the APMA about joining.”

Endless asking for donations and other financial contributions, who owns and controls this?

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

A dirty profession does two things. It cons good men into it and attracts dirty men who will keep it that way. If a profession starts off as a BUSINESS IT WON’T TOLERATE DEDICATED MEN WHO WOULD MAKE IT A PROFESSION. Podiatrists PROFESS PERSONAL PROFITS. Physicians profess dedication to humanity. At least half the trade DOESN’T GET IT.

NYNJ podiatry
NYNJ podiatry

Why does he keep asking for money and obsessions with money. It’s gross. Why is the alter money? Giving money, paying people money,,,,Are they all like that?

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Podiatry grew out of the mind of a NEW YAWK CITY, MANHATTAN Chiropodiatrist who saw the potential of starting a “nice little business. It was money and business first, NEVER primarily a medical need. It remains like that today. Why am I about to pay a half a grand to sit in a cold room to hear about procedures not allowed in my state or about angles, dangles, varus’s and valgus’s of arch supports by foot techs with the same wtf certificate as I have? Answer? PROFIT AND CONTROL, THE HALLMARKS OF A DIRTY PROFESSION.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

“AN ERROR OCCURRED. PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER”. That’s what I got. Frustrating

Eddy Mex

Isn’t that written on pod school applications, the one you didn’t read back then?

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Yup, an error definitely occurred.

Bored exam follies
Bored exam follies


The podiatry theme song! Maybe use this for the advert.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

The site you cite, “follies” is DIFFERENT THAN IN THE ABOVE TITLED ARTICLE. I don’t get it but appreciate the link.

Eddy Mex

That’s in the fine print.

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