So I highly doubt this is true but wanted to post it anyways
Reviving an old thread- but new folks may be interested in first hand knowledge.
Knocking out several questions at once:
-I own my own podiatry practice. I completely ethically brought in over 300k **this month (gross not net)**. I’ve been in practice for 10 years. I also know pods making 100k for the entire year- so I am an outlier, but there are plenty of us.
-If you work for a hospital system you will not make money. You just won’t. You are at the mercy of unfavorable RVUs. 350k per year tops if you go that route. Those are for the docs that genuinely love surgery, have a bit of a ‘wish I was an ortho’ chip on their shoulder, or really hate spending time with their family If you work as an associate for another pod you also won’t come close to the income level of a smart practice owner.
– You have to work smart. Along with several practice locations I also own a single specialty surgical center (why just get the measly surgeon reimbursement when you can keep both payments and provide a better experience for the patient, and a more expeditious process all around), a pathology lab with a sub contracted pathologist, and some med device consulting. Just showing up ststus quo and fixing bunions all day, isn’t going to place you where it sounds like you want to be. Likewise- what makes the profession unique is that there are many different billable services that can be offered- more services than family practice med. This is true for all surgical fields across the board.
-I genuinely save lives every day. This feels good. You won’t get the credit for that bit in the medical community though. If status and fanfare (which are dwindling in medicine period) are important for your self-esteem head towards the MD degree, you will 100% be more respected as a physician there. Otherwise you can feel good about the care you are providing, work smart, and take it to the bank.
Frost bite bad. Broken toe needs X ray. Looking for ORTOTIC PEARLS so arch supports will “do what we want them to”. Nice beginning to quackery. How about a SHOE MADE FROM BEEF for Valentine’s day? That’s where Barry Block’s sick mind sunk to. How can you talk of parity with Barry Blockhead posting this stuff? One quack has a customer who has had several nerve decompressions with scaring. The quack says “I HAVEN’T DONE CONDUCTION STUDIES IN YEARS BUT I MAY WANT TO THIS TIME! ANY SUGGESTIONS?! Yeah, I suggest the customer run OUT OF YOUR OFFICE AND SEE… Read more »
The time has come……to go away. It’s mainly useless, redundant, fraudulent, and wastes of space. An MA / LPN can do your “job”. It exists solely to make the “leaders” wealthy as you clip, skive, and chart for nickels and dimes to help pay back those huge debts. Yikes
What makes progress has a powerpoint presentation. Robert, how can you ever say I am always wrong if you do not look at the powerpoint presentation?
Please examine
Before stating I am always wrong.
By the way, when I feel insulted I brought up this website.
I don’t need to go to Ghost Buster’s to know poltergeist don’t exist so why should I go to your fake journal to know toes don’t grow back. You continue to dig your own grave proving you’re not too bright. I’ll bet feeling insulted is not a new feeling for you.
I encourage every reader to see the PowerPoint presentation, see the awesome results and decide for themselves only after seeing the complete website.
When I was insulted I in the past I brought up this website.
Can someone please give a case for podiatry? evidence-based, factual, devoid of emotion, opinions, zealotry, etc..? Thanks!
Danny Boy–do you enjoy silly pictures of shoes with beef? Does it help with “stress relief” during these “stressful” times?
Dear Dr. Block,
As you have said, I am better trained than foot orthopedists, but I have questions. How long should I keep the patient in the whirlpool? Do I cut the calluses first or trim the nails? How many corns should I pad? Thank you for your time. As soon as I get paid for my 30 pairs of diabetic shoes, I will send a dues payment to APMA.
AND……..don’t forget Barry Block’s perversion. Ladies heels that look like flowers. What else do you expect from a drop out, censor and hater?
He hates truth because that would expose him to reality, and he hates that. Hence, the “web” he weaves is one of positive bullshit to line his shyster pockets and pay for an ill-earned “life”. Likely watches-listents to MSM and thinks it’s “news” as he sells pretty little lies to the DMP imbeciles
I encourage every reader to see the PowerPoint presentation, see the awesome results and decide for themselves only after seeing the complete website.
When I was insulted I in the past I brought up this website.
Retired ROSEN BLATT confesses he treated things OUTSIDE HIS LICENSE and he’s proud of podiatry that let him get into the mainstream so he could commit that kind of fraud. ROSEN BLATT says he treated HIV. Ambiguously he eschews specifics. Did he cut their toenails, prescribe immunostimulants and antivirals? He claims he did well OWNING A SURGICAL CENTER BUSINESS. See, $$$ from a business surpasses money from the wtf certificate itself. The BLATT said MD’s took him to lunch looking so the poor MD’s wouldn’t have to go on unemployment. Yeah, those MD’s are just employees of podiatrists. DO YOU… Read more »
Rosnsplatt used to come on the almost uncensored podiatry forum. a true believer, lifer, and clown. Many years later-he’s the same. Nothing changes in the clown profession
Most of what we read was simply advertisements disguised as “news”. What a fucking sad joke.
Yes, there’s very little actual NEWS, just OPNIONS, AND BIASED ONES AT THAT.
Likely a shill written by a lifer at the footsy clubs and associations. How do those loans and limited 26cm scope “license” feel? Does it feel “good”?
I’m going to PROVE PODIATRY IS FULL OF CROOKS AND PSYCHOTICS ,and I can PROVE THIS STRAIGHT FROM THE “LIFERS COMMENTS THEMSELVES”. Banner and Censor Barry Block generally provides a PRO podiatry SLANT but even with that BIAS we read that podiatric thieves thrive. There have been so many examples in the past ranging from can I bill if I have to call 911 for someone in my waiting room to today’s question on where to use modifier 25 for toenails. He’s warned that insurance companies are wise to this TRICK and to be careful. There’s another CONFESSION of FRAUD… Read more »
Now that represents the pinnacle of podiatry. A business hiding as medicine so if you’re shrewd and crooked enough you can have YOUR MONEY and a TITLE too. What more does a non academic medical school reject do? He makes podiatry a BUSINESS! Any business ,from pizzas to podiatry, can make money. DOMINOS just sells pizza but makes a fortune. It’s MARKETING ADVERTISING SHOWMANSHIP makes it SUCCESSFUL even though its PRODUCT IS MEDIOCRE. Sure there are RICH BUT MEDICALLY MEDIOCRE PODIATRISTS. IF YOU WENT IN IT TO MAKE MONEY, ITS AN AVENUE. IF YOU WENT IN IT TO BE A… Read more »