Podiatry Posts

Podiatrist goes over the four myths of Podiatry

Podiatrist goes over the four myths of Podiatry

He tries to be funny and he tries to connect. Not sure it works.

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robert bijakToeLegit2QuitSyblyReality......It's TraumaticToeLegit2Quit Recent comment authors
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robert bijak
robert bijak

So many desperate view points producing vectors in so many directions that there is NO DIRECTION. From lauding a “mother” as student of the year with 2 talented foot techs to be to stupid money loving LEVINE putting men down about foot care. WHERE’S THE “WOKENESS IN WOMEN”? SEXIST! Seeing she lauds high heels in women how can she be considered “more sensitive to foot needs than men”? See, podiatrists don’t make sense but her cutsy picture will get her that new york city business she really wants. A Bahamian non md talks about feet and back pain EVEN THOUGH… Read more »


bald smiling narcopath got an ‘md’ research ‘degree’ from Britshit add in an abbreviated “PhD” special programme….and you got a sewer pipe with rats. Honorary Robert. In former states was Not MD full licensed, no real residency not boarded in MD specialty, etc…nothing. Fo sho as the Dp wtf thing was all it had. A carpet bagger. Goes where the economic hustle is. was for correspondence research with someBrit diabetic mafia friends- the diabetic foot profiteers—opportunists, zealots, hustlers. Create fear, sell Pinocchio whittling , revolving door “surgery”, flushed with salt water, and add a lil penis skin if y’a please-… Read more »


Thanks Toe! Dr Armstrong claims he does vascular surgery..


He can claim he walks on the moon in pink underwear. Anyone can say anything.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Are the laws of biomechquactics the same on the moon?

Reality......It's Traumatic
Reality......It's Traumatic

Podiatry was a lame excuse for a failed dream (E/CP).


New podiatry textbook!

“Dumbed-Downed Dolts: New Directions for Pph pdodid, what, huh, ppppod, pidy, podiietry”

Order yours today, supplies limited, brain limited. Only 3 easy payments of 69.99.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Barry Block is printing the usual nonsense about slippers and drinking water and tattoos of feet but I’ll skip that. A salient point was made extremely clear by Allen Jacobs. You must read his succinct dissection of the AMA proposal for accurate info.. It’s easy to see why podiatry IS AND WILL REMAIN SECONDARY NON EQUAL by reading the interpretations by Podiatrist Christina of the APMA and Podiatrist Andrus of the ACFAS. They totally misunderstand the proposal and because they are INEPT AND UNDISCERNING think this is progress. It is these INCOMPETENT LEADERS that have kept podiatry an ancillary profession.… Read more »

Thanh Dum
Thanh Dum

Shut it off after 20s, there’s something off, off kilter about this individual. Odd mannerisms, over smiling, trying too hard, trying to sell it, sell the dream. it’s rather podiatric and fits hand to glove in the footology realm. Welcome kiddo to the world’s greatest best kept secret of a profession that never was. You’ll be hustling into your 40s, 50s, 60s, heck even 70s, fighting for relevance and working for da man.Hope you like being an employee. Practice saying, yes ma’mam, no ma’mam and yes sir no sir. Enjoy that 45 min lunchie “break” where you can eat junk… Read more »


Misseri man also has a foot to kick you in your ass if you diss podiatry (podie today)…he thinks armpit, rogdie, etc..are world class thinkers (paraphrasing) and well published in journals with lotsa ‘research’….there are flashes of critical thinking, but he still appears to have a mental blockage regarding his continual zeal, zest, defence for podlietry and its’ heros/zeros. It’s stockholm syndrome with a helping of brain washing.

robert bijak
robert bijak

You know that Barry block’s PM news represents the lowest in podiatry thinking don’t you? Block is so dumb he can’t even ask a question properly. He asks if pods are in favor of the AMA resolution to allow pods to take the USMLE’s? Well, that doesn’t make sense BECAUSE THEY DO NOT ALLOW PODIATRISTS TO TAKE THE USMLE’S. It talks about what podiatry has to do to be considered = enough to BE ALLOWED TO TAKE IT. if if if. IF THE NBME RECOGNIZES THE CPME IS = TO THE LCME= TO THE QUACK IN THE BACK INTEGRATED BY… Read more »

alan Stein
DPM= A Bankrupt Doc or lower extremity Surgeon

Regarding the USMLE: Are there questions on taping and padding, nail debridement, using foam to make a cast for orthotics, 10 blade safety in reducing hyperkeratosis, and CPT. Ok Ok so DPMs would get 100% correct on the CPT questions.

Black Pill Footology
Black Pill Footology

Soy boy, simp, cuck, effeminate look at that person , and then look at Men from the 1940s. Definitely WTF.

robert bijak
robert bijak

He does appear to be too happy and giggly.

robert bijak
robert bijak

WHOA! HOLD IT! Let’s get this MYTH OF THE USMLE’s understood . First of all, the AMA AND AAOS AGREE THAT PODIATRISTS ARE NOT PHYSICIANS NOW. REPEAT, “NOT PHYSICIANS NOW”. If PODS want to be considered physicians they must do 4 things. First couple are technicalities (sort of). That is, Residency’s must be like MD residencies and ACGME approved. (there’s a looong way to go here) The other is that the NBME DETERMINES (not pods) IF (THAT’S IF) THE CPME = the standards of the LCME. Did you follow that Mr. P. Reread that again. In other words, the ball… Read more »


Podiatry is to medicine as the WWF is to the NBA. Someday, somedaze. Someday my dog will talk. In the interim, please keep paying all those dues and fees.

alan Stein
JUST and always a DPM

USMLE for Podiatry students??? LOL please stop with the BS.


Only made it through the first one and a half minutes. What’s his point(s)? Podiatrists are not physicians. We are limited both by education and scope of law practice. And please, stop with foot and ANKLE resident. Honestly, how much ankle Sx is performed by podiatrists? Maybe the APMA can issue a white paper on that topic. I would have so much more respect for my profession if others accepted what / who they are and practiced podiatry.


The AMA does not call podiatry residents nor a residency as those terms only exist for MDs/DOs who complete a real ACGME and ABMS real residency. The term is postgrad podiatry trainees/podiatry trainee/training program NOT a residency nor medical school–it’s called podiatry training school.

Nice, 2021 and it’s a training program. Those :”leaders” and organization prezies need to choke on a bag of limp dicks because that’s what they were. 300K+ to be a walking joke

robert bijak
robert bijak

TRAINING “WHEELS” is more appropriate for post quack school programs because quack SCHOOL clinics are USELESS and set up more for Nail Technicians than doctors.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Precisely Justin. stop with the PODIATRIC PHYSICIAN, DOCTOR, JUST LIKE, RESIDENT, SURGEON, LIMB SAVER. Even the big surgical pantomimers dropped the PODIATRIC term to HIDE that they’re podiatrists. I agree. Just be what YOU ARE. It’s the lies and cons that animate me. It’s too late for me. I fell for the con (probably because I wanted to believe I had a 2nd chance and really wasn’t a reject like 80% of all podiatrists) How about a survey like this Barry? “Honestly, did you apply to medical, osteopathic, or dental school before podiatry school, and honestly, if you would have… Read more »

Dumber than Dingle Barry
Dumber than Dingle Barry

Shylock would NEVER have a truth survey. They live off of lies and sell the imbecilic constituents pretty ‘little’ lies.

robert bijak
robert bijak

A FRESH CARROT on the stick for the students: USMLE’s SOMEDAY, GIDDYAP!

Black Pill Footology
Black Pill Footology

dpm = dpm= whole lotta nothing

alan Stein
DPMs hate facts

APMA posts about working with orthos and they will create a white paper. No way can PODIATRY EVER HAVE A STANDARDIZED CURRICULUM WITH THE 9 SCHOOLS OR a standardized residency. ACGME approval for a Podiatry residency will never happen and the school curriculums will never change. BUT the APMA will post this “great working together with orthos” as a very positive event and they will translate all this into…soon DPMs will be MDs. The lies will never end.

robert bijak
robert bijak


robert bijak
robert bijak

LIES AND MISINFORMATION SWEEP OVER PRODIATRY LIKE A TSUNAMI. Don’t get excited Mr. P or especially student P’s, about the “ALLEGED parity document with MD’s”. NO NO NO. It’s not what the liars are saying. There has been no monumental change. The MD’s still say that if you want parity you have to CHANGE your quack school curriculums. IF you do that you can do what anyone else even Carib and FMG’S do, that is, take and pass THEIR exams. (all 3 USMLE) WELL, NO SHIT SHAKESPEARE. The point is, how can you take exams on courses you haven’t taken.… Read more »

Dumber than Dingle Barry
Dumber than Dingle Barry



The 5th myth is that you are not a physician. Podiatric or otherwise. I did some research on AMA resolutions (as per one of Robert’s comments). One is gaining a lot of traction. Only MDs and DOs should be referred to as “doctors”. In a hospital setting, a podiatrists ‘ name badge would show his first and last name followed by DPM. This would apply to what they call all “non physician ” degrees. A MD or DO would have the term “Dr.” Before his name followed by his specialty e.g. Orthopedics. This has been happening fairly frequently. For you… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

Glad you confirmed the resolution archer. Look at the excitement in lifer land thinking parity and USMLE’s are right around the corner. ALL LIES. TYPICALLY PODIATRIC.

Black Pill Footology
Black Pill Footology

That was part of the propaganda/control of the idiot masses–sell them hope around the corner bs….and they buy it almost all the time complete with masks, jabs, head gear, face shields, lotions, potions, cremes, helmets, gloves, face muzzles, self pics of them with deranged looking eyes getting duped, etc…it’s part of the mind control and group think.

robert bijak
robert bijak

It’s simple. REAL Doctors need only have MD/DO after their name while podiatrists have “NOT A” MD/DO after their name. PROBLEM SOLVED.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Contd. from below. I guess I hit the post button. We’ll, hell, that’s why they are ACTUAL PHYSICIANS BECAUSE THEY CAN, DID, AND DO, PRESCRIBE ALL OVER THE BODY FIRST! That’s first. First they become physicians then they specialize. Podiatry conveniently skips over the rest of the body and says see we are specialist (as if they did the ‘first first!). He talks about doing 2 solid years of foot surgery while MD’s don’t. Who do you think taught them ankle fractures, grafts etc? The MD’s! At least they taught their directors. NO ONE LEARNS THAT STUFF IN PODIATRY SCHOOL!… Read more »

robert bijak
robert bijak

Yeah…………No! He falls into the brainwashed lifer group for sure but he’s smooth. Here are some of the brainwashed lies. We take the same courses right next to the MD’s. Well, maybe the basic ones like anat and biochem which can be taken as an undergrad in any univ.. It’s not the histology or micro that makes a DOCTOR. It’s the co-ordinated clinical rotations that are concomitant in good medical schools. Their clinicals start immediately. When they take neuroanatomy the have patient rounds with the disease manifesting in that part of the anatomy. Pods gloss over it because THEY’LL NEVER… Read more »

Greg the bunion slayer
Greg Ladavotich

Try Rx’ing a med out of your scope and start your timer to see how long it is before the pharmacist calls to question that order.


Is this dude, a dude? Looks a bit lite in the loafers…

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