What if the people are stupid? That is—what if pods are dumber than stale dog shit. Then what? What true change can really occur?
Robert Bijak
Tom Lyons, In chemistry they call that “the LIMITING FACTOR”. The podiatric equation doesn’t proceed to completion because REACTANTS ARE LIMITED PRODUCING A LIMITED PRODUCT. LIMITED in intellect, ambition, determination, ethics and THUS, LICENSE!
Foot Locked
I’ll be out of pod school debt end of this year. I like what I do but honestly residency can be really toxic. It’s fine. I’m fine. I feel like I get great reconstructive surgical training but I think residency is making me hate podiatry just with knowing that I’m working 95 hours a week making no money and will be working at least 70 hours as an attending making a little more money. the grass is always greener somewhere else but asking the peanut gallery if they have seen or heard of success stories of people leaving podiatry and… Read more »
Analysis done
The problem is, you are in a field (Podiatry) that has no control of success, meaning, the insurance industry will decide what you earn. The APMA and the other Podiatry Organizations have no power and more importantly no intellect to see reality and make adjustments that may help you, somewhat. Have people left Podiatry and become economically successful, absolutely. You have placed your self inside a jail cell with no probation coming, You try to dig yourself out but the tunnel collapses repeatedly. You have spent a potion of your life ( 7 years) for a salary that has many… Read more »
Reality check
You have to accept, you will be an employee after your residency. Plain and simple. This is what 7 years has rewarded you.
Robert Bijak
“REALITY CHECK” has pointed out the lying con that the “BIG” podiatry has perpetrated on several generations of medical school rejects. Everything seems like you’re a DOCTOR. They call you Dr., you wear a white coat, you can see “patients” but YOU ARE SO LIMITED IN POWER that you’ll either end up as a minimally profitable private businessman or, like “Reality” said, be an employee (orthopods use the term “handmaiden”) of actual DOCTORS. You’ve been LIED TO AND CONNED. THE CON STINGS WHEN YOU LOOK BACK ON IT AND WHEN YOU LOOK FORWARD TO WHAT IS TO COME.
Robert Bijak
BINGO. Do NOT support them in any way, do not acknowledge them and actively send victims-patients-customers to real doctors for treatment. MD orthopods, etc. Starve dpwtf bastards.
Robert Bijak
“K”esselman WARNS PODIATRISTS not to do vascular studies and expect to get paid. They don’t pay podiatrists for them. Listen to this childish chiding that explains why podiatrists aren’t taken seriously. Kesselman says study your anatomy before you BUY THE MACHINE. He says you’ll be held to the same standards as actual MD vascular specialists. (good luck meeting those standards Mr. wtf) Just the fact that podiatrists have to be told what to do indicates THEY ARE NOT PREPARED TO DO THESE TESTS COMPETENTLY. Another “K”, podiatrist KASS, is falling all over himself is in love with PODIATRIST PRESSMAN. Press… Read more »
Robert Bijak
I don’t know about your area but around here GOOD FEET STORE ADS ARE ON TV AND RADIO several times an hour. Not only are there several MD’s recommending them there are female RN’S recommending them to women also. The Good Feet Stores have done more to apprise the public about foot problems than the APMA has in all those years. It’s obvious to me that the APMA is INCOMPETENT AND ON THE WRONG TRACK. The APMA DOES NOT MERIT SUPPORT OR ALLEGIANCE. Furthermore, one has to re-evaluate the biomechanical THEORIES USED TO JUSTIFY ORTHOTICS. Ostensibly, they may seem plausible… Read more »
Robert Bijak
WOOF WOOF! Podiatric creativity, to stretch its limited license, is to be lauded but not respected. DAVID Jenkins is now an authority on using DOGS to sense diabetics. Are we going to have a podiatric KENNEL where diabetics can BUY a dog? Jenkins talks about the NON SCIENTIFIC, ANECDOTAL idea of “dogs and diabetics”. Forget those laboratory blood tests. Send diabetics to the dogs. Another what is it? What do I do? I’m better than an MD question. A stupid podiatrists who thinks he went to a medical school instead of a podiatry school DOUBTS AND CHALLENGES an MD Dermatologist… Read more »
Lobbyist–pay to play alert–lobbyist that danny gleefully pays for alert- Benny Wallner, Legislative Advocacy and APMA writes into the propaganda happy tymes blast about the wonders of podupetry of course. being on that foot klub payroll he’s a cheerleader for things footy.
Claims “dues paying APMA members” are to be credited with being called physicians in the mediscam program yet more work needs to be done for dpwtfs to be real doctors…..more of nothing you sad clown… blah blah blah bullshit benny wallpner.
You’d thk post 400k in edumacation, dp wtfs would be fcking doctors already. NOPE
Robert Bijak
Not DOCTORS anymore than a dentist is a DOCTOR and pods NEVER WILL BE AS EVIDENCED BY A HALF CENTURY OF PROMISES FOLLOWED BY NOTHING. Dirty lying profession!
It is almost 2025. How can ANYONE with a brainstrem think podiatry has a bright future when it attracts money hungry, greedy morons? It exist to extract money from desperate buffoons. Think a tourist trap on a cruise shit ship with imbeciles blowing money on crap because they have nothing going for them. Their life sucks and they know it deep down, so they lie to themselves and look for orgasms and pizza.
Robert Bijak
So many waste their life trying to grasp the golden MD ring. We missed it but got the fake plastic one that doesn’t get us another ride. The ride goes round and round with others on it while all we can do is WATCH and Wonder “how it could have been” if that letter said, “We are pleased to inform you….”
Robert Bijak
Hey, PM News story tellers. Have you gotten your check from Barry Block yet? He USES your stories (ads) to make money OFF OF YOU?! So, like a good Socialist, why ISN’T HE SHARING HIS WEALTH? Send him a bill for using YOUR STORY. Of course the BREAD AND BUTTER of Block’s sales business are stories like, “Swollen ankles” meaning you’re sitting too long, or stories like podiatrist PHONG’S advising you to put suntan lotion on your toes. Your ads are ads he sells. It doesn’t matter if it makes podiatry look like an LPN level trade. He (and YOU,… Read more »
EXACTLY! That pos uses YOUR story, YOUR time, YOUR achievement and reprints it for content in his FOR PROFIT advertizing business. You are entitled to remuneration. Are you dpwtfs getting any checks, residuals from his use – misuse? YES or NO?
Robert Bijak
“While not all wounds can be healed, the ones that we successfully treat can be both limb and life-saving for the patient and financially and professionally rewarding for us.” – JD Shyster
Notice the word choice, placement of financially BEFORE professionally.
Also, “us”? JD Shyster hasn’t treated anything in over decades–who’s “us” exactly? He certainly treats his wallet. Time to see the Rabbi for ethics and morals counseling.
Robert Bijak
“Dihn”: Greed can be RATIONALIZED by interpreting, “The Law”, with connotations favorable to the point of view you want it to read. That’s the logical fallacy held by those who were brought up to believe in RELATIVISM. They believe everything is fluid. Everythin g is grey. Everything depends on YOUR point of view, etc.. When your mind is burdened with relativism, making solid black and white decision isn’t in your nature. Politicians revel in that mind set. Little gets done because completion means the END of their need. Podo politicians CAN’T take the road to completion. They’d be undermining THEMSELVES.… Read more »
“He earned his podiatric medical degree at The New York College of Podiatric Medicine in Manhattan in 1965, where he was also Class President for four years. Larrie began practicing in Mt. Kisco, New York, where he continued working until the day he passed.”
This is what most dpwtfs have to look forward to… wtf. What a colossal shit show.
Robert Bijak
Take a good long look at SHELDON Lapp. Look at the TIRED PODIATRY EYES AND THE HALF HEARTED SMILE on this fossil in his old age. He STILL SEEMS TO NEED TO ADVERTISE by taking a SWIPE AT NAIL SALONS, HIS COMPETITION! Don’t think that you 3 year, almost, just likes won’t be there. It’s a long time before you can retire and there’s lots of competition for feet. (Good Feet Stores, Mc Quactic measuring machines in most drug stores and Wall Marts, Every Nail Salon competes to say nothing about every MD, NP, PA, and DC)! Barry Block is… Read more »
Sad and empty podiatry eyes. Like mine.
Robert Bijak
Yeah, the Australians seem to accept their SECONDARY ROLE AS NON DOCTORS. She has a “simpleton” non MD look as she DUTIFULLY STANDS OVER THE GRINDER LIKE A SHOEMAKER. Note the APRON she wears because, like all podiatrists throughout the world, toenail pieces, corns and callus debris, plaster and arch support particles fly around as if you’re in a WORK shop, which you essentially are. Note also she references the “VERY VERY SMALL CLASS SIZE” she was in. What else do you expect from a NON MAINSTREAM, MECHANICAL, ACADEMICALLY DILUTE PROGRAM? And what’s with showing an amputee being fitted from… Read more »
What if the people are stupid? That is—what if pods are dumber than stale dog shit.
Then what? What true change can really occur?
Tom Lyons, In chemistry they call that “the LIMITING FACTOR”. The podiatric equation doesn’t proceed to completion because REACTANTS ARE LIMITED PRODUCING A LIMITED PRODUCT. LIMITED in intellect, ambition, determination, ethics and THUS, LICENSE!
I’ll be out of pod school debt end of this year. I like what I do but honestly residency can be really toxic. It’s fine. I’m fine. I feel like I get great reconstructive surgical training but I think residency is making me hate podiatry just with knowing that I’m working 95 hours a week making no money and will be working at least 70 hours as an attending making a little more money. the grass is always greener somewhere else but asking the peanut gallery if they have seen or heard of success stories of people leaving podiatry and… Read more »
The problem is, you are in a field (Podiatry) that has no control of success, meaning, the insurance industry will decide what you earn. The APMA and the other Podiatry Organizations have no power and more importantly no intellect to see reality and make adjustments that may help you, somewhat. Have people left Podiatry and become economically successful, absolutely. You have placed your self inside a jail cell with no probation coming, You try to dig yourself out but the tunnel collapses repeatedly. You have spent a potion of your life ( 7 years) for a salary that has many… Read more »
You have to accept, you will be an employee after your residency. Plain and simple. This is what 7 years has rewarded you.
“REALITY CHECK” has pointed out the lying con that the “BIG” podiatry has perpetrated on several generations of medical school rejects. Everything seems like you’re a DOCTOR. They call you Dr., you wear a white coat, you can see “patients” but YOU ARE SO LIMITED IN POWER that you’ll either end up as a minimally profitable private businessman or, like “Reality” said, be an employee (orthopods use the term “handmaiden”) of actual DOCTORS. You’ve been LIED TO AND CONNED. THE CON STINGS WHEN YOU LOOK BACK ON IT AND WHEN YOU LOOK FORWARD TO WHAT IS TO COME.
BINGO. Do NOT support them in any way, do not acknowledge them and actively send victims-patients-customers to real doctors for treatment. MD orthopods, etc. Starve dpwtf bastards.
“K”esselman WARNS PODIATRISTS not to do vascular studies and expect to get paid. They don’t pay podiatrists for them. Listen to this childish chiding that explains why podiatrists aren’t taken seriously. Kesselman says study your anatomy before you BUY THE MACHINE. He says you’ll be held to the same standards as actual MD vascular specialists. (good luck meeting those standards Mr. wtf) Just the fact that podiatrists have to be told what to do indicates THEY ARE NOT PREPARED TO DO THESE TESTS COMPETENTLY. Another “K”, podiatrist KASS, is falling all over himself is in love with PODIATRIST PRESSMAN. Press… Read more »
I don’t know about your area but around here GOOD FEET STORE ADS ARE ON TV AND RADIO several times an hour. Not only are there several MD’s recommending them there are female RN’S recommending them to women also. The Good Feet Stores have done more to apprise the public about foot problems than the APMA has in all those years. It’s obvious to me that the APMA is INCOMPETENT AND ON THE WRONG TRACK. The APMA DOES NOT MERIT SUPPORT OR ALLEGIANCE. Furthermore, one has to re-evaluate the biomechanical THEORIES USED TO JUSTIFY ORTHOTICS. Ostensibly, they may seem plausible… Read more »
WOOF WOOF! Podiatric creativity, to stretch its limited license, is to be lauded but not respected. DAVID Jenkins is now an authority on using DOGS to sense diabetics. Are we going to have a podiatric KENNEL where diabetics can BUY a dog? Jenkins talks about the NON SCIENTIFIC, ANECDOTAL idea of “dogs and diabetics”. Forget those laboratory blood tests. Send diabetics to the dogs. Another what is it? What do I do? I’m better than an MD question. A stupid podiatrists who thinks he went to a medical school instead of a podiatry school DOUBTS AND CHALLENGES an MD Dermatologist… Read more »
Lobbyist–pay to play alert–lobbyist that danny gleefully pays for alert-
Benny Wallner, Legislative Advocacy and APMA writes into the propaganda happy tymes blast about the wonders of podupetry of course. being on that foot klub payroll he’s a cheerleader for things footy.
Claims “dues paying APMA members” are to be credited with being called physicians in the mediscam program yet more work needs to be done for dpwtfs to be real doctors…..more of nothing you sad clown… blah blah blah bullshit benny wallpner.
You’d thk post 400k in edumacation, dp wtfs would be fcking doctors already. NOPE
Not DOCTORS anymore than a dentist is a DOCTOR and pods NEVER WILL BE AS EVIDENCED BY A HALF CENTURY OF PROMISES FOLLOWED BY NOTHING. Dirty lying profession!
It is almost 2025. How can ANYONE with a brainstrem think podiatry has a bright future when it attracts money hungry, greedy morons? It exist to extract money from desperate buffoons. Think a tourist trap on a cruise shit ship with imbeciles blowing money on crap because they have nothing going for them. Their life sucks and they know it deep down, so they lie to themselves and look for orgasms and pizza.
So many waste their life trying to grasp the golden MD ring. We missed it but got the fake plastic one that doesn’t get us another ride. The ride goes round and round with others on it while all we can do is WATCH and Wonder “how it could have been” if that letter said, “We are pleased to inform you….”
Hey, PM News story tellers. Have you gotten your check from Barry Block yet? He USES your stories (ads) to make money OFF OF YOU?! So, like a good Socialist, why ISN’T HE SHARING HIS WEALTH? Send him a bill for using YOUR STORY. Of course the BREAD AND BUTTER of Block’s sales business are stories like, “Swollen ankles” meaning you’re sitting too long, or stories like podiatrist PHONG’S advising you to put suntan lotion on your toes. Your ads are ads he sells. It doesn’t matter if it makes podiatry look like an LPN level trade. He (and YOU,… Read more »
EXACTLY! That pos uses YOUR story, YOUR time, YOUR achievement and reprints it for content in his FOR PROFIT advertizing business.
You are entitled to remuneration.
Are you dpwtfs getting any checks, residuals from his use – misuse? YES or NO?
“While not all wounds can be healed, the ones that we successfully treat can be both limb and life-saving for the patient and financially and professionally rewarding for us.” – JD Shyster
Notice the word choice, placement of financially BEFORE professionally.
Also, “us”? JD Shyster hasn’t treated anything in over decades–who’s “us” exactly? He certainly treats his wallet. Time to see the Rabbi for ethics and morals counseling.
“Dihn”: Greed can be RATIONALIZED by interpreting, “The Law”, with connotations favorable to the point of view you want it to read. That’s the logical fallacy held by those who were brought up to believe in RELATIVISM. They believe everything is fluid. Everythin g is grey. Everything depends on YOUR point of view, etc.. When your mind is burdened with relativism, making solid black and white decision isn’t in your nature. Politicians revel in that mind set. Little gets done because completion means the END of their need. Podo politicians CAN’T take the road to completion. They’d be undermining THEMSELVES.… Read more »
“He earned his podiatric medical degree at The New York College of Podiatric Medicine in Manhattan in 1965, where he was also Class President for four years. Larrie began practicing in Mt. Kisco, New York, where he continued working until the day he passed.”
This is what most dpwtfs have to look forward to… wtf. What a colossal shit show.
Take a good long look at SHELDON Lapp. Look at the TIRED PODIATRY EYES AND THE HALF HEARTED SMILE on this fossil in his old age. He STILL SEEMS TO NEED TO ADVERTISE by taking a SWIPE AT NAIL SALONS, HIS COMPETITION! Don’t think that you 3 year, almost, just likes won’t be there. It’s a long time before you can retire and there’s lots of competition for feet. (Good Feet Stores, Mc Quactic measuring machines in most drug stores and Wall Marts, Every Nail Salon competes to say nothing about every MD, NP, PA, and DC)! Barry Block is… Read more »
Sad and empty podiatry eyes. Like mine.
Yeah, the Australians seem to accept their SECONDARY ROLE AS NON DOCTORS. She has a “simpleton” non MD look as she DUTIFULLY STANDS OVER THE GRINDER LIKE A SHOEMAKER. Note the APRON she wears because, like all podiatrists throughout the world, toenail pieces, corns and callus debris, plaster and arch support particles fly around as if you’re in a WORK shop, which you essentially are. Note also she references the “VERY VERY SMALL CLASS SIZE” she was in. What else do you expect from a NON MAINSTREAM, MECHANICAL, ACADEMICALLY DILUTE PROGRAM? And what’s with showing an amputee being fitted from… Read more »