PM News Holiday ’24 (private edition)
Survey results: Question:Do you think the DPM degree is equal to an MD degree?
Absolutely. 612
Probably. 911
Not certain. 5
Probably not. 1
No. 17
Next week’s question:
How many spare rolls of toilet paper do you keep in your employee bathroom ?
Australian podiatrist treats, ingrown toenail.
Jonathan Bergman, Australian chiropodist, removed an ingrown toenail on Tuesday last week. “This ingrown toenail was secondary to a bad pedicure. I read the book “death by pedicure” and this was a perfect example of the need for foot surgeons like myself in Australia.”
California podiatrist lectures to anybody who will listen to him.
David Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD, lectured this week to anyone that would listen to him. “I got scared. There were no international meetings for me to travel to and I was worried that I might actually have to treat patients and pretend that I knew what I was doing. Rather than that, I set up a stand outside USC Keck School of Medicine and just spoke to anyone who walked by. Sure better than actually trying to cure somebody”.
Question to readers:
I have a patient who was working out at the gym. He dropped a 50 pound weight on the top of his foot. I took an x-ray and it looks like one of the metatarsal bones is broken. Has anybody ever seen this ? Should I refer this patient to a sports medicine podiatrist ? Any help would be appreciated.
Bret Ribotsky, DPM
I have a great idea that would advance the profession. We should pay for a good executive director. Maybe we should pay like $400,000 per year plus benefits. That way we would attract a good executive director. I’m certain if we paid this kind of money, our profession will advance rapidly. By the way, does anyone know what this new bitch is getting paid ? You know I’m available now that my last income source is no longer, let us say available. I might be able to show her the ropes if you know what I mean.
Warren Joseph, DPMFree seminar. Free seminar. Free CME credits. The American Society of Podiatric Surgeons presents a free seminar. The seminar is titled why you should use this new antibiotic because they pay me over $150,000 a year to be their consultant. I guarantee you I will give this lecture at every APMA meeting throughout the country. After all, I am a FIDSA make pretend infectious disease specialist.
A special Season Greetings from all the laboratories that went to grab your money for doing unnecessary fungal testing for all of you who refused to prescribe oral medication‘s for fungus and therefore will do nothing but cut the toenails anyway. BAKO, McClain, and the rest of the laboratories that are laughing their asses off at all you stupid toenail clippers. Oh yeah, make sure we do genetic testing to identify all that fungal DNA. It pays quite a bit. Quite a bit more than you get to clip those nails and inhale that nail dust.
Podiatry rules : No one cares about you and Neither does your government or courts, as they’ve been totally bought & paid for by the country owners. They also own social networks & (m)ass media, using them as their personal propaganda mouthpiece. Your job search is never over. In AWA: At-Will America (99.7% of the population), you can be terminated at any time, for almost any (or no) reason, without notice, without compensation, and full loss of your joke ´ healthcare.’ Your goal is to be the CEO of your life. Your only obligation is to yourself and your loved ones,… Read more »
In real medicine there is more and more unionization to counter this problem. Nursing and doctors doing this.., podiatry not
Perhaps I misunderstand but this sounds very Communistic to me. The, “your mission is to extract as much valu from these SOULESS mega corps as you can” statement worries me. What foot tech (or any “boss”) went to school or worked hard with the idea that yeah, I’m doing all this so that I can PROVIDE SOME STRANGER (future employee) WITH A GOOD LIFE THROUGH MY HARDWORK? I suggest that everyone starts a business (and podiatry is surely a business) out of SELF INTEREST. SOULESS? Perhaps a religious calling is more to your liking than entrepreneurship. Also, it depends on… Read more »
What’s wrong with communism Brother. How’s that crapitalism thing working. Dont get sick. And enjoy collecting pieces of green paper from endless greed-exploitation of colored people.
Whoa Nellie! Exploitation of colored people? What socialistic party wants “colored” people to pick cabbage cheap? The DEMONCRATS. Which party wants government regulation on everything from your gas furnace to your gas car? Which party aligns with liberalism and socialism? Democrats. Which party is more closely aligned to Communism than Capitalism? Democrats. Would you rather be in North Korea, Bejing, Stalingrad, or Venezuala then even the worst city (New Yawk) in the U.S.? OUR POOR ARE RICHER than most of the worlds people. As for collecting “green paper”, ask Block or Oreinstein (how can you get an extra $10 for… Read more »
That is 100 percent correctomundo.
A dirty quack profession is characterized by greed and grandiosity. SHAPIRO wants his MONEY! Can’t let a penny escape. While admitting podiatrists have a limited license and DON’T DESERVE A STIPENED TO BE ON CALL LIKE AN ACTUAL DOCTOR DOES, NEVERTHELESS, “some money” would be nice. Yes money is always nice Mr. Shapiro. How many sources are you dipping into? SHAPIRO says it’s “necessary to have “physician specialists” available at all times” (in a hospital) Well, podiatrists are NOT PHYSICIANS and whether they’re actually specialists is HIGHLY debatable. After all, the MD orthopedic surgeon is the pinnacle of specialists for… Read more »
This western girl gesture means he’s reliable, he’s my property, dominance. He’s a simp; a typical USian male. A danny boy. A typical podiatrist. Notice the type 2-metabolic syndrome tummy too from all that USian “food”.
Please be careful with body language, it’s around 85 percent of communication.
Let’s stop with the SPORTS MEDICINE PODIATRY FRAUD. The vast majority of foot problems in sports are quite similar in everyday practice. Fasciitis, pronation, all of the about 20 conditions podiatrists see whether in young or old. Is there a special tx for warts in the athlete vs. a regular person. There was a pod in this area who had SPORTS MEDICINE on his sign and he was told to remove the term as it was misleading. This stupid field has Tomczak now chastizing Roth for trying to work out of scope, high heel shoe pictures, and ABRAHAM WAGNER SMILING… Read more »
I know. The truth hurts your dream. So what else can you do but vote negative? You certainly can’t refute the truth. Reminds me of a child when mommy scolds him and he tries to punch his mother’s leg because he’s NOT BIG ENOUGH to do anything else. That’s ok, I understand. Too bad you’re too immature to INTROSPECT on your ABNORMAL OPINION. Think the babies will take a swipe again? Wah, Wah I COULD HAVE BEEN A DOCTOR, really mommy, I could of.
Boy Chaskin is really at work. He’s desperately trying to justify a lifetime of obsequiousness and stolen dues money and like all shallow thinkers tries to blame others. I suspect Barry Block has a hand somewhere. After all, cults of a feather flock together.
Robert, think about this. Podiatry is an honorable profession. Most podiatrists help their patients by alleviating pain treating podiatric conditions. We all share the same goal to help others.
Hey, AI might replace a lot of what physicians do in the future. But how will ai replace debridement of mycotic toenails? Podiatrists perform a useful service to prevent toenail pain.
Jonathan Tomines, is closing down his YouTube channel after facing a major setback in his career. Tomines, a well-known Chiropodist (Foot Technical Specialist) based in Toronto, has built a following of over 750,000 subscribers with his unique, sometimes graphic, but educational content on foot and toenail conditions. Unfortunately, he’s currently dealing with a case in the U.S., which led to a 5-month suspension of his podiatry practice. Dahil dito, he’s decided to end his YouTube journey, leaving his fans heartbroken. For years, The Toe Bro offered a safe space to tackle foot health issues na usually hindi openly pinag-uusapan. His… Read more »
Don’t kid yourself. Those ORIENTAL GIRLS (and now guys) have be cutting fungus toenails for years. Just because you use the fancy term “debridemen” doesn’t mean you don’t bend over a toenail just like they do.
They can’t help themselves
YES! They put us out of business. Now it’s oriental foods for people like Levey who are experts in sum yung guy.
So Andrew Schneider, past AAPPM guru, writes a piece on care of the amputee. The work published in PM news is worthy of a second year student. He concentrates on keeping the money flowing. Great, the amputee now meets Q7 criteria, so now you can bill for nails and callus trimming. Fantastic ! And thats it folks . That’s care of the amputee. Circulation ? Not a word. Transfer ulceration, tendon lengthening, transfers ? Nope. Not a word. We can go on and on. If I were a faculty member and a second year student write this tripe, I’d fail… Read more »
Mediocre men in a dirty profession.
To the U of Kansas senior who is going to Medical School in the Carib instead of FOOT SCHOOL anywhere. ( I say anywhere because he got into all the foot schools. No surprise there). Just look at what you WON’T HAVE TO DEAL WITH. No Barry Block and his cadre of FOOLS. Read the stupid people you won’t have to call colleagues. There’s perennial Pinker collecting shoes as a gimmick to get more business, or Mac Clean who REGURGITATES AN ARTICLE ABOUT URIC ACID WRITTEN BY M.D. RHEUMATOLOGISTS to appear he’s an expert. You won’t have to see an… Read more »
Help with the doctor -it-intellect shortage in america ?
In my opinion, this is good music and they are having fun. Diversity and cultural enrichment are our strength. We need to help these people help themselves in this short life. Let us help them integrate to this wonderful country.
NO Mr Chaskin! Let them have THEIR OWN REVOULTIONARY WAR , make their own Constitution, and keep their culture where it began. Diversity just dilutes the American Culture making a great country confused about what it is and impotent to action because of so many opinions and viewpoints. Sooner or later their must be a COMMONALITY of purpose. The U.S. is not the antidote for the world. It can’t take in the world. It’s time NON Citizens took on their OWN RESPONSIBILITY and correct THEIR PROBLEMS, NOT SNEAK UNDER THE TENT AND SIT IN U.S. SEATS. Podiatry is a perfect… Read more »
The truth hurts the damaged lifer brain. They can’t help it. They were born with the propensity and nurtured by the cult. Liberals and Lifers, now that’s a commonality.
Robert, do you think I posted the above comment???? Please call me and check which comments I posted and which I did not post.
Post your phone #
Is it next to the collision center or the dog washer? We can chat maybe over some oriental cuisine while talking about elongated toenails.
You really think there is “American culture” and it is a “great country”. WTF?
Yeah, I do, but it’s slipping away. Perhaps it will start becoming great again on Jan 20th,2025.
The joke culture is a lust for money – not a country, a business enterprise simply masquerading as a ‘country’.
My opinions
Than Dihn, most podiatrists do not have a list for money. They care about helping patients. This is one reason why we took the podiatrist oath at graduation.
Oaths, in general, are meaningless and done out of necessity (court rm.) or to follow a tradition. When things come right down to it an oath is worth the paper it’s written on…I swear!
«oaths » don’t mean hack feces. It is tradition -theatre as Roberto says.
My opinions:
Most podiatrists who take oaths, do so because they care about helping their patients.
Podiatry is an honorable profession. Our podiatric medical institutions are the finest in the country. Podiatric publications are informative and benefit public podiatric health.
The finest because they’re the only. NO reputable major university considers podiatry as an academic discipline.
Univ of Kanas senior here. GPA 3.51, did not get a medical school interview or osteopathic school interview but did get accepted to every Podiatry school I applied to. Did my research and this Podiatry profession looks like all smoke and mirrors. When I visited DPMs offices 9 out of 10 said, Don’t go to Podiatry school. You don’t need a high IQ to see that the profession is on the downward slide, as a medical profession and especially from an income standpoint. Thought I would post this for others to do a complete evaluation of what Podiatry is and… Read more »
Great decision!
Why not go to chatgpt and type in of all students that start programs at that medical school what is the percentage that eventually gets matched in US residency programs and if that is likely to continue?
Let me know that percentage of you copy and paste the above question worded as it is worded.
This is Chaskin again. Hey Chaskin. With a Carib MD you at least have a chance of being a DOCTOR. With a dpm foot certificate YOU HAVE NO CHANCE! I’D TAKE THE CHANCE IF I WERE KANSAS.
Besides, with a Carib MD ANY POD SCHOOL WOULD TAKE YOU IN WITH ADVACED CREDIT and YOU COULD BE LIKE ARMSTRONG, TOMCZAK, or ROSS and place MD after your name and be top dog in podiatry. Surely with a dpm-MD a foot faculty position would be easy to get.
Robert, I am not voting and my opinion is you are incorrectly assuming I posted posts that I did not post. Please do not look at the name field of the post but instead look carefully at the writing style before you conclude I posted a
Comment. Make sure no one else is posting what you may think I am posting.
For example I am not the only one posting under Podiatrust. Someone else is posting.
Well, seeing you’re AFRAID TO USE YOUR REAL NAME, AS I DO, I DON’T KNOW WHO YOU ARE OR ARE NOT. Try offering “writing style” as evidence in a court.
1. Robert, you are a collegue and my door is open for communication and friendship. Anyone can be found using google. 2. Life is very short and to be enjoyed. Podiatry is a incredible profession that we share joy in helping others. My opinion is that if one is interested in earnnig a living, podiatry possibly might not be a good choice to enter. However if one is already in the podiatric field, and has other jobs to support their podiatry practice, if one really enjoys practicing podiatry helping others, then why not consider continuing. 3. I wonder who else… Read more »
Robert, do you think I posted the above comment???? Please call me and check which comments I posted and which I did not post.
What’s your name address and phone number? If you’re serious post it, otherwise go twist.
1. Robert, you are a collegue and my door is open for communication and friendship. Anyone can be found using google. 2. Life is short and to be enjoyed. Podiatry is a profession that we share joy in helping others. My opinion is that if one is interested in earnnig a living, podiatry possibly might not be a good choice to enter. However if one is already in the podiatric field, and has another job to support their podiatry practice, if one enjoys practicing podiatry helping others, then why not consider continuing. 3. I wonder who else is posting comments… Read more »
Address your concerns to the moderator of this site not me
Go twist? Wow I remember Chubby Checkers the talented singer. Awesome song. Let’s twist again I have different 45 lps. Chubby Checkers brings back such wonderful memories. Go twist. Was Chubby Checkers one of your favorite singers?
Seriously, see a psychiatrist, an OBJECTIVE one.
An international student asked me why podiatric medical school did not offer any advanced placement. So unfair. I remember in the class there were 2 MD’s who got advanced placement. Why can’t podiatric medical schools be consistent and give all MD graduates advanced placement?
More proof Chaskin posts under different titles and makes multiple negative votes making it APPEAR AS IF HE HAS MORE AGREEMENT. NOW THAT’S A DIRTY PODIATRIST. Sick podiatrists would rather CHEAT THAN ACCEPT THAT THEY ARE WRONG.
Severe mental sickness -Danny and co
Well well, My neighbors kid went to St. George and got a residency in internal Medicine. The rate is 97% get a residency. so do not try to manipulate numbers to serve your cause… THAT pODIATRY IS GREAT, iT IS A PROFESSION ON THE VERGW OF ECONOMIC COLLAPSE.
Yup, Carib MD or US dpm? I’ll take Carib MD, Alex.
Not even an interview with a 3.5?! Wow, those MD’s have high standards compared to the wtf’s.
Fascinating, doctoral intellect from the footologists. mr chasskins and co must be very very proud……….
“Pick the one that’s most aesthetically pleasing to you, but definitely wear a sock.”
Ebonie Vincent forgot “wear a rubber” during intercouse.
That may be an OB-GYN or Urology press release.
Barry might know better.
Put her in the denial team for the health care capitalists.
Chaskin again. A pod in his 70’s trying to justify his existence. Where are the psychology PhD students? Podiatry is waiting for your analysis.
Brother Robert, are you in denial again? Opinions only.
I don’t like you because you’re being PURPOSELY STUPID. I’m not in denial of that opinion.
Robert, please relax. I did not post the above comment. Someone else did under Postings have increased. My guess is you became a podiatrist with the goal of helping patients. My opinion is you are a kind person who will reconsider your opinions once you look back and remember all the patients you helped.
Wrong again Mister Chaskin.
Not in Denial but New York.,,,
Not in Denial but Isreal
Robert, why do you keep saying Chaskin again? Why do you assume I posted the comments above?
Didn’t YOU refer to “writing style”?
Hire lots of diverse and enriched immigrants to help with the “doctor” shortage. Think of all that cost savings too! The stock members, board owners, partners, etc etc should be very happy.
Just would like to wish the Editor of PM News “a big FU” in 2025.
Your Parkinson’s should only progress rapidly and you throw in the towel in ’25.
I have a difference of opinion. I feel PM News has a goal of edcating podiatrists as to new ideas on how best to help our patients. Thank you so much for your wonderful publication. You are greatly appreciated.
UNhappy New Year to all you REJECTS. 2025 and you STILL NEED A NOTE FROM A P.A. TO CUT TOENAILS FOR MONEY. 2025 and you still CAN’T touch the ANKLE in many states. 2025 and you still CAN’T treat ANY disease systemically. (Spinal implants? sure stupid. You can’t even touch an ankle!) 2025 and an MD or DO MUST be present when you’re doing anything except when WITHIN the walls of your office. 2025 and after 3 years of “forced indenture” nearly half flunk the foot sx. exam. 2025 and foot techs still write into Barry Block asking “anybody seen… Read more »
Robert :
I must admit you listed all FACTS. No question about this !
What to the APMA BOD’s have to say ? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING…………
DeHeer with his punching back will elevate this embarrassing profesion.
The APMA BOD are “fools on parade”.
Johnny ………….. It is my understanding that Larry Santi had a major stroke.
I don’t agree with Santi but I hope he did not have a stroke. A horrible event. A virtual living death. Being in podiatry is bad enough without adding biologic tragedy to that.
Will the us capitalists deny his claims?
Happy new year to all podiatrists. You made it into podiatric medicall school. Most have wonderful memories of our educational process. Let us rejoice and enjoy our proud profession podiatry.
The reason you’re in “podiatric” Medical School instead of MEDICAL SCHOOL MAY BE BECAUSE YOU CAN’T SPELL MEDICAL. Wonderful memories. The majority recall EMPTY CLINICS, POOR ROTATIONS, AND INCOMPETENT CLINICIANS. (compared to MD clinicians)
Happy New Year to all podiatrists. We all took an oath to help our patients. Keep up the good work.
Please subscribe to educational publications in podiatry.
…because you need a constant flow of propaganda and brain washing. “We’re the best”, We’re “the” specialists, “we know biomechquactics”, “the MD doesn’t know anything about the foot”. Say that every day ’till you retire.
Wall Street Journal:
“UnitedHealth’s Army of Doctors Helped It
Collect Billions More from Medicare.”
One example cited, was a $16,200 payment vs. a $4,680
payment made by CMS to UHC for a 75-year-old male
patient. This was accomplished simply by adding a
few ICD-10 codes to the patient’s risk assessment by United-Optum “doctors.”
This happened hundreds of thousands of
times in unwarranted scenarios.
Also cited was how the costs to CMS increased significantly
for those patients who went from fee for service
to UHC Part C plans.
Go profiteering off of the sick and the infirm__the americant way.
No wonder most podiatrists were not accepted into Medical School. Look how stupid and illogical they are. Stupid Chaskin wants to be able to run urine dip sticks so he can send edema patients to a DOCTOR. Someone tell him that L.E. edema can’t be determined by dip stick tests alone. Along with Cardiac Auscultation, EKG’s, Nautretic Peptides, BUN, Creatinine, creatinine Clearance, Liver proteins and on and on dip sticks alone are a waste of time to determine the cause of L.E. edema. Of course the dirty podiatrist may want the $3.00 for “reading” the stick against the chart. This… Read more »
these males are not stupid. they are americans like most, who like Eddie Teller, desperately want to fit in to the dominant crowd. A pro podiatric hysteria that engulfs their mediocore lives.
Robert, when did I say that the results from urine dip sticks were the sole diagnostic testing required in a podiatric assessment of the cause of bilateral edema? There are so many differences of opinions on what tests to first order. Not only are opinions in texts,medical articles, we have artificial intelligence available as well as physicians we work with who could give opinions. Why not use as many resources as possible including PM News? What about taking a patients history to asses which testing should be ordered as a first step? Podiatrists are licensed to perform physical evaluations in… Read more »
Too naïve to justify a response. Ask your question to a PA. He’ll teach you what your quack school and
LACK OF PRACTICAL ROUNDS didn’t. You’re not a bright educated man.
Just asking the question wheter a dpm = an MD indicates a continuing insecurity and that podiatry needs INTERNAL approbation. IT WILL NEVER GET EXTERNAL ACCEPTANCE. NO ONE except damage lifer podiatrist minds even consider a dpm = to a P.A.. Ask a legislator if a dpm =s an MD! Read the LAW Mr. Reject from Medical School. It’s called ‘THE LAW’. No hype, no propaganda, no lifer lies, just the plain LAW. You CANNOT DO ANYTHING EXCEPT THE “MANIFESTATIONS” OF A DISEASE, NOT THE DISEASE AND IN MOST STATES NOT ABOVE THE ANKLE AND IN NEW YAWK, NOT EVEN… Read more »
But Robert in recent podiatry management it is suggested podiatrist implant spinal device , perform stenting In lower leg and urine tests for edema. Meanwhile can I get permission for nail cutting and shoes…
Yeah Sybly. The distance from toenail cutting permission to spinal implant reality indicates the degree of hopeless damage that lives in the minds of lifers and lifer politicians. Realists say I need permission for everything. The lifer says he can do spinal implants.
When a profession has such sick minds in it the MD’S must watch them closely. Some podiatrists actually think they’re DOCTORS.
Toenail cutting is an important service especially for a vascular compromised patient. Why not go to PM News and used this resource to learn about podiatric problems?
My opinion is PM News is educational and benefits podiatrists who learn about podiatric conditions?
Did some early cult education teach you to think this way? Justifying an obvious minority opinion is more psychological propaganda then LOGICAL deduction. Cults echo off each other while banning and censoring opposing opinions. A cult can’t exist if the LIGHT OF TRUTH is allowed to cleanse it.
Were you brought up in a cult?
It is important to have opinions. In this life, having opinions helps us improve the lives of our patients. PM news is educational and definitely can benefit podiatrists to learn about podiatric business conditions.
Not when the opinions are consistently proved wrong.
I do agree with the above opinion. Sounds like I wrote it. However if I would have wrote it I would not use the word definitely. If you study the wording, I would have wrote podiatric conditions, not podiatric business conditions.
My opinion is podiatry is a difficult field for some to earn a net income that one can use to support a family.
That was Ivar Roth. A FREAKING moron. I absolutely cannot believe that Barry Bloch posted that foolishness.
Block NEEDS FILLER TO SELL! Wear socks in your shoes? Come on. If HIS advertisers want to give him money to be associated with that non sense boo on them. You can’t blame Block. He is getting what he wants, MONEY WITHOUT doing much himself. That’s the New Yawk way he learned in the 70’s culture. Podiatry was a PORTAL TO ENTER INTO A BUSINESS, not a portal to true medicine. Just like the other fraud, OPTOMETRY, WHICH IS DESIGNED TO SELL GLASSES more than treat disease (there are MD OPTHALMOGISTS tasked with that responsibility), podiatrists SELL supports, shoes, and… Read more »
Most are shysters living in shysterville. Shylocks who honed their crafty ways to sell crap to the dolts. In sum shlocks.
Robert, the oath we took to become podiatrists was not to sell podiatric items to our patients, but instead to help them examine diagnose and treat podiatric conditions. Helping others is the basis of the paths we took when we graduated. For example, even helping a patient with compromised circulation treat a painful toenail condition is a valuable service for a patient. Every profession, occupation or job in some way helps others. Life is short. Why not spend it helping others if one is financially able to do so. One problem is in many medical fields in private practice it… Read more »
The “podiatry oath” was another attempt at stealing MD similarity. Few believed it meant anything.
Of course the podiatry oath is an integral part of the trust the public has in podiatrists.
How can we ever forgot that oath we took on graduation day from our podiatric medical colleges. Please smile, think back of all the help we gave our podiatric medical patients.
We worked in an ER in Admissions and Billing. could only handle it for 8 months before quit mid-shift. Why? Because American for profit ‘Healthcare’ required the name, DOB and social just to allow the system to print the Wrist Bracelets, which you needed to have printed, because every item you took out for someone’s care, needed to be tied to the barcode and account printed on their bracelet. So, a kid gets picked up as a Drowning. I’m required to be the first person to get information from the patient. Who is the drowned kid that’s unconscious. Grandma was… Read more »
Medicine was once a “CALLING”, almost a RELIGIOUS field. (hard to believe that now a days). Those that went into it were DEDICATED. Today they’d be called SUCKERS. They were not only dedicated to ameliorating misery, they were scientifically curious. Transitioning from that to today’s “dr” is what happened when the TEMPTATION of INSURANCE MONEY infected the field. In the olden days todays lifer personalities would be called “SNAKE OIL SALESMEN”, fraudsters, and thieves. Those types invade and infect all noble fields. But, back then, they were not as PERVASIVE AS THEY ARE TODAY, WITH AND SINCE, THE INVENTION OF… Read more »
My personal opinion is PM News is an educational resource that provides educational resources, that benefit patient care as well as educate podiatrists. Podiatry is a profession, whereby we all took oaths to help our patients.
Thank you PM News.
What is the podiatry oath?
The oath to waste, fraud and abuse healthcare. Also when in position to exploit other podiatrists. That’s all folks…
“On my honor I will do my best to do my duty ” ( Boy Scout Oath) to the APMA and my banker, to make as much money as possible with the least amount of responsibility and education , and “to obey the” McQuactic LAWS, take advantage of people at all times, keep my self physically UNFIT, MENTALLY ASLEEP AND MORALLY QUESTIONABLE.
You vote for profit shit. You’re ok with it.
Lets audit how many really subscribe. I bet less than 10,000.
Would say less than 5k. Mostly boomers and some clueless neubies who a few months prior to pod school were auditioning for facial abuse
He has only “the numbers” to SELL to the advertisers. Evidence? Look at the surveys. 6-900 respondents out of an ALLEGED 20 THOUSAND? Seems out of proportion and suspicious to me? But we’re talking about a drop out New YAWKER
Daniel, appreciate your kind remarks. It is a pleasure putting out Podiatry Management as the leading podiatry business management magazine in the US and beyond. Please keep reading and learning.
You are as retarded as Barry Bloch, “BBG” !
He’s more damaged. Block does it for money, BBG needs to do it for MENTAL APPEASEMENT.
Are there any honest podiatrists? All I learn is that podiatrists still complain about not being respected by insurance companies, fighting for status in the mainstream, worry about competition from nurses, Good Feet Stores, Chiropractors, Shoe Clerks, Scholl arch support machines, their own dirty colleagues, can’t hope to have their own practice anymore and that podiatrists just aren’t trained well enough that they ask for help on a website of a drop out. I call that a dirty profession
“LEARNING” from PM News lowers the IQ, and pods don’t have much to spare. Here’s what learning from PM News consists of: “Does anyone know what this is”, “what should I do”?, or “has anyone ever done this before”?
MORE PROOF that a podiatry school education is INCOMPETENT. “Rubbing elbows” with nurses and P.A.’s are the closest a podiatrist will get to see what the MAINSTREAM DOES.
Yeah education: Does anyone know what this condition is? Our quack education is between a nurse and a P.A.. Closer to a nurse.
There’s a commercial on TV right now. It’s from “Soul Sanctuary” advertising MEDICAL PEDICURES! Between this and the Good Feet Store podiatry has an increasingly NARROWING SCOPE making most of what podiatrists do, obsolete.
A dying profession. Yet, more training TIME /= actual training and DEFINITELY DOES NOT MEAN increase in scope or need.
This ennui for education and scope makes podiatry a DIRTY PROFESSION.
Next week’s question (above) is a typical Barry Bloch question.
It’s just filler to make the advertisers THINK they’re paying to a big audience. It’s all a “NYC CORNER SHELL GAME” AND BLOCK IS THE OPERATOR.
Merry Xmas. Shithole us style!
Looks like a Chaskin like Lifer is using multiple names to make one neg vote appear like it’s more than one. Kinda like a Democrat voter needing to CHEAT to get things his way. Dirty men make a dirty profession. Stay out of podiatry school and you won’t have to spend the rest of your life around LIARS.
Kinda like NY, an utter shithole of corrupt clown, “republicans” and “democrats”–two wings on the same delapitated plane.
At least 2 dirty zealots showing that they’re trying to SUPPRESS THE TRUTH. Sooo podiatric. 3rd proof in only one topic that podiatry is a DIRTY PROFESSION.
Robert, I am not a Democrat. I am a Republican.
UH? Who are you?! I wasn’t referring to anyone specifically just the behavior as. Did I refer to you (who?) as a DEMOCRAT? Not sure what you (which poster?) mean.
As if they’re different Chqssskin. Cant fix us stupid.
Which of the above posters are you? Not clear so can’t reply.
It doesn’t matter. There’s no difference in the us uniparty of war industry. Crapitalism and con podism
It’s all a smoke show in the decaying us empire and it’s 51st genocidal state.
For clarification, name that 51st state.
A lying, misrepresenting profession is a DIRTY PROFESSION.
Negative votes over asking for clarifications! Now that’s ANOTHER indication of the DUMBELLS AND HATERS OF THE TRUTH IN PODIATRY. Yes, YOU MAKE PODIATRY A DIRTY PROFESSION! You belong with PM sock and shoe news.