The New McGlamary Foot and Ankle Surgical Text will be released in October on Amazon. It’s only going to retail for $400 ,which is cheaper than previous debuts. Actually, if you look old copies regularly go for more than $400. Surprisingly they are not offering a DVD, CD Rom or any interactive component with the release.

This was a treatise regarding shaniquas and illegals from billy bob states. Learn how to do some flatch foot re con structing on amateur rappers and lawn janitors
Get the M.D. versions and know there’s science behind it. Oh wait, the MD doesn’t know ANYTHING about the foot. Isn’t that what the quack colleges teach to justify their existence?
I bought the textbook by Mann ordered McGlamary
New text, and will compare both.
The latest edition book scam…..keep printing “newer” editions to make other edition obsolete so they can get their hustle on and sell more crap. 50 ways to filet a bunion -Caddy Pod. Do the hustle. Like the different editors-like one is better than the others…and the another who so desperately wanted to be an optho–whoops, there’s a foot! Whoops bombed the MCAT there’s a foot! What a shit show.