Enrollments might be down but this might be a good thing because there are more podiatry residency programs available for graduating podiatr8students.
Great logic chappedskin. No wonder why you’re a dp wtf
Thanh Dum
Podiatry failed bc of its constituents were morons and buffoons.
Robert Bijak
Yes, Thanh. The whole is = to the sum of its parts. If podiatrists were as smart, industrious, and confident as they claim we would have long ago dropped the dpwtf certificate and LIMITED LICENSE.
What’s the old apothegm about a few “cultists” spoiling the barrel?
Most were idiots and willfully ignorant. Remember the mask nonsense and ‘voting’….
BARRY ....... time to throw in the towel
Yes …………………. Barry wrestled while in college. And I am a professional boxer just like Pat DeHeer. I want to punch every REAL doctor (orthopaedic that is) in the face. “I will punch back hard” says Pat DeHeer.
Robert Bijak
What kind of profession NEEDS “RISING STARS”? A quack profession that’s what. Well, slovenly, poorly attired Samuel Gore lick has been nominated. If that’s our future star then “the sky is falling” Our Star says foot school is easier to get into then Medical school. We knew that. He says he likes podiatry because of a NICE LIFESTYLE. Of course. You can’t expect low achieving podiatrists to put out the extra effort like an MD would. Picture some of the pod regulars and ask if you’d want them to be treating you in an ICU. What Gore lick wants is… Read more »
Asslick looks like a dork. Scripted bs to appeal to other shysters.
Robert Bijak
What a PREJUDICED SUCK UP Mister Chaskin is. Congratulating Barrry (BLAME BARRY!) BLOCK on his MEANINGLESS plaque from the MEANINGLESS SPORTS CLUB. Chaskin even congratulates Block on getting his 1970’s wtf certificate of achievement from the New Yawk Chirpodiatry College! Well, didn’t Block drop out of that, what?, 30 years ago? Perhaps Chaskin is hoping for another invite to Barry’s house to talk about shoes and the wonderful profession of being a fake specialist. I thought Chaskin said he and Barry would get stress relief by talking about shoes? These are examples of the IMPEDIMENTS to podiatry’s evolution. ( I… Read more »
Charlie Krause
Asslicker Shaskin-how predictable.
Charlie Krause
Genocide Joe?
Podiatry oath
Robert, my opinions are as follows: it is an accomplishment to achieve the goal of obtaining a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree. Once one obtains this goal, this is the first step in getting licensed. Once licensed one has awesome opportunities to help others with painful infected foot conditions as a podiatric physician in states like New Jersey and as a podiatrist in states like New York. For example: how many physicians treat infected painful ingrown toenails? Treating painful infected toenails is important to the patient who has this condition. Left untreated in a patient with compromised circulation is problematic.… Read more »
Robert Bijak
Nail salons tx ingrown nails everyday. PA’s tx infections everyday. If all podiatry can tout after 7 years is toenails…well, they’re deluded as to their importance. Think of all a general practice MD does. He sees heel pain pts and thyroid patients. He treats severe infections that are life threatening. Comparably speaking podiatrists do very little. What? About 20 conditions vs an MD’s hundreds? Considering the time and money dpms invest, their return isn’t worth it. Aside from toenails and some MINOR deformities podiatrists generally DELAY THE ULTIMATE ENTRY TO THE MAINSTREAM. DEFEND this inferior trade if you will, but… Read more »
Robert Bijak
Yeah, Barry Block the wrestler. Put your finger over the simp smile and look at the eyes. Killer? Winner? Nope. They said he was a wrestler, but did he win many (any)?
Collision center podiatricks
Maybe shlock and the nasally heavy breathing suck up have a lil something going on…..
Robert Bijak
The Pod sports medicine fraud is often associated with arch supports and that means sales. Barry Block SELLS lots of arch support advertising. We know that podiatrists love to GIVE EACH OTHER AWARDS to fill fakes on their walls. It’s also an excuse for a free dinner paid with someone else’s dues. Is it any surprise that the Sports fake board honors Barry Block? It’s all a “circle jerk” of deluded lifers. Block is said to have an “athletic” background! Yeah, and I have an “athletic” supporter. (jock strap to you real athletes) Collegiate wrestler? What college was that and… Read more »
Everyone knows it’s windy
Shlock looks like con zelenskyys brother
Hallux Guy
Shylok (ie. Block) is a nebbish & nerd of the 1st degree. PERIOD ! Oh ………… but he walked in college, wrestled and did some running. Shame on the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine. Apparently, the AAPSM has no shame.
Robert Bijak
AAPSM statement re Block: ” It’s not personal, it’s BUSINESS. Give the insecure New Yawk foot drop out a plaque, make the lonely square peg feel he can fit in a round hole and get all kinds of latitude for advertising the SPORTS MEDICINE BUSINESS CON. HEEL PAIN IN RUNNERS….OOH!
Thought it was satire. That dweeb clown being inducted into some no name made up ‘sports’ foot org? How much are the dues…. $6? Did Barry have to pay for the 99 cent store plaque with promo corn syrup US swill fruit cup?
Yes, interesting Valhovic speaks about immune drugs for dermatology conditions. But, it’s systemic medicine, how can we do in scope licensing!!??
Robert Bijak
We can’t! It’s just a continuation of the delusion that someday we’ll be “just like”. Same with the in towing, hip thing, or the gout thing. You really can’t treat the etiology. IF THE STUDENTS. OR POTENTIAL STUDENTS, KNEW HOW LIMITED THE DPWTF CERTIFICATE IS THERE WOULD BE EVEN LESS APPLYING (or staying in) then there are.
Podiatry is pathetic. So reminds me of liberal Democrats where there are all these “promises” and good intention but the reality is it’s a disaster. Same type of narcissistic MYOPIC PERSONALITIES run podiatry and the Democratic party.
Podiatry oath
My opinions: A Podiatrist can prescribe Trental to treat a foot condition of pvd even if other anatomical parts are affected. Similarly, a podiatrist can prescribe immune drugs, aspirin or anything related to treating a foot condition even if a systemic disease is affected. Ideally there should be communication between the patients MD DO PA or NP regarding what is being prescribed so that the primary practitioner is aware of what is being prescribed. The patients primary doctor I believe should be captain of the ship especially if systemic diseases are in need of treatment.
Robert Bijak
Poor MISTER Chaskin. If YOU worry about your treatment so much that you have to “communicate between the patients, MD,DO, PA, NP”, then you are just a WASTED GO BETWEEN. IF YOU DIDN’T EXIST, THE PATIENT WOULD ALREADY BE IN THE MAINSTREAM. Just think Mr. Chaskin, YOU have to ask a 24 yo girl PA if it’s ok for you to do something. If you were smart, and you’re not, you would know that before prescribing those JAK inhibitors etc. cardiac and pulmonary conditions must be understood because DEATHS HAVE BEEN REPORTED WITH THOSE CO MORBITIES. Read the inserts. PODIATRISTS… Read more »
Big Foot
Yes ! Chaskin has to ask young girl PA Np for permission. Mother may I?
Podiatry oath
The generic version of Trental is still available. Trental should not be given with certain medical conditions. Even over the counter aspirin should not be given with certain conditions. There are drugs that are better than Trental. This was used just as an example. Communication with a patients primary physician by not only a podiatrist but any medical specialist is helpful the patient so as to avoid side effects from medications. This is why podiatrists are part of the healthcare team out to help patients with foot diseases, pain, deformities etc….
Robert Bijak
Mr.Chaskin once again is CONFUSED. He confuses communication by MD’s to MD’s vs THE REQUIREMENT BY LAW FOR LIMITED LICENSED NON MD’S TO DEFER TO THEIR “BETTERS”.
Mr Chaskin and other deluded lifers JUST CAN’T process reality. They are hard wired to stubbornly stick to the party line. You see this in religious cults where, despite evidence AGAINST THEIR BELIEF, they die on their sword for it.
You just can’t reason with the UNREASONABLE. If you could, the MENTAL INSTITUTIONS WOULD BE EMPTY.
Geoff Flabbershaw
Mr. chapskin-
Are you for real?
Did that shithole ny office close , why???
rent too high, liquor degenerates, oriental cuisine smells getting to your customers fromHung Los Chinese?
Friendly update. Trental discontinued years ago.
BARRY ....... time to throw in the towel
Parkinson’s disease is a movement disorder of the nervous system that worsens over time. The nervous system is a network of nerve cells that controls many parts of the body, including movement. Symptoms start slowly. The first symptom may be a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand or sometimes a foot or the jaw. Tremor is common in Parkinson’s disease. But the disorder also may cause stiffness, slowing of movement and trouble with balance that raises the risk of falls. In the early stages of Parkinson’s disease, your face may show little or no expression. Your arms may not… Read more »
Robert Bijak
Not as long as he can open and close a fist on an advertisers CHECK.
He’s a boomer. They never retire. Their ‘job’ is their identity. Greedy Sickos. Just ask the Cally inferno 6 buck elderly whack job that hates podiatry yet did it for decades keeps a ‘foot license’ and shits on Dr Chaskin.
Robert Bijak
You’re WRONG from your very first statement. I am and have been retired. So why should anyone listen to you? I don’t hate podiatry. I hate the “controllers”, crooks, and lifers that lie, control, and remain educated less than a P.A.. See, Some of us have the capacity and motivation to do more. Lifers are content with mediocrity jut hoping to use rhetoric to lie their way to acceptability. No matter what YOU SAY to make yourself feel good, YOU STILL NEED A P.A.’S SIGNATURE TO GET PAID FOR DOING WHAT A NAIL SALON GIRL DOES. You can’t even admit… Read more »
In New England journal medicine,1-16-25. Editorial titled “Predatory Journals- What can we do protect Prey?. I will quote first two lines. A growing number of entities misrepresent themselves as scholarly journals for financial gain despite not meeting scholarly publishing standards. As editors and members off the International committee of medical journal editors, we receive queries about these predatory “ or “pseudo “ entities and are subject to their deception when target our authors and reviewers. Thank goodness our journals free of this … ??!!
Robert Bijak
Yeah, how about that Podiatry Today comic book about 20 pages long?
Robert Bijak
I really don’t want to do this. I don’t like it and it reminds me of what a loser profession I was conned into. I fell for the HYPE AND LIES. No computers and NO HONESTY among the pods is my excuse but I can’t let the lies and misrepresentations go. Too many decades of misrepresentation have been presented by PM News and its controller Barry Block. “Do you recommend your patients go barefoot at home”? One choice was yes but with socks. WTF When does barefoot mean with socks. He can’t even ask a sensible question. Look at his… Read more »
Yet you still willingly pay into it and brag about paying for foot license fees in California. Apologize please to Dr. Chaskin. Thank you.
Robert Bijak
I stated I paid my $6 dollars to California. Where’s the braggadocio there Mark? I feel I must have gotten into your craw making YOU so picayune. Lifer delusion fracturing? And, like most foot technicians, YOU MISSED THE POINT. I don’t willingly pay… I’M REQUIRED TO PAY BY STATE LAW. You either pay or they take away your right. That alone merits examination. What if your undergrad school says you must continue to pay to be able to say you graduated from college? To me, once you have your degree, your license, or your boards you’ve got them. You earned… Read more »
Barryster Wrestles
Please apologize to Daniel . It might make you feel better than paying dues to a failed state.
Robert Bijak
$ 6 bucks? Even I can afford to “throw that away”. Remember, California foot techs say their MD is just around the corner. I’ll place a $6.00 bet on the roulette wheel falling on MD. I also buy ONE lottery ticket when the jackpot hits a billion. Hey, it’s POSSIBLE, even though not probable. Yeah, I’d like to have MD on my tombstone. I’ll pay $6 bucks for that.
Big Foot
Thé 400000 $ per year fire ‘fighters’ did shit in that pisshole state. Like ny too.
Great post , thanks! I like to add Biden is forgiving loans for schools that schools fraudulently used -based on promises to students. Umm ..hitting close to podiatry school??!???
Hypocrite. Starve em financially. Fred Raud. Buttfalo styles
Robert Bijak
You’re either too dumb to get it or too narcissistic to ADMIT YOU ARE WRONG.
Robert Bijak
Replied but wasn’t posted??
Podiatry oath
Mr personal opinion is podiatry management is an educational resource that so many podiatrists appreciate and learn from. Think of the opportunities to learn about podiatry. Why delay? Why not learn about podiatry today?
Robert Bijak
Another example of why a 24 yo PA has a broader license than a wtf, and they don’t need walkathons or never ending newspaper (advertising) articles.
Dremel DPM
You can only fool people for so long…the internet has foiled the BS from Podiatry organizations. Podiatry school is not medical school. Podiatry schools do not teach medicine, Pediatrics, Ob-Gyn, Surgery and Psychiatry. Podiatry schools do not have rotations in teaching hospitals and the Podiatry clinics at the schools are empty. AND….after 7 years you get a limited license. With so many foreign MED SCHOOLS NOW ACCREDITED BY THE USA AND THE INCREASING NUMBER OF PA AND NP SCHOOLS AND OSTEOPATHIC SCHOOLS…NO NEED TO GO TO A SUB STANDRD HEALTH PROFESSIONS SCHOOL(DPM) THAT COSTS TOO MUCH MONEY AND YOUR INCOME… Read more »
Hallux Guy
Perfectly stated, Dremel. And 1000 % correct !!!
Great stuff Dremel.Only issue I have over billing and fraud to make living in podiatry. This is elephant in APMA board room …
Septic tank stank
Maybe get some donations from their members and other lackeys.
Podiatry oath
One can practice honestly. They possibly might not make a living, may have to get a second source of income to support a failing practice, but they can practice honestly. Podiatry is an honorable profession that helps so many patients.
Robert Bijak
If they practice honestly they might not make a living. Podiatrists need to make a living. Therefore, they don’t practice honestly. Thanks, appreciate the corroboration of podiatric fraud.
Podiatry oath
Robert, there are podiatrists that practice honestly that do not make a living. They might get a second job unrelated to podiatry or get a second source of income etc…
name that school
you forgot to mention prestigious names like..Scholl college….LOL, utter embarrassment.
Robert Bijak
I wouldn’t be surprised if some New Yawk podiatric politicians would prostitute themselves to be administrators at the “GOOD FEET COLLEGE OF PODIATRIC MEDICINE”
Enrollments might be down but this might be a good thing because there are more podiatry residency programs available for graduating podiatr8students.
Great logic chappedskin. No wonder why you’re a dp wtf
Podiatry failed bc of its constituents were morons and buffoons.
Yes, Thanh. The whole is = to the sum of its parts. If podiatrists were as smart, industrious, and confident as they claim we would have long ago dropped the dpwtf certificate and LIMITED LICENSE.
What’s the old apothegm about a few “cultists” spoiling the barrel?
Most were idiots and willfully ignorant. Remember the mask nonsense and ‘voting’….
Yes …………………. Barry wrestled while in college. And I am a professional boxer just like Pat DeHeer.
I want to punch every REAL doctor (orthopaedic that is) in the face. “I will punch back hard” says Pat DeHeer.
What kind of profession NEEDS “RISING STARS”? A quack profession that’s what. Well, slovenly, poorly attired Samuel Gore lick has been nominated. If that’s our future star then “the sky is falling” Our Star says foot school is easier to get into then Medical school. We knew that. He says he likes podiatry because of a NICE LIFESTYLE. Of course. You can’t expect low achieving podiatrists to put out the extra effort like an MD would. Picture some of the pod regulars and ask if you’d want them to be treating you in an ICU. What Gore lick wants is… Read more »
Asslick looks like a dork. Scripted bs to appeal to other shysters.
What a PREJUDICED SUCK UP Mister Chaskin is. Congratulating Barrry (BLAME BARRY!) BLOCK on his MEANINGLESS plaque from the MEANINGLESS SPORTS CLUB. Chaskin even congratulates Block on getting his 1970’s wtf certificate of achievement from the New Yawk Chirpodiatry College! Well, didn’t Block drop out of that, what?, 30 years ago? Perhaps Chaskin is hoping for another invite to Barry’s house to talk about shoes and the wonderful profession of being a fake specialist. I thought Chaskin said he and Barry would get stress relief by talking about shoes? These are examples of the IMPEDIMENTS to podiatry’s evolution. ( I… Read more »
Asslicker Shaskin-how predictable.
Genocide Joe?
Robert, my opinions are as follows: it is an accomplishment to achieve the goal of obtaining a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine degree. Once one obtains this goal, this is the first step in getting licensed. Once licensed one has awesome opportunities to help others with painful infected foot conditions as a podiatric physician in states like New Jersey and as a podiatrist in states like New York. For example: how many physicians treat infected painful ingrown toenails? Treating painful infected toenails is important to the patient who has this condition. Left untreated in a patient with compromised circulation is problematic.… Read more »
Nail salons tx ingrown nails everyday. PA’s tx infections everyday. If all podiatry can tout after 7 years is toenails…well, they’re deluded as to their importance. Think of all a general practice MD does. He sees heel pain pts and thyroid patients. He treats severe infections that are life threatening. Comparably speaking podiatrists do very little. What? About 20 conditions vs an MD’s hundreds? Considering the time and money dpms invest, their return isn’t worth it. Aside from toenails and some MINOR deformities podiatrists generally DELAY THE ULTIMATE ENTRY TO THE MAINSTREAM. DEFEND this inferior trade if you will, but… Read more »
Yeah, Barry Block the wrestler. Put your finger over the simp smile and look at the eyes. Killer? Winner? Nope. They said he was a wrestler, but did he win many (any)?
Maybe shlock and the nasally heavy breathing suck up have a lil something going on…..
The Pod sports medicine fraud is often associated with arch supports and that means sales. Barry Block SELLS lots of arch support advertising. We know that podiatrists love to GIVE EACH OTHER AWARDS to fill fakes on their walls. It’s also an excuse for a free dinner paid with someone else’s dues. Is it any surprise that the Sports fake board honors Barry Block? It’s all a “circle jerk” of deluded lifers. Block is said to have an “athletic” background! Yeah, and I have an “athletic” supporter. (jock strap to you real athletes) Collegiate wrestler? What college was that and… Read more »
Shlock looks like con zelenskyys brother
Shylok (ie. Block) is a nebbish & nerd of the 1st degree. PERIOD !
Oh ………… but he walked in college, wrestled and did some running.
Shame on the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine.
Apparently, the AAPSM has no shame.
AAPSM statement re Block: ” It’s not personal, it’s BUSINESS. Give the insecure New Yawk foot drop out a plaque, make the lonely square peg feel he can fit in a round hole and get all kinds of latitude for advertising the SPORTS MEDICINE BUSINESS CON. HEEL PAIN IN RUNNERS….OOH!
Thought it was satire. That dweeb clown being inducted into some no name made up ‘sports’ foot org? How much are the dues…. $6? Did Barry have to pay for the 99 cent store plaque with promo corn syrup US swill fruit cup?
Yes, interesting Valhovic speaks about immune drugs for dermatology conditions. But, it’s systemic medicine, how can we do in scope licensing!!??
We can’t! It’s just a continuation of the delusion that someday we’ll be “just like”. Same with the in towing, hip thing, or the gout thing. You really can’t treat the etiology. IF THE STUDENTS. OR POTENTIAL STUDENTS, KNEW HOW LIMITED THE DPWTF CERTIFICATE IS THERE WOULD BE EVEN LESS APPLYING (or staying in) then there are.
Podiatry is pathetic. So reminds me of liberal Democrats where there are all these “promises” and good intention but the reality is it’s a disaster. Same type of narcissistic MYOPIC PERSONALITIES run podiatry and the Democratic party.
My opinions:
A Podiatrist can prescribe Trental to treat a foot condition of pvd even if other anatomical parts are affected.
a podiatrist can prescribe immune drugs, aspirin or anything related to treating a foot condition even if a systemic disease is affected.
Ideally there should be communication between the patients MD DO PA or NP regarding what is being prescribed so that the primary practitioner is aware of what is being prescribed. The patients primary doctor I believe should be captain of the ship especially if systemic diseases are in need of treatment.
Poor MISTER Chaskin. If YOU worry about your treatment so much that you have to “communicate between the patients, MD,DO, PA, NP”, then you are just a WASTED GO BETWEEN. IF YOU DIDN’T EXIST, THE PATIENT WOULD ALREADY BE IN THE MAINSTREAM. Just think Mr. Chaskin, YOU have to ask a 24 yo girl PA if it’s ok for you to do something. If you were smart, and you’re not, you would know that before prescribing those JAK inhibitors etc. cardiac and pulmonary conditions must be understood because DEATHS HAVE BEEN REPORTED WITH THOSE CO MORBITIES. Read the inserts. PODIATRISTS… Read more »
Yes ! Chaskin has to ask young girl PA Np for permission. Mother may I?
The generic version of Trental is still available. Trental should not be given with certain medical conditions. Even over the counter aspirin should not be given with certain conditions. There are drugs that are better than Trental. This was used just as an example.
Communication with a patients primary physician by not only a podiatrist but any medical specialist is helpful the patient so as to avoid side effects from medications. This is why podiatrists are part of the healthcare team out to help patients with foot diseases, pain, deformities etc….
Mr.Chaskin once again is CONFUSED. He confuses communication by MD’s to MD’s vs THE REQUIREMENT BY LAW FOR LIMITED LICENSED NON MD’S TO DEFER TO THEIR “BETTERS”.
Mr Chaskin and other deluded lifers JUST CAN’T process reality. They are hard wired to stubbornly stick to the party line. You see this in religious cults where, despite evidence AGAINST THEIR BELIEF, they die on their sword for it.
You just can’t reason with the UNREASONABLE. If you could, the MENTAL INSTITUTIONS WOULD BE EMPTY.
Mr. chapskin-
Are you for real?
Did that shithole ny office close , why???
rent too high, liquor degenerates, oriental cuisine smells getting to your customers fromHung Los Chinese?
Friendly update. Trental discontinued years ago.
Parkinson’s disease is a movement disorder of the nervous system that worsens over time. The nervous system is a network of nerve cells that controls many parts of the body, including movement. Symptoms start slowly. The first symptom may be a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand or sometimes a foot or the jaw. Tremor is common in Parkinson’s disease. But the disorder also may cause stiffness, slowing of movement and trouble with balance that raises the risk of falls. In the early stages of Parkinson’s disease, your face may show little or no expression. Your arms may not… Read more »
Not as long as he can open and close a fist on an advertisers CHECK.
He’s a boomer. They never retire. Their ‘job’ is their identity. Greedy Sickos. Just ask the Cally inferno 6 buck elderly whack job that hates podiatry yet did it for decades keeps a ‘foot license’ and shits on Dr Chaskin.
You’re WRONG from your very first statement. I am and have been retired. So why should anyone listen to you? I don’t hate podiatry. I hate the “controllers”, crooks, and lifers that lie, control, and remain educated less than a P.A.. See, Some of us have the capacity and motivation to do more. Lifers are content with mediocrity jut hoping to use rhetoric to lie their way to acceptability. No matter what YOU SAY to make yourself feel good, YOU STILL NEED A P.A.’S SIGNATURE TO GET PAID FOR DOING WHAT A NAIL SALON GIRL DOES. You can’t even admit… Read more »
In New England journal medicine,1-16-25. Editorial titled “Predatory Journals- What can we do protect Prey?. I will quote first two lines. A growing number of entities misrepresent themselves as scholarly journals for financial gain despite not meeting scholarly publishing standards. As editors and members off the International committee of medical journal editors, we receive queries about these predatory “ or “pseudo “ entities and are subject to their deception when target our authors and reviewers. Thank goodness our journals free of this … ??!!
Yeah, how about that Podiatry Today comic book about 20 pages long?
I really don’t want to do this. I don’t like it and it reminds me of what a loser profession I was conned into. I fell for the HYPE AND LIES. No computers and NO HONESTY among the pods is my excuse but I can’t let the lies and misrepresentations go. Too many decades of misrepresentation have been presented by PM News and its controller Barry Block. “Do you recommend your patients go barefoot at home”? One choice was yes but with socks. WTF When does barefoot mean with socks. He can’t even ask a sensible question. Look at his… Read more »
Yet you still willingly pay into it and brag about paying for foot license fees in California.
Apologize please to Dr. Chaskin.
Thank you.
I stated I paid my $6 dollars to California. Where’s the braggadocio there Mark? I feel I must have gotten into your craw making YOU so picayune. Lifer delusion fracturing? And, like most foot technicians, YOU MISSED THE POINT. I don’t willingly pay… I’M REQUIRED TO PAY BY STATE LAW. You either pay or they take away your right. That alone merits examination. What if your undergrad school says you must continue to pay to be able to say you graduated from college? To me, once you have your degree, your license, or your boards you’ve got them. You earned… Read more »
Please apologize to Daniel . It might make you feel better than paying dues to a failed state.
$ 6 bucks? Even I can afford to “throw that away”. Remember, California foot techs say their MD is just around the corner. I’ll place a $6.00 bet on the roulette wheel falling on MD. I also buy ONE lottery ticket when the jackpot hits a billion. Hey, it’s POSSIBLE, even though not probable. Yeah, I’d like to have MD on my tombstone. I’ll pay $6 bucks for that.
Thé 400000 $ per year fire ‘fighters’ did shit in that pisshole state. Like ny too.
Great post , thanks! I like to add Biden is forgiving loans for schools that schools fraudulently used -based on promises to students. Umm ..hitting close to podiatry school??!???
Hypocrite. Starve em financially. Fred Raud. Buttfalo styles
You’re either too dumb to get it or too narcissistic to ADMIT YOU ARE WRONG.
Replied but wasn’t posted??
Mr personal opinion is podiatry management is an educational resource that so many podiatrists appreciate and learn from. Think of the opportunities to learn about podiatry. Why delay? Why not learn about podiatry today?
Another example of why a 24 yo PA has a broader license than a wtf, and they don’t need walkathons or never ending newspaper (advertising) articles.
You can only fool people for so long…the internet has foiled the BS from Podiatry organizations. Podiatry school is not medical school. Podiatry schools do not teach medicine, Pediatrics, Ob-Gyn, Surgery and Psychiatry. Podiatry schools do not have rotations in teaching hospitals and the Podiatry clinics at the schools are empty. AND….after 7 years you get a limited license. With so many foreign MED SCHOOLS NOW ACCREDITED BY THE USA AND THE INCREASING NUMBER OF PA AND NP SCHOOLS AND OSTEOPATHIC SCHOOLS…NO NEED TO GO TO A SUB STANDRD HEALTH PROFESSIONS SCHOOL(DPM) THAT COSTS TOO MUCH MONEY AND YOUR INCOME… Read more »
Perfectly stated, Dremel. And 1000 % correct !!!
Great stuff Dremel.Only issue I have over billing and fraud to make living in podiatry. This is elephant in APMA board room …
Maybe get some donations from their members and other lackeys.
One can practice honestly. They possibly might not make a living, may have to get a second source of income to support a failing practice, but they can practice honestly.
Podiatry is an honorable profession that helps so many patients.
If they practice honestly they might not make a living. Podiatrists need to make a living. Therefore, they don’t practice honestly. Thanks, appreciate the corroboration of podiatric fraud.
Robert, there are podiatrists that practice honestly that do not make a living. They might get a second job unrelated to podiatry or get a second source of income etc…
you forgot to mention prestigious names like..Scholl college….LOL, utter embarrassment.
I wouldn’t be surprised if some New Yawk podiatric politicians would prostitute themselves to be administrators at the “GOOD FEET COLLEGE OF PODIATRIC MEDICINE”