Podiatry Posts

Man hospitalized after burning feet on Sand Dunes in Death Valley

Man hospitalized after burning his feet on blistering sand dunes at Death Valley National ParkDid he see a Podiatric burn specialist ?   If not, why ?
Dr. Yar On (aka Ronny) Rad You Canu says, “we are the specialist of the foot and ankle”.

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Bars on the window and door podiatryrobert bijakPostings have increasedDihnBars on the window and door podiatry Recent comment authors
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robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Who are you fool’n, Part II. Podiatrist Yeschek has a big heart and is screening children for free. Aw! I’m sure there’s no advertising or business motives there. Free screenings and coupons are not uncommon in foot land. Hey, surprisingly, podiatrist BLUM tells the “name withheld” foot tech, (who asked about the brown marks on the FINGER-nails) to SEND THE PATIENT TO A DOCTOR. He says there are at least 14 conditions that can cause it, implying that a foot technician wouldn’t or couldn’t be able to treat them even if he “guessed right”. Oh yeah. Remember the girly pod… Read more »

Bars on the window and door podiatry
Bars on the window and door podiatry

Also dp wtfs are forbitten to manage MEDICAL groups as S corps in Kalifornia. Only real doctors sorry pods. Keep paying those dues, fees, etc etc.. someday somedaze

Bars on the window and door podiatry
Bars on the window and door podiatry

And they will because they have no backbone. Just look at the woke joke ozempics

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

“BARS”: The ‘SOMEDAY’ con and lie has been successful over several generations of podiatrists. It has proven PROFITABLE financially and influentially. Podo-politicians, being talented in the con, resist addressing the FAILURE OF THE LIE but instead concentrate on the “HOPE” it gives LIMITED licensed, insecure, podiatrists at a financial “COST” to them. Only UNSCRUPULOUS, NARCISSITIC, AVARICIOUS MEN would continue SUCH A LIE WITHOUT MATERIALLY CHANGING THE PHILOSOPHY AND CURRICULUM of podiatry so that HOPE would transform into actual EXECUTION! That is, DO SOMETHING OR SHUT THE “F” UP! LIKE dumb round headed “Charlie Brown” trusting Lucy to hold the football,… Read more »

Bars on the window and door podiatry
Bars on the window and door podiatry

Wise words Mr Bijak. Podiatry is feckless.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Let’s fool ’em AGAIN with minimal or misleading information. A splashy toothy smiling picture of a NON MD cutting a ribbon for a clinic. Ooooh! those foot techs are making progress. At least that’s the impression desired. Note the truth. The Chief Medical Officer is an M.D.. The Chair of Dermatology is an M.D.. So what does that make the dpm? A CLINIC WORKER FOR THE M.D.’s. So they have a new clinic. What does that mean? It means a REVENUE SOURCE for the hospital and the dpm’s will do the WORK. They call it a DERMATOLOGY Clinic but podiatry… Read more »

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Let’s correct the DAILY PODIATRIC LYING with this: In my area there’s ANOTHER GOOD FEET STORE ad with an M.D. ORTHOPEDIC SURGEON recommending GOOD FEET ARCH SUPPORTS. Something like Pamela Amreth)sp?) M.D.. This is the SECOND M.D. RECOMMENDING NON FOOT TECHNICIANS OVER DPM FOOT TECHS.. Note several things. A REAL DOCTOR doesn’t bother with shoes or shoes inserts himself. He DOESN’T need “da business”. He’s an actual DOCTOR, not a wanna be pretender-salesman. The MD’s send mechanical sales to an ancillary HELPER. Furthermore, note that the GREAT, ADVANCED, NEW AND IMPROVED, EVERYONE KNOWS, LOVES, AND RESPECTS THE PROFESSION OF PODIATRY… Read more »


Podiatry and US empire is like killer clowns from outer space. It’s a C movie run and cheered on by crazies.


The delusional girl who helps fart shermann is delusional and in denial. She is likely another MD reject who has to lie to herself. Of course, she has the predictable story about the sports injuries blather…propaganda again. Sickos

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Postings have increased

Robert, how many times do you smile a day? Let’s help each other and be friends. Smiling can help us get through this life.
Also, Robert, please go to http://www.journalof dermoscopy.com and look at the pictures taken.
Where does it say I can regrow toes? Please let’s be friends. Let’s smile and help each other in this stressful life.
Please check the wording and cease and desist from using the phrase toes can regrow. Toes consist of bone, soft tissue etc..
The bones in the toes cannot regrow. Let’s politely have difference in opinions while smiling and being friendly.



Just released from ira krotch’s foot club



Case Study: denials, delusions, deceptions.

Bars on the window and door podiatry
Bars on the window and door podiatry

Re: lifer girlie: The MD orthopod story sounds fishy and contrived. More podiatrick propaganda-mind control perhaps?

PM News Reader
PM News Reader

The burned foot illustrates the importance of APMA public service announcements. Had this person heeded the advice offered by the APMA ( and repeated in pm news) his toes would have escaped injury ! When it is hot or cold you must wear shoes to protect your feet. APMA research consultants have determined this to be true. What else should we do ? Put his shoes on for him ? I sure hope he read the warning that soaking your feet in battery acid to cure athlete’s foot can result in an injury.

Dingle Barry
Dingle Barry

Excellent advice. Next in BM News: should you wear mittens or gloves during the winter times. The foot klub has their blue foot panel rigorously reviewing (getting remunerations, sponsorshits, and honoraria from corporations) different mittens and gloves for your commentary. Stay tuned BM “news” (suckers) readers!

robert bijak
Robert Bijak


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Postings have increased

Robert, please go to http://www.journalof dermoscopy.com and look at the pictures taken.
Where does it say I can regrow toes? Let’s be friends in this short life. Smiling can be a start Robert.
Again, please check the wording and cease and desist from using the phrase toes can regrow. Toes consist of bone, soft tissue etc..
The bones in the toes cannot regrow.

PM News Reader
PM News Reader

Dr. Dingleberry ….. excellent term “sponsorshit” ! It is the perfect adjective to describe the state of “unrestricted educational grants” so pervasive at podiatry CME meetings. The term “unrestricted educational grant” heretofore utilized should be replaced by the term sponsorshit. That is ASPS, Presents, increasingly ACFAS, the Podiatry Institute, in fact most podiatry meetings. Thank you CPME for allowing the sponsoring of shit lectures to dominate podiatry CME. Sponsorshit. Perfect descriptor Dr. Dingleberry. Perfect.

Bars on the window and door podiatry
Bars on the window and door podiatry

mr chasskin, respectfully, given your unfailing support of the CMEs, Podiatry ASSociations, podling “leaders”, etc…. do you support sponsorshits?

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Why worry about losing your toes? Daniel, the NY chiropodiatrist, can REGROW THEM FOR YOU.

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Robert, please go to http://www.journalof dermoscopy.com and look at the pictures taken.
Where does it say I can regrow toes?
Please check the wording and cease and desist from using the phrase toes can regrow. Toes consist of bone, soft tissue etc..
The bones in the toes cannot regrow.

Dingle Barry
Dingle Barry

Remember: when it’s hot outside wear shoes (B Blockhead, dp wtf, jd hogg, dfart, a2m)

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Some podiatrists in my area owned SHOE STORES. Apparently, they didn’t feel secure enough with their dpwtf.

Bars on the window and door podiatry
Bars on the window and door podiatry

many dp wtfs need side hu$tles bc the podiatry gig pays peanuts unless youre “creative” ahem….

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Money capturer, Kesselman, references an old article written in the U.K. regarding gait abnormalities suggesting disease. He wonders why the study WAS NOT DONE BY PODIATRISTS! I mean, seriously? Pods don’t treat systemic disease and they only get short peripheral course work about them. Pods THINK LOCAL AND THINK “procedures”. Pods do not have a holistic philosophical base that considers the whole body, nor have serious research training. That’s his answer. Perhaps pods like Gudeon, who recalls culturally cutesy names among the 16 technicians that graduated in his class from that esteemed New Yawk slum school, might also explain why… Read more »

Dingle Barry
Dingle Barry

We can defraud the public and insurance companies together (not to mention our own colleagues). TOGETHER


“Podiatric politics is an incestual, monolithic, PAY TO VOTE syndicate that thrives on MEDIOCRE, INSECURE, TRAUMATIZED MED SCHOOL REJECTS who think giving money and homage to politicians will SOMEDAY make them “just like”.
The Honorable Mr Bijak

Post this on your bathroom mirror and read it every morning.

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My opinion is the president of APMA is wonderful.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

I just heard a line on the “Greg Gutfeld show” that made me think of podiatry. It went like this, “SCAMMERS ARE USUALLY VERY CHARMING PEOPLE”. Hmmm?

F Podiatry
F Podiatry

Lots of Smiling and want to be friends….sounds like the village idiot

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

PODS ARE NOT LICENSED TO HANDLE THE CO-MORBID SYSTEMIC COMPLICATIONS OF BURNS SUCH AS I.V. HYDRATION, ASSOCIATED SEPSIS WITH INFECTION and OTHER “system” compromises, period. The intimation that podiatrists do these things is a fraudulent lie and would fall under medical negligence and practicing medicine without a license. PODIATRISTS ARE NOT DOCTORS AND WILL REMAIN NON DOCTORS IF THE APMA,CPME AND THE QUACK COLLEGES HAVE THEIR WAY. Podiatry’s only role would be as a “fancy P.A.” or nurse to do the LOCAL DEBRIDEMENTS AND DRESSINGS AFTER THE M.D. gives the orders. Remember, “if you wanted medicine you should have gone… Read more »

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IV hydration used for the purpose of treating a burned foot in my opinion is within scope.
Any foot condition I believe can be treated by any medical treatment. Just because a podiatrist is licensed to treat this does not mean a podiatrist should do so. A podiatrists ethical code of conduct will likely prevent them from giving unsupervised independent treatment they are not competent by training and or experience to perform.


Maybe the dipshit in death valleys should have worn supportive shoes and not dangerous flip flops…..


Why not water cooled orthotics?!!!??

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Water cooled orthotics, it depends if they are red, blue or pink.
Sybly what is your favorite color?


Likely didn’t read the repeated anything for a buck barry shylock’s “news” about hot tar barefoot walking in the summer tymes.

Hallux Guy
Hallux Guy

I agree with you, Gav ! And always check the temp. of running sink water before washing hands. You can read this non-academic foolish info in Shlocks daily news blast.

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