There is a letter from a Podiatrist that wasn’t able to hood his daughter at a DO school. And then you scroll a little bit down there is a letter thanking Jon Moore on his work for fall’s prevention. If you dont see the connection you are blind. If Podiatrist continue to embrace and promote this Kabuki theatre pushed by the AAPPM, Moore etc/ Then they deserve all the discrimination and exclusion MDs and DOs can muster. If Podiatrist wants to be equal of MDs and DOs they should act like it.
I didn’t think it was possible but I was wrong! I didn’t think podiatrists could be anymore stupid or anymore UN scientific but Barry Block show us how stupid podiatrists and podiatry is. Start off with podiatrist Smith lauding other podiatrists. Pods honor themselves and give each other plaques because outside of podiatry it rarely happens. Smith calls Hultman and his California cronies ICONS. WHAT BULL! What nerve. What an attempt to CON! An unnamed podiatrist has his biller write in and she says ‘SHOW ME THE MONEY’. Yeah, that makes me proud of this dirty profession all right. IDIOT… Read more »
I had a podiatry student shadow me. I told her the truth about podiatry. She was aware that I was making far less than most doing 285 surgical cases a year. I explained to her that my student debt far exceeded my income. I told her I barely enjoyed the work and it was clear I did, she saw a day of MSK work with some happy to ok patients from middle to poor economic classes. We did injections, and booked surgery and saw post ops. The staff were fair to be around. Now she’s at the nycpm. I told… Read more »
Oh Sister, Thank you for sharing your story. It’s heartbreaking. Makes me wonder how many others experiencing podiatry broken dreams of medicine.,,
I know I come from an era where there were many more pods/area, but even when taking into account pod attrition from death or dismay I’m still surprised by the 265 cases/ year claim. That’s about 1 sx/day @5 days/wk @ 50 working weeks/yr. OR, 2 surgeries every other day! Well, that seems quite rich to me. Of course back then many pods were KEPT OFF insurance plans keeping case loads low, but I’m sure many pods today are still NOT in Groups or plans so this number of cases (265) seems lavish. I’m not sure geographically where “Oh Sister”… Read more »
I have been on the student site and I have been on this site. I have done my analysis, the best option for me going into my senior year as a biology major is….A PA program, its quick, its rewarding being part of the medical world and it pays well, second would be a foreign med school. Podiatry did not make the list due to , high debt after school , low pay and limited license. Plus I have no interest in surgery, I like diagnostic medicine.
Great decision
Go for it!
Cogently thought out proving you’d be dissapointed in podiatry plus there is minimal diagnostic medicine in a bag of bones unlike all the rest of the body. You seem logical and that isn’t a premium in podiatry. If it were the curriculum would have been changed long ago. I think you’re too smart for podiatry. Glad we could help by giving you the truth. You’ll be signing the permission slips enabling podiatrists to get paid to cut toenails. Did you know podiatrists won’t be paid to trim toenails if they’re not given a note saying the patients need them cut.
‘Did you know podiatrists won’t be paid to trim toenails if they’re not given a note (from a PA!!) saying the patients need them cut.’
Now, dat’s a docta! Dp wtf
The fattest kid in the cafeteria, political podiatry and its cult members are used to pushing people around and stealing their lunches. He burps and farts about foot greatness and laughs at his own jokes. Small pods are always compromised because outside players are always messing with them.
Yes there’s a DEEP STATE HIDDEN in podiatry. A small monolithic cult of egotists brainwashed by parents and the culture they grew up in making them pushy and obstinate. These are the men who are BAD FOR PODIATRY (even though they, OSTENSIBLY, fly the pod flag). These are the men who look at personal power, politics, and self aggrandizement OVER what’s best for the profession. They’d just as soon LIE ABOUT HOW GOOD THEY ARE TO “SAVE FACE”, THAN TO ACCEPT THE REALITIES OF THEIR LIMITATIONS AND MAKE A CHANGE. That selfishness IS NOT the quality of anyone in a… Read more »
Yeah, if you want STUPID AND SECOND CLASS GO TO BARRY BLOCK’S PM NEWS. You’ll find all the lifers and losers there. How he’s able to SELL stupid stories and get money from nothing is some innate talent. So, we have Mc Clean talking (selling himself) about bunions. NOTHING NEW just an advertisement disguised as a story which BLOCK COPIES AND SELLS. I think those he copies SHOULD ASK FOR A COMMISSION. Afterall, it’s their story. Why should BLOCK GET THE MONEY FOR IT?!! Copyright your story and charge or sue Block for stealing it. Someone needs to point out… Read more »
Podiatry is most like steerage or 3rd class Robert. It’s a bad joke.
Robert, you miss the point. As a podiatrist one can treat toenails. That podiatrist can then go back and get a nursing degree and become licensed to treat fingernails. This is what education is all about. The education needed so that a podiatrist can join a different profession so as to treat another anatomical body part.
Do ANY MD’s or DO’s provide and/or write prescriptions for fall prevention braces ? Of course not………..
APMA enjoyed the $$$$ they received from OHI for bullshit non-restrictive educational grants.
Elliot Udell would not understand this.
Ya know, all those years ago, when Traum, Caddypod, ToeLegit, Docta Zero, Robert, and many freakin more chimed in at the student site and Almost Uncensored site BACK THEN THE UNEMPLOYABLES scoffed at that shit. Trolls, huh? That’s what they were, huh? Some mad people, disgruntled freakin losers, huh? Now the shit’s hit the fan, and it’s oozin’ big time because YOU WERE OBDURATE idiots who REFUSED to believe the P was screwed and it was the P that was doin’ the screwing’ – YOU DESERVE WHAT YOU GOT lifers.
Tell em Eddy!
Eddy …………….. I admire you. You are a sincere guy. Not many sincere people in the P.
Morons in the P, FOR SURE. Dr. Elliot Udell is most likely #1. Mr. Daniel Chaskin is # 2.
Mr. Barry Block # 3. And I can go on & on & on & on & on. All freaken fools.
Ya know Eddy, the PATHOLOGY is that the Lifers can’t accept they’re being peed on. They continue to BELIEVE it’s a warm spring rain. Psychiatry hasn’t found a cure for it and the Lifer’s won’t even take the medicine to treat the SYMPTOMS.
It is psychosis likely. Lying to themselves causes most of their pathologies.
You mean silly shoe pictures and “does anybody know what this is” questions DON’T make us look “just like”?
How did YOU let podiatry get so OUT OF CONTROL? EVIL flourishes when GOOD men DO NOTHING! What are YOU doing to wrest control from deluded narcissistic cultists LIFERS? The podiatry scam is tightly controlled by a cultist group. That’s why it’s still a dirty profession.
Most MDs and DOs are aware of podiatry and the endless shams and scams. Flim flam clowns.
Hence, no hoodie.
Shit, go to Linked in and read how DPM FAFWhatever Bullit posters write and how they’re responded to. Either they aren’t or swatted off as pesky twits. Tolerated, and dismissed as in a serious whatsa whatsa.
D P M three letter represents … WHAT?
Do MD’s have to go on “Linked in” to get business? Podiatry is still more of a business than a needed mainstream specialty. Quite similar to OPTOMETRY.
that site is so cringy. dolts saying 5 business lessons they learned after their dog died, or what it’s like to dick ride the boss for a promotion, apple polishers and brown nosers corporatists etc
Linkedfail-corporate America ass kissers:
…I nearly died in a freak car accident. Here’s 5 tips I learned to boost e-commerce sales while bleeding out on the highway…