Governor Fredo Cuomo is having a few problems up here in New York.
It’s interesting to note that he has many podiatry desirable traits.
This guy is the perfect apma executive director. Or other podiatry related jobs.
Consider the following:
He likes to give himself awards.
What could be more podiatry than this ?
He is a liar.
Number one qualification for apma executive director. Perfect actually. Project 2025 anyone ?
He cannot count.
I can see it now. PM News proclaiming 150,000 readers. Closer than his proclaimed covid deaths.
He cannot govern.
At a minimum, apma board member.
He likes publicity.
PM News regular contributor. Possibly challenges Armstrong and Levy.
He plays favorites.
The essence of the apma. Smile and say TALAR. Or Puncha puncha Pat “The Equinus Fighting Machine”.
He has no knowledge of medicine but makes medical decisions.
100% apma BOD characteristic.
He constantly endorsed really stupid ideas.
Ideal member of apma seal of approval committee.
He is elected by an ignorant collection of dummies.
Need anything more be said ?
If guilty of nursing home deaths Fredo Cuomo May be swimming with fishes ….
Meatball fits New Yawk very nicely. He was New Yawk. Meatball
Nothing will happen. If “voting” really mattered, it would be illegal Sybleys
Perhaps meatball can run the podiatricakal theatrical society. They can do nothing, eat, eat meatballs, do nothing, gavel clank, minutes of bullshit, and do nothing. If “voting” really mattered or changed anything, they’d ban it. Meatball New Yawwk Shitty
there’s a self serving -advertizement –look at me pic in the shyster’s propaganda blast regarding collecting a whopping….$2k…… (with an “exclamation” point–guess the shyster is ‘impressed’ with $2k?!) for homeless food.
Yet, Gassworthless collected over $500,000 per annum for feeding himself. Where’s that exclamation point?
Here’s exclamation point! Writer to PM magazine writes a podiatrist he knows does x -ray on everyone! This going on for past 30 years plus !Old fraud news!
Let’s see: 2,000 ! “donation” in larry’s fake news versus Ghastworthless making $500,000+ for ??????????????? oh, sorry, riding down elevators, smiling, brief case holding, sitting in 1st class, smiling, eating, ride up elevators, smiling, eating.
Stupid people make podiatry a stupid profession. Levy wants parity. He says, It’s about time. We’re physicians (just like) other medical specialists (tell a lie long enough). This old man has been in POLITICS FOR DECADES. HE’S DONE NOTHING! Podiatry is just as limited as it was nearly a half century ago. Mentally ill Barry Block shows a STUPID STRIPED SHOE PICTURE that has no relationship to reality yet YOU STUPID PODIATRIST SUPPORT THE ADVERTISERS THAT KEEP BREAD ON HIS TABLE. WHY ARE YOU SO STUPID? uk PODIATRIST GIRL THAT LOOKS LIKE A LOSER PODIATRIST SAYS SLOPPY SHOES CAUSE ARTHRITIS.… Read more »
Covid Covid Covid, Immunization, vaccines, vaccinators. Photos of Vaccinators, girls, minorities, p.a.’s druggist….but no no PO PO(eddy. Where are you anyways?) Cuomo, fraud, incompetence, New York. APMA silence, no help, needs more money. How dare you walk into your office and be called DOCTOR without at least subliminally KNOWING YOU CAN’T EVEN GIVE A SHOT! See, YOU ARE NOT A DOCTOR you’re just a PODIATIRST with an inflated title. You recall the term TWADT don’t you? And do you think BARRY BLOCK’S daily (EXCEPT Saturday) SHOE PICTURE HAS DONE ANYTHING BUT HURT YOU? Go ahead, PLAY DOCTOR MISTER…… below the… Read more »
How’s meatball doing? And the brother at BMM fake “news”? Enjoy the marketing, the propaganda, and the endless lies. Yet, many voted for meatball. what does that say about new yawwwk ?
Robert, please go to this website link and reconsider.
An MD at Sloan Kettering emailed me and said Great observation. Worth looking into further.
How many Covid toes have you seen and imaged?
You see Robert, some MD’s are interested in some of my findings.
If MD’s are actually looking at my images why shouldn’t podiatrists reading
Pod Post stop the insults regarding the idea of using dermoscopy regarding
info posted at the website
ACADEMIC DIRTY PODIATRY. Foot technician Miller, Ataves, et al, in ‘TECHNICIAN TODAY” FRAUDLENTLY FEIGNS ACADEMIA in their hyperbolic titled article” Covid 19 Coagulapathy and (wait for it) LIMB SALVAGE. After citing what is obviously NOT PODIATRIC RESEARCH and talking about immune cells, D-dimer and fibrinogen levels, heparin treatment and doing ELECTIVE surgery the article literally says nothing about TRUE LIMB SALVAGE and especially PODIATRY’S ROLE. Do that bunion STAT! (BEFORE THE INSURANCE DIES!) NO HOSPTIAL OR STATE LICENSING BOARD would support NON MEDICAL DOCTOR PODIATRISTS from dx or treating with intravenous heparin OR assume competency in hematological coagulation factors. After… Read more »
What makes progress
I encourage every reader to see the PowerPoint presentation, see the awesome results and decide for themselves only after seeing the complete website.
When I was insulted I in the past I brought up this website.
Robert, please go to this website link and reconsider.
An MD at Sloan Kettering emailed me and said Great observation. Worth looking into further.
How many Covid toes have you seen and imaged?
You see Robert, some MD’s are interested in some of my findings.
If MD’s are actually looking at my images why shouldn’t podiatrists reading
Pod Post stop the insults regarding the idea of using dermoscopy regarding
info posted at the website
Anybody know if there’s an extradition treaty with Costa Rica? Just ask’n cause one pod seems to have “retired” there. He claimed government oversight was one reason. Yeah, the government will “oversee” all you non MD foot technicians. Why are you called foot technicians? Well, because after 4-7 years so called “drs.” ask how to treat Raynaud’s. Really? You don’t know how to treat this common condition?What? Are the 20 conditions foot techs treat too much for their brain to handle? Too much nail and orthotic grinder dust in the brain? Any, and I mean any, NURSE AND EVERY SINGLE… Read more »
Could you imagine ANYONE who pays these corrupt clubs and ASSociations? What did you get for your hard earned monies??? Someday talk? Empty promises? Agendas that go nowhere? Missions-Visions of nothing? “Action plan” propaganda?
100% corrrecto . Add to that, pathological narcissim, bullying, (“you don’t get it. you’re not paying attention”-CUOMO press conference), threats (pay or certification taken away!). I. M.H.O. ALL politicians have a mental defect. Normal, humble, well grounded people are not so insecure as to need to THINK THEY HAVE SOME SUPERIOR INSIGHT THAT OTHERS DON’T. Don’t let ‘SICK’ people control your life. (can you say APMA DUES?, SHOE PERVERTS NEWS?)
Could be dean of Podiatry school!
New York and California are two well deserved shit holes. Asset confiscation and Punitive tax regimes thinking they “own” their residents, etc…it’s vile. It’s very podiatrick. Massive taxes, fees, empty promises for poor infrastructure, corruption, fraud, waste, abuse etc.. …yet idiots still there why??? B/c granny green grass told ya so, the fugly spouse “like” it there, the kids are “still” there-?? It’s YOUR life, you’d ONE life, you’re driving the bus….this aint a dress rehearsal. Unless someone is holding you at gunpoint or threatening you or your loved one’s life–then who the bleep would still there? CA? Sun? That’s… Read more »
Guess there’s truth there Bozo. Which state is Nirvana in your opinion? Just ask’n. Don’t worry, I’m too old to move there and open an office “across the street”. (a podiatrists biggest fear)
Yah, man-there’s no nirvana-no utopia— but there’s places that are better and you go where you’re treated best. Rather than staying in those dangerously poorly run 2 shitholes.
Sounds good ,but what about the clique that keeps licenses to themselves and their cronies? Podiatry licenses are dubiously obtained in some states. Got the old test and answers, anyone? The good spots are ‘CONTROLLED’ by lifer cliques. Ask Danny the toe grower. He’s been trying to move for years and few places will let him in. (probably a good idea in his case) Podiatry is not honest and like the New York scammers that started podiatry, those personality traits have been passed on.