Podiatry Posts

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall sold out a shoe that helped her bunions

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall sold out a shoe that helped her bunions

Looks like those Podiatrists in England are going to have a reduction in bunion surgery. Yes, Camilla found a shoe that made her bunions more comfortable and it has caused a rush on that shoe.


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FlatusSeventeen Million Dollarsrobert bijakSeptic Tank Stank Recent comment authors
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What ‘s with all these obcesssions over britshit? More losers on parade

robert bijak
robert bijak

I think Block will print anything except the truth about podiatry. Stupid LENOARD LEVY says he’d be GLAD TO GO TO A MEETING to “TALK” ABOUT PARITY. That’s the problem. All he does is talk and go to meetings. How many dinners have disappeared with endless talk. He’s been in podiatry for >40 years. If he couldn’t accomplish anything then what makes anyone think he can now.? Catch that 4 o’clock special in FLORIDA LEVY. Tell everyone how important you are. DROP THAT MOOCHER! 75% of technicians voted they want to be actual DOCTORS leaving a 1/4 saying they want… Read more »

Seventeen Million Dollars
Seventeen Million Dollars

Demented leevvee is glad to go to (another) meeting to “talk”, yep to talk abt things. and more meetings and more talk. As Robert states, all he does is talk and meeting bullshit. 40+years of talk and meetings. Hopefully, the 4:30P supper special is pleasing to leevee -how’s the prune juice, bland chicken dish, and goober’s pees?

robert bijak
robert bijak

Uggh! Can’t read the article without signing up. No thanks. Aside from cosmesis considerations, how many bunions REALLY HURT? The WOMEN seem to be the most concerned about bunions and that’s mostly for APPEARANCE.. If bunions really hurt that much wouldn’t there be an equal % of men? Don’t give me that pointed high heel BS. How many women do you see now a days wearing them? Women wear flats, sneakers, crocs and sandals mostly. After all, WE DO BELIEVE IN BIOMECHQUACTICS, DON’T WE? DON’T WE?! It’s not shoes mister MD, the Roots and the Weeds pontificate hypermobility, oblique 1st… Read more »

Seventeen Million Dollars
Seventeen Million Dollars

One sells bunion aesthetic “surgeries” to overcatted, single, neurotic, mostly Anglosaxon womyn-hear me roar types, or the princesses who need “nice” feet. It’s a bad joke and yet another sales pitch by DP wtfs.

Septic Tank Stank
Septic Tank Stank

Doucheass Cornball, more anglo saxon follies

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