Podiatry Posts

APMA National meeting

A  P  M  A    national meeting

“Nearly 1,000 podiatrists, sponsors, guests, exhibitors” at the A P M A national meeting. Translation: Nobody showed up.  Another total flop by the A P M A. How about counting the hotel staff, people walking by, cleaning and maintenance staff. Did they count hookers and drug dealers ? Hotel shoe shine people ? Big bucks opening address from John Steinberg too.  Probably hard to find speakers in the DC area.  Boy they searched long and hard for that one. The A P M A sinks farther and farther into the toilet. Somebody needs to flush the bowl and clean it. I’ll bet the exhibitors are happy with this turnout. Floparoooooo Dr. Santi, floparoooooo.

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too busy
too busy



Too busy or too burned out? Opinions versus options

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Dirty stupid podiatrists are STILL TRYING to massage the term “physician” to fit podiatry. They FAIL, though. Udell is confused. He says Webster dictionary says……”has EARNED A MEDICAL DEGREE”! Stop there. No matter how hard the APMA and the propagandists Barry Block try to mislead, YOU DID NOT EARN A MEDICAL DEGREE. YOU DO NOT HAVE AN M.D.. YOU DID NOT GET ACCEPTED TO MEDICAL SCHOOL. YOU ARE NOT, THEREFORE, A PHYSICIAN BY DICTIONARY DEFINITION AND THAT’S THE DENOTATIVE DEFINITION. (not the “connotative” insurance definition used for administrative convenience) Allow me to provide concrete proof that podiatrists AREN’T PHYSICIANS. Podiatrist… Read more »

delusions denials deceptions
delusions denials deceptions

Regarding podiatry, honest work goes unrewarded. Someone could work hard to provide the service our patients needs to continue, while earning wages that barely keep us afloat. More often than not they’re on the verge of homelessness or divorce or both. Meanwhile you have a certain few that are profiting of our labor, attention, information, or resources, making exponentially much more money. And they’re hoarding this all to themselves, while knowing the extent the majority of podiatrists are truly suffering. They are creating the rules by which everyone else must abide. Essentially as a human being we are treated like… Read more »

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

The essence of one who gravitates toward politics, power, and control is a DAMAGED PSYCHE. The need for fulfillment and approbation not received as a child or not achieved by some CULTURAL EXPECTATION directs these humans to find it in areas where they can exert control. This is not unique to podiatry, but podiatry is a fertile field for damaged psyches. Medical school rejection, a a part of the body reviled by many, a degree not recognized by the mainstream, a need fulfilled by many other venues, and a body of “practitioners” with weak academic motivation and past accomplishments explains… Read more »

Bars on the window and door podiatry
Bars on the window and door podiatry

Damaged minds, lust for money, and no soul. Podiatry.


I’m about as “low” on podiatry as a career choice as possible. It horrible. However, at this point you’ve already gotten through what makes the ROI so bad (opportunity cost and tuition). There aren’t that many jobs available that are going to pay as well as being a podiatrist, especially with the huge student loans ( You might as well finish up that pod residency, and experience real life as an attending before giving up. It’s a much different existence than as a resident. The time commitment is likely much less than what you are going through, but the incredible… Read more »

too busy
too busy

My opinion is that it is so important to have a different job or way of making a living so one can support a career as a podiatrist.

Bored exam follies
Bored exam follies

So either marry well, get a good cohabitare-mistress-homewrecker, choose parents well, or take a second or third job to support the podiatry job and its huge expenses-loans.
Is that your thinking?

Bars on the window and door podiatry
Bars on the window and door podiatry

mr chaskins is likely thinking about concubines or trustfunding. opinions only.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Stupid thought process

Bars on the window and door podiatry
Bars on the window and door podiatry

Do you recommend the collision center or the dog groomer place? these are opinions only, only

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Young pods always describe the “surgical side of podiatry”. I’ve got news. You’ve been conned! IF you do sx 20% of the time you’re doing better than most. MOST of your time will be in the office with toenails and orthotics and of course steroid injections. (because steroids take care of most of the minor inflammations that are found in the “bag of bones). So many HOT SHOT “SURGEONS” started off doing procedures that would make them look “just like” only to find complications, law suits, and results unlike what they desired. As time goes on Mature pods go back… Read more »

too busy
too busy

I believe this was not published in PM News. My opinions are: The state societies are wonderful organizations that care about giving membership the gift of an awesome education. They are out to educate us even about potential economic competition that might cut into the profits margins of it’s membership. For example: I remember the Good feet store had a meeting at the NYSPMA conference. This is yet another reason to join your state society and the APMA. Please consider qualifying for membership by paying dues monies.

Tom Lions
Tom Lions

Chaskinn alert

Levvees chinese food
Levvees chinese food


noun: mook; plural noun: mooks

a stupid or incompetent person.

Levvees chinese food
Levvees chinese food

Smiler-Do you get paid or anyway get inducements (monzy, positions, courtesies, hookers, speculative, promises, etc…) to promote podiatry?

too busy
too busy

I am respecfully advising you to immediately cease and desist from asking I get inducements to promote podiatry.


Don’t be too busy to get psychiatric treatment….

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

This is all you need to know about this dirty profession. A half century later and pods are STILL CRYING that THEY’RE NOT RECOGNIZED and it will be the same a half century from now. You read that, despite the “stolen valor” of Amol Saxena, (who “treated” an olympic gold medalist) the U.S. TRACK AND FIELD ASSOCIATION WILL NOT TAKE PODIATRISTS. (that is, they do not accept podiatrists as “physicians” allowed to be on the field to treat athletes) Thanks APMA. All that dues money, all those walkathons, and all those shoe drives somehow DON’T SUBSTITUTE FOR HAVING AN M.D.… Read more »


Sick of paying of being gas lit and lied to —sounds like MSM. Podiatry is rotten.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Podo-politics and Podo-education are ROTTEN. Why do pods let themselves BE CONTROLLED? “F” them! Stop paying, stop recognizing, demand FAIR ELECTIONS where ALL (not just paid up pods) can vote. No money=no controllers. No recommendation to pod schools=school administrators out of job and back to nail trimming. YOU have the power of the purse. YOU DON’T NEED PODO-LIFER-POLITICIANS AND YOU DON’T NEED THEIR PROPAGANDIST BARRY BLOCK AND HIS P.M. NEWS CASH MACHINE.

You may strut into surgery AS IF you were an M.D., but as far as controlling YOUR Life, YOU’RE SPINELESS IF YOU PAY THEM.

Award Winning
Award Winning

The winner for the best advertising campaign ever, envelope please,…..and the winner is…Podiatry !! Yes , the smart use of white coats , stethoscopes, scrub tops and vernacular like, foot and ankle reconstructive surgeon, physician and surgeon, “just-like” MDs and key words like residency (NON ACGME APPROVED). Think of how clever. 7 years limited license, high debt and 10 Podiatry schools that do not resemble an allopathic curriculum, that have no core medical rotations like allopathic schools. Have white coat ceremonies, have a match program. ok ok enough….have to admit …all this is award winning and very deceptive.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

World’s greatest con. Glad we can expose it or CHANGE IT.


10 years ago and dubious schools like podiatry—still selling the dream for massive costs.


Pod Poker
Pod Poker

Heard that the Pod schools are bidding for students. This one will give you 5K if you come here, the other school bids 6k for you to come there. Now another school joins and raises it to 7k. Student should fold and leave this game where the winner is always the dealer ( Pod School)

Thanh Dumb
Thanh Dumb

Tuition discounts (“scholarships”) are common at those shlock schools.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Kinda reminds me of the countries we give billions of dollars in aide to. They buy OUR weapons with the money WE GAVE them! Pod schools give “scholarships” then charge them high tuition SO THAT THEY GET THEIR MONEY BACK! “such a deal”!

Kinda reminds me of the New Yawk City streets shell games. Oh, those New Yawkers know how to fleece a sucker. Wasn’t the New Yawk foot school the FIRST ONE TO START THE CHIROPODIATRY CON?!


Sickening that shithole.

Tom Lions
Tom Lions

Yet millions in the USA don’t have healthcare, clean water, etc etc etc. Yet that fckg places gets our tax dollars for more disgusting behavior?!?!

Tom Lions
Tom Lions

Charge super high tuitions, then give the dolts a shitty $1000 -2500 ‘discount’.
Definitely dp wtf.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Check the “podiatry eyes” on smiling DAIRMAN. He says kids in pain should be seen by a Foot and ankle surgeon. Oh? what about those ABPM experts? Yeah, they’re not even equivalently recognized by podiatry. If you’re not ABFAS you’re crap in this dirty profession. Pod has little to offer because of that limited license and Lifer businessman will gladly TAKE ANY BUSINESS AWAY FROM YOU. ETHICS? Not when money is involved. And Mc Lean ensures that Block can continue to make money. He’s a frequent sales product. Of course he says nonsense. He talks about “CURING” diabetes with DIET… Read more »

Reality…it’s Traumatic
Reality…it’s Traumatic

People who are paid to solve problems acquire a vested interest in perpetuating the problems they are paid to solve. In other words, ineffectiveness is a consequence of the perverse incentives created by professionalization and hyper-capitalism.
Podiatry will never change. It will fade more away – hamster wheeling into oblivion.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

“a vested interest in perpetuating the problems” Add insecurity and fear of failure and you’ve described the entire podiatry political and administrative structure of a dirty profession.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

WIN SHOE STERILIZERS! That’s Barry Block’s joke on the stupid podiatrists who REMAIN SUBSCRIBED to his PM NEWS banned and censored propaganda arm of POLITICAL PODIATRY. SHOE STERILIZERS. SHOE PICTURES. ARCH SUPPORT SALES, AND SHYSTERS GALORE. And you THINK you’re “just like” in a field full of dirty podiatrists like that? YOU OUGHT TO BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES. PODIATIRSTS need to show some honor and BRAINS! As long as PODIATRISTS ARE UNDER THE THUMB OF THOSE OF DIRTY MEN THEY’LL NEVER BE RESPECTED. The only way to GET THE DIRTY MEN OUT IS TO FINANCIALLY STARVE THEM. AS LONG AS… Read more »

Lee S.
Lee S.

Daniell, why do you contribute to a marketing “publication” that employs censorship, embellishments, and omissions to sell a dubious trade?

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

He’s part of an insecure cult.


Goes to show us, age doesn’t bestow wisdom. He’s dumber than shit and loves eating it.
Maybe he can teach Barry how to play with his dermatoscope or sing lame nasally songs about how he got screwed.

awesome idea
awesome idea

Robert, any publication that gives out prizes that someone can win, this is the hallmark of an awesome idea. Why not consider being a winner, subscribe and possibly win? The beauty is the prizes help the public avoid foot pain infection etc… A win win situation for everyone. My opinion is the publication should be congradulated. Think about it.

Bored exam follies
Bored exam follies

Dan, are you still staring at his silly shoe of the day pictures for ” stress relief” since he is a good friend….Also WHY is important to smile and give money to podiatry?
Lisping, heavy breathing and nasally noises are to be celebrated especially clowns from new yawwk. it ‘s a win win win for corporate podiatry clowns with bars on those office orfices

Operation Podio
Operation Podio

How do we know the prize integrity and who wins? Is there any 3rd party independent audit to examine if Shylock is objective with the prizes and selection process? Where’s the transparency? where’s the beef? where’s the queef?

Reality check
Reality check

Proof…Podiatry is dying. Look at the senior chiropodists at the meeting with a few young kool-aid drinking DPMs. You can not fight reality with fantasy, doesn’t work. Watch , I predict next 2-3 years, at least wo schools will close and the number of bankruptcies for DPMs will sky rocket. 7 years for what??? limited license ….

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

The GOLDEN AGE of the CON is over and the piper wants to be paid. Eventually, ALL things even out. It’s that ENTROPY thing and podiatry is feeling it.

Eddy Mex

TO THE PODS TO BE Seven years, no changes, continuous grasping for “parity” through “just like” nonsense, no USMLE, no opportunities, no lateral moves, P teaching P dopey CE, and an unrecognizable degree. Pay the fee, wee wee wee, dumb suckers doin’ po-die-a-tree. The roots are stranglin’, the foot clubs gotcha danglin’, outcasts in the mainstream outtta reach, what’d they teach? Tootsie tech so whoopee doo you’re the poo scraped offa shoes. Bought crap you thought was true. Wah wah, ain’t it true. Smile away. We warned you twenty years ago who’s the troll now BITCHES. To the rest of… Read more »


Eddy, keep going!

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Neutralize CHASKIN’S VOTE.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

What a stupid profession. Podiatry ranges from guys who try to be like DOCTORS to slick shrewd con men. Suddenly podiatrist RUBIN is upset by STU SACHOWITZ. Awe! Stuey is making geld off the stupid foot without even going to foot school. Stuey is selling ARCH SUPPORTS and making claims. (Uh? anyone ever hear of the GOOD FEET STORE?) Why is Rubin upset when for years the G.F.S has been doing the same thing? Suddenly, Rubin is worried that Stuey might be treating diseases that are allegedly only UNDER THE PURVIEW OF TECHS OF THE FOOT. Yup, when it’s competition… Read more »

Thanh Dumb
Thanh Dumb

Same old names, same old. Same wine, new bottle.


Slummer will swim in shitcago sewage for clicks, clacks, and other marketing for the little business. Money is everything to them.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

In response to “money is everything”. “if you wanted to do medicine you should have gone to medical school”! Podiatry school is not medical school. It’s a trade school that teaches how to have a medical BUSINESS.

Podiatry is in a constant CIVIL WAR between those rejected from Medical School that still want to be DOCTORS and those who only wanted a way to have a nice little business. The Business lovers are those that control podiatry explaining why podiatry has not lost its limited license. THEY JUST DON’T WANT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF ACTUAL MEDICINE. And, there you have it.

Postings have increased

My opinion is the APMA has a wonderful president.

Bars on the windows and door podiatry
Bars on the windows and door podiatry

Chaskinitis alert.

too busy
too busy



I believe one of the strongest psychological forces keeping people in podiatry school and practicing it, is sunk costs. When a student gets 300k plus in debt, they force themselves to forge through the circus so they don’t lose their investment. They invest more money in the prison of belief which causes them to be uncomfortable whenever they are shown real economic figures. To be comfortable they must put on the t-shirt with foot graphics and sit through another regurgitation class with 90 other sheeple who really should have had a little more basic science in college and critical thinking.… Read more »

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Gavigone: “in my cult school there were some of the worst students in administrative jobs at the school.” Classic PETER PRINCIPLE. All pod administrators and podo politicians are at their level of incompetence explaining why podiatry just can’t break the Rhoadur ceiling. Yeah, a lot of these administrators are DORKS!

Francis Conman
Francis Conman

Dorks. Yes. Yes men geeks with no balls. Anything for a buck to help pay their huge debts.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

Legitimate drug reps are rare at foot tech conferences because pods use real drugs so rarely. Aside from some minor local anti-inflammatories and some minor fungal meds, the rest are creams, arch supports, shoes, computer programs for profit, and Dr. Jill type pads. Yeah, there’s hardware for that 20% (that’s the upper limit) of ELECTIVE procedures you SOLD. But, the salesmen know podiatrists are small potatoes. But, a sales commission is a sales commission. Most know podiatry conferences are attended because IT’S A STATE REQUIREMENT not that there’s a font of knowledge bubbling out. There’s VERY LITTLE ORIGINAL RESEARCH, just… Read more »

PM News Reader
PM News Reader

Actually, 1,000 people is a very very small turnout for The National. I am amazed how all podiatry meetings are on a downhill slope. Meetings are going downhill in the profession as well as the profession itself. You don’t need 20/20 vision to see this.

Hallux Guy
Hallux Guy

PM news reader: That was LESS than 1,000 INCLUDING guests, exhibitors, and sponsors. That is pathetic. A tribute to a sit program content, shit location, same old ass holes, shit profession. Figure less than 600 to 700 pods actually there. The APMA self serving insiders and money grabbers will never change.

MC Foot
MC Foot

In dogshit DC. Filled with corrupt and elitist scumbags.

robert bijak
Robert Bijak

That NYC money culture has never left podiatry. It sullies and cheapens it and that distances podiatry from the mainstream. Just as pigs enjoy mud, DIRTY podiatrists enjoy money.

Tom Lions
Tom Lions

danny supports this. that says it all folks

too busy
too busy

Check out the APMA website.
If you are a podiatrist please spend your money on dues so you can qualify to join the APMA.
Think of all the friends and old classmates one can meet and socialize with once one joins the
APMA and state society.

Bored exam follies
Bored exam follies

Friendster smiler, Why are you shilling for podiatry ? Stop asking folks to financially support podiatry. Do you work for them, are you getting any remuneration to promote them because you are sound like a broken record like a commission-salaried salesman asking folks to constantly give money to organized podiatry. At your very advanced age, Why are you so hell bent on podiatry marketing? Opinions only

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