So the Podiatrists that can do ankle replacements, which is a crazy small percentage, notice I used the word “can” and not “will”. Cause I know some Podiatrists will do them that shouldn’t.–
There’s a commonality with DP WTFs.
You better have some proof ready pal.
Let’s drop it and get back to sharing information.thank you!
False Flag DP WTF
SYBLY: IF you are accusing Eddy of anti-Semitism and racism state your proof or apologize! Anti Semitism seems ludicrous because, I believe, Eddy is Jewish! I do not recall any post where Eddy has ever held one RACE superior to another, or stated one race was inferior to another. Perhaps you are confusing RACE with professional appellation, such as, wtf’s<M.D.'s. If that's racism count me in.
It’s was you about editor of pm magazine -Barry block quote Jewish newspaper
Eddy is an awesome guy! What the hell is this Sybly person thinking??! I have read racist remarks about people on this site before and I always speak up. Eddy knows me and has supported me in defending against racism of any kind! For this fool to accuse Eddy of such, it goes to show how ignorant he is!
When someone/something is loosing an argument, morons use ad hominem attacks or race/ethnicity baiting. It’s a diversion tactic.
Why all the hate? It’s only podiatry.
Hey what’s with Eddy? I can’t believe his posts would be banned or censored here. He is one of the “originals”. Humorous, inciteful, often assuaging conflicting opinions. If The Podiatry Post loses the Eddie’s (with his wtf and MD experience) I believe the post is headed south. All that will be left is the shrimpy propagandists Barry Block and his hyperbolic vendors like ‘PASS YOUR SURGICAL BOARDS 100% GUARANTEE”. Huckstering on a huckster. A board that flunks half proving either the board is corrupt or the schools and apprenticeships are incompetent. Either scenario PROVES THAT PODIATRY IS A QUASI NOT… Read more »
Podiatrists were dead from the neck up.
Censored .. well racist antisemitic remarks are not welcome
Reality is welcomed.
Thanks R, as the PODIATER as in the TERMINATOR…”I’ll be back”–
Not sure all states allow podiatrists to perform total ankle replacement.
After posting 4-5 posts which disappeared. Why bother? You may not read this because it is censored. What’s the deal? Why waste the time? Is it true that once a DPWTF, stand at attention, salute the shoe, hop on the ban, censor wagon?
1. DP WTFs were opportunists. 2. They had inferiority complexes and the obsessive need to feel wanted and-or play surgeon, 3. Many had dysfunctional families which necessitated a need to please mommy /daddy, 4. If there a buck to be gotten, DP WTFs were salivating, like a thirsty dog-lip smacking. 5. If podiatry disappeared, would anyone really notice? Kinda like a tree falling in the woods parable.