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A podiatrist wrote about how they became a Podiatrist

A podiatrist wrote about how they became a Podiatrist

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talk about a fiction story. What’s next, Santa Claus and the Easter funny”


Podiatrists were nothing more than a 1/2 step above chiropodists.


As podiatry became more desperate, it was like the home seller who’s house sat and sat and sat. With all those home cheapo upgrades and remodelled bullshit, etc..etc… Desperado. Sales gimmicks and photographic tactic etc….all bullshit. The truth is: podiatry was a scam. An unqualified fraud and intentionally duplicative. To trick the average dipshit into thinking they’re MDs. The reality was unclear to the avg dipshit. This was intentional. Muddy the waters, call it “medical” school, call it “residency” etc….”boards”.

Repeat: podiatry was a hustle. A fraud. A grand con to trick deceive and make loot at all costs.

Eddy Mex

Wow! This cat passed on an OS residency, and dove into the pod-pond all pod-fellowship trained and all. This is a “ya gotta be kidding tale’ favored by WTFs (T) to justify their incomplete score on the hamster wheel (T)—T, is the voice of intellect, reason, philosophy, and thought provoking information. Contrarily R reminds us of how and why the pod machine grinds up the human spirit, spits it out, and like chewing gum on your shoe sticks to the brain. You can’t keep hammering in the misappropriation of the foot clubs, ridiculous pods teaching pods (just look at the… Read more »

Reality......it’s Traumatic
Reality......it’s Traumatic

Allergy to reality as they hamster wheel into oblivion.

Greg the bunion slayer
Greg Ladavotich

“Gee doc, why did you become a poddy?” “Well….(I ask myself that every day) nobody dies on you (arguably maybe depending upon your level of “training”), I can set my own hours (yep- 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday mornings… barely making it at that), I thought I would have a better home/work balance (yeah, see own hours). Rub your neck, write ’em a check. Sell some shoes, whatta you got to loose? Bullshit.

Reality......it’s Traumatic
Reality......it’s Traumatic

E – thank for your kind words. R expands on the prison-mindset of podupetry, and all the “flunkies,” parent basement dwellers, and “non surgeon” losers on pod post. It’s fun going back to that stupe dent (CP, E) site whereby everyone is an aspiring Michael Debakey, dp wtf.

BTW, is there ANY Debakey in dp wtfery?

Remember, never ask a question you don’t know the answer to.

Truth Hurtz
Truth Hurtz

do the math. There is zero return on investment in Podiatry. The professions usefulness has been long gone and is in deterioration stage. Number of applicants and we are not talking qualified applicants is statistically zero. The time in training has no logic behind it. Simply a cash grab for small non ACGME hospitals and to say…we do 3 year residencies like the MDs. Take a look at the classes at the Pod schools, its like we are teaching English to third world countries along with Russia and china and the Arab world. Look who’s teaching, patented failures who refuse… Read more »

Greg the bunion slayer
Greg Ladavotich

The clinics were empty when I was in school over 30 yrs ago.


“The stockings were hung with care, in hopes that an orthopod would not be there”……….Adapted from ‘Twas the night before the Medicare pod audit

alan Stein
alan Stein

Well they should use this guy as the immediate stat poster child because this super great highly specialized and in need profession has less than 700 applicants for the nine schools. Face it..hes cutting corns and calluses and selling orthotics when you read between the lines. His fictional account of his academic life is just that…fiction. BUT it will be used on every Podiatry school web site. also , enough with this Podiatric Medical School jargon, its Podiatry school, like Optometry school , like dental school like Chiropractic college. When you become part of the real medical world you are… Read more »

Halluxguy Halluxguy
Halluxguy Halluxguy

It’s really unfair competition, maybe safe harbor/stark violation. This guys wife sees patients all day who are incontinent. They are dripping the old yellow stream / IP daily onto the feet. I guess he gets to clean it up. He probably diagnoses yellow nail syndrome in a different way then the rest of us do. Maybe if they have a strong enough stream, those urine injuries can resemble power washer injury. This guy should have a favorite song and be singing “urine in the money, urine in the money, I’ve got a lot of what it takes to get along”.… Read more »

Halluxguy Halluxguy
Halluxguy Halluxguy

It’s really unfair competition, maybe safe harbor/stark violation. This guys wife sees patients all day who are incontinent. They are dripping the old yellow stream/IP daily onto the feet. I guess he gets to clean it up. He probably diagnoses yellow nail syndrome in a different way then the rest of us do. Maybe if they have a strong enough stream, those urine injuries can resemble power washer injury. This guy should have a favorite song and be singing “urine in the money, urine in the money, i’ve got a lot of what it takes to get along”. Next thing… Read more »


I have to give him credit I think it’s great I never that opportunity. Don’t all of us be haters

Thanh Dim
Thanh Dim

When is reality “hate”?

Eddy Mex

https://www.facs.org/-/media/files/education/core-curriculum/fluids_electrolytes.ashx?la=en Haters…Listen Syb, you’re a podiatrist, and claim to fuss with nephrology. Do even understand basic science—please tell me that’s part of your repertoire. Haters? Are oblivious to that thing that doesn’t go away even after you stop believing in it? The posts aren’t about hate, rather posts about elevating awareness. Can you honestly say that you know this material like the back of your hand: https://www.facs.org/-/media/files/education/core-curriculum/fluids_electrolytes.ashx?la=en It’s unlikely, and won’t stop preaching your absurd notions that DPM school is NOT medical school. Stock up on KY Jelly – DPMs treating renal disease often end up incarcerated. Have a nice… Read more »


Eddy been around 30!years no reason you have to been inconsiderate and insulting to me


How long have you been around in the US b/c your English is poor.


Mr bozo all my 63 years -lived here thx kind comments


Hope you learn etiquette

Jeff Fraudrini
Jeff Fraudrini

Bathroom placement-very impt for limp wrists and those with prostrate disease.

Greg the bunion slayer
Greg Ladavotich

I read the article. Very interesting. And something I wasn’t exposed to at all at the DPDPDP school, nor is it something I’d legally be able to do. Systems? Nada. And even if you know all of this shit, IT DOESN’T MATTER if you, Mr. Dr., can’t apply it. You are simply in the way. As far as prescribing? My first year pharmacology professor (MD, PharmD) basically told us that as podiatrists we had a license to kill. Totally true. “Do no harm” is my mantra; it’s served me well. So if I have a pt with multiple co-morbidities and… Read more »


Mr eddy I used creatinine and ckd data to adjust antibiotic dosing thx for being understanding


By the way……now that you’ve left the orthopedic practice where you were doing total ankle replacements and have settled in to a good ‘ole Pod practice……..how’s that fellowship you did workin’ our for you!?

Halluxguy Halluxguy
Halluxguy Halluxguy

I enjoyed reading the fictional account of how someone selected podiatry over orthopedic surgery. I wonder if he actually has convinced himself that his fantasy is reality. His article states very clearly “I am better than you because I did a fellowship“. He is of course a foot and ankle surgeon and not your typical podiatrist. Given his wife’s occupation I certainly hope he is as well endowed below the waist as he seems to be in the fantasy forming portion of his frontal lobes. Would just love to see his grades GPA from college as well as his scores… Read more »

Thanh Dim
Thanh Dim


Another example of Podiatric propaganda. He also appears mentally ill with self delusions and comforting lies he tells himself. Bizarre psychosis of fantasies and dreams. Loss of contact with reality. Keep the dream alive like it’s 1985.

What college did he attend? Most DP WTFs attend no name state. MCATs? What major? From where? From whom? Foot injury? Then found out about that incredibly amazing profession of the DP WTF. More bs and delusions.

Typical DP WTF —Traum.

robert bijak
robert bijak

I think I mentioned this once before but we have to give TRAUM KUDOS FOR THE W.T.F. APPELLATION. It has become a well recognized staple and wtf=dpm is becoming a universally accepted moniker. Perhaps one day the diplomas WILL SAY DPM-WTF!

Reality......it’s Traumatic
Reality......it’s Traumatic

Thank you R. Appreciate your critical commentary and you’re a stand up guy.

Greg the bunion slayer
Greg Ladavotich

The way things are headed, the only way that’ll happen is when the DPM/WTF degree is mail order like a preacher.

robert bijak
robert bijak

Yeah, the wife is the DOCTOR in that family but can you see a COMMON THREAD OF RATIONALIZATION in a NON MD? He said he “didn’t want to limit his options”?! LIE He talks about a specialized practice as a high energy Trauma or Nerve SX?! LIE . He did a “followship” with another NON MD who “worked FOR an Orthopedic group” (who taught him like any other P. assistant). He followed his wife like a “little lamb” and HAD TO EDUCATE THE LOCAL MEDICAL COMMUNITY REGARDING THE SCOPE OF NEW/YOUNG NON MD’S. Hmm? is his scope different than any… Read more »


This guy married the bank. While he has to deal with his wife looking at genitalia all day, he can take a pay cut and “lower” himself to do routine podiatry since his wife will be pulling in $400,000-$500,000. Guess we know who wears the pants (and looks into men’s pants) in that family.

Thanh Dim
Thanh Dim

Amen—there’s a few DP WTFs that have a partner who wears the pants doing real medicine. The DP WTF works Part time clipping and bipping and picking up the rug rats. Girly man soy boys. Then they “write” articles about how they became a DP WTF.

jeff katz
jeff katz

Robert Warkala a residency director in New Jersey not board certified by the ABFAS (ONLY ABPM).
His wife wears the pants in his marriage. She is a cardiologist.


At least his wife just WEARS the pants. The doc in the article has a wife who WEARS the pants and spends her day looking IN their pants.

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