Likely a “diversity” hire, looked good for photo ops
Subshop Fraudmont
Tokenism, great for the glossies, “social” media, and other drivel.
robert bijak
Yeah, podiatry is “on the beam” for parity. What’s the New York franchsie doing? It’s concentrating on DIVERSITY TRAINING. How “woke”. Podiatry wastes its time year after year with nonsense NEVER getting on the MD track. Still with ingrown toenails in dancers zilch on Aldosteronism and edema. Typically podiatrists are unhappy after theri medical school rejection and many roam from job to job/ BarryBlock is typical. Dropped out of pod, Dropped out of law, Took on Sales to support a blog. Similarly, DAVEY SCHWARTZ must not have been happy in pod. He was an RPh. guess he wanted to be… Read more »
Lookstein’s book IS limb salvation. Trimming dead skin, selling shoes, and pasting felt to feet is a real doctor helper LPN job, not limb salvation as ethically bankrupt dpwtfs purport. The dead Hawaii 5 O foot tech & Co made a killing doing the revolving door diabetes scraperoo and writing 8th grade papers about offloading. Add some soft spoken bow tied sales routines and you get Accolades for charlatans. For those with conscious, morally centered thinking, It was like swimming in a cesspool and trying to not get shit on you. Podupetry was a lost flock of sheep, jumping from… Read more »
robert bijak
“Accolades for Charlatans”! I may have to steal that one, Jokeseph.
Reality......It's Traumatic
If podiatry is unable or unwilling to perceive reality correctly, and persists in operating on the basis of faith-based delusions and propaganda, its ability to hold its own in the world is pretty much foreclosed.
robert bijak
Yes, Traum, but you have to admire Podiatry’s resilience. Like a COCKROACH! In spite of all the EVIDENCE AGAINST PODIATRY the shrewdsters have proven to be one of the most successful cons known to man. A 100 year blatant fraud. I guess the “founding fathers of feet” were scions of PT Barnum’s genetics. Even in 2021, the lies of limb salvage, biomechquactics, “the best”, “just like”, “residency” are still keeping podiatry’s head just above water. I agree with Traum that in the long run, with PA’s, NP’s, Carib grads, and computer exposure, podiatry hourglass is running low on sand. Without… Read more »
Reality......It's Traumatic
Yup, the “cockroach” that is resistant to insecticide and pseudo-mutates/morphs for survival to continue the dupe—and/or the “shit worm” analogy. You gotta hand it to the dp wtfs. It was a “great” con. Look at the websites, banners, gavel clank theatre meetings, neponomic boards, USMLE sounding exams, calling themselves “residents,” look a like “journals”, “news”letters, etc…–it looks on the surface doctorish. Perception was reality to the plebs. And since you can fool most of the people most of the time….it works. However, no lie lives forever, yet, in pody world, the con has been going on for @70yrs+. The obfuscation… Read more »
robert bijak
There’s no end to how dumb podiatry is. Podiatrist McLean talks about C.RITIAL L.IMB I.SCHEMIA. Let’s get this straight once and for all. PODIATRISTS DO NOT TREAT CRITICAL LIMB ISCHEMIA. NO ONE DOES BY PASESS OR STENTS. No podiatrist prescribes anticoagulants and runs INR’s. At best they may RX Clopidogrel which does not do anything for severe blockages. What Medical Journal does the pod opine in? The “MINING JOURNAL”! WTF is that? and what does it have to do with medicine? I got a laugh at ol baldy the MD, PhD dpm with 1 license out of 3. The title… Read more »
Cowardly Lyons
There was an 87 (eighty seven) year old “Boots” driving to and from work still working. When he killed himself in a car crash, he could have hurt others because he was STILL driving. Curious what would entice a 87 year old elderly person to keep working? Was it a monetary problem, a mental problem, a greed problem? B/c the bullshit of loving feet/patients/the job is just a snow job marketing propaganda fable in shlocks silly “news”. IF it was a monetary problem, that’s sad. If the other reasons, then definitely greedy egoistic WTF!
Shylock wasn’t far off. Maybe for the fake ortho journal barryster can send in some silly outraggggeous shoe pics and see if theyre accepted into the fake publication. That would help the readership who had lots of “stress” during the plandemic. How about 3-4 masks on a shoe?
DPM= A Bankrupt Doc or lower extremity Surgeon
And the APMA wants to have DPMs sit for USMLE? LOL….. DPMs cant even spell USMLE let alone pass them.
Usmle u smell my lower extremity
robert bijak
Don’t denigrate the MD’s USMLE. For podiatry is should be Psmle
Reality......It's Traumatic A comment: She is not a surgeon. A surgeon is someone who went to med school and completed a 5 year minimum surgical residency program. Podiatry school is not the same as medical school, so please stop trying to blur the lines. That isn’t going to work in this subreddit, we know the difference. So far not a single podiatry student has taken or passed USMLE step 1 (8 hour exam) or the watered down NBME CBSE (4 hours). Hell 15-20% of podiatry students already fail their own APMLE board exam. Podiatry students are people who couldn’t get into… Read more »
Seventeen Million Dollars
Maybe ask this opened mouth soy boy why podupetrists are in the same sentence as chiropractors, audiologists, and optometrists? 2021.
robert bijak
Good demonstration of the basic MANUAL MINIMAL MEDICAL MENTATION OF DAILY PODIATRY. While the patient talks about seizures and heart attacks and cpr he’s confronted with as a flight attendant the wtf can only generally talk about “sugar”. It looks like he’s debrided with toenail cutters and a curette. (sterile or straight from the last trim?) Did he x ray for osteo? get a blood test? (EVEN a finger stick or U/A glucose strip??!!) to see where the guys glucose is so he can send him to a DOCTOR? Anyone see him take a culture or gram stain or Rx… Read more »
Likely a “diversity” hire, looked good for photo ops
Tokenism, great for the glossies, “social” media, and other drivel.
Yeah, podiatry is “on the beam” for parity. What’s the New York franchsie doing? It’s concentrating on DIVERSITY TRAINING. How “woke”. Podiatry wastes its time year after year with nonsense NEVER getting on the MD track. Still with ingrown toenails in dancers zilch on Aldosteronism and edema. Typically podiatrists are unhappy after theri medical school rejection and many roam from job to job/ BarryBlock is typical. Dropped out of pod, Dropped out of law, Took on Sales to support a blog. Similarly, DAVEY SCHWARTZ must not have been happy in pod. He was an RPh. guess he wanted to be… Read more »
Lookstein’s book IS limb salvation. Trimming dead skin, selling shoes, and pasting felt to feet is a real doctor helper LPN job, not limb salvation as ethically bankrupt dpwtfs purport. The dead Hawaii 5 O foot tech & Co made a killing doing the revolving door diabetes scraperoo and writing 8th grade papers about offloading. Add some soft spoken bow tied sales routines and you get Accolades for charlatans. For those with conscious, morally centered thinking, It was like swimming in a cesspool and trying to not get shit on you. Podupetry was a lost flock of sheep, jumping from… Read more »
“Accolades for Charlatans”! I may have to steal that one, Jokeseph.
If podiatry is unable or unwilling to perceive reality correctly, and persists in operating on the basis of faith-based delusions and propaganda, its ability to hold its own in the world is pretty much foreclosed.
Yes, Traum, but you have to admire Podiatry’s resilience. Like a COCKROACH! In spite of all the EVIDENCE AGAINST PODIATRY the shrewdsters have proven to be one of the most successful cons known to man. A 100 year blatant fraud. I guess the “founding fathers of feet” were scions of PT Barnum’s genetics. Even in 2021, the lies of limb salvage, biomechquactics, “the best”, “just like”, “residency” are still keeping podiatry’s head just above water. I agree with Traum that in the long run, with PA’s, NP’s, Carib grads, and computer exposure, podiatry hourglass is running low on sand. Without… Read more »
Yup, the “cockroach” that is resistant to insecticide and pseudo-mutates/morphs for survival to continue the dupe—and/or the “shit worm” analogy. You gotta hand it to the dp wtfs. It was a “great” con. Look at the websites, banners, gavel clank theatre meetings, neponomic boards, USMLE sounding exams, calling themselves “residents,” look a like “journals”, “news”letters, etc…–it looks on the surface doctorish. Perception was reality to the plebs. And since you can fool most of the people most of the time….it works. However, no lie lives forever, yet, in pody world, the con has been going on for @70yrs+. The obfuscation… Read more »
There’s no end to how dumb podiatry is. Podiatrist McLean talks about C.RITIAL L.IMB I.SCHEMIA. Let’s get this straight once and for all. PODIATRISTS DO NOT TREAT CRITICAL LIMB ISCHEMIA. NO ONE DOES BY PASESS OR STENTS. No podiatrist prescribes anticoagulants and runs INR’s. At best they may RX Clopidogrel which does not do anything for severe blockages. What Medical Journal does the pod opine in? The “MINING JOURNAL”! WTF is that? and what does it have to do with medicine? I got a laugh at ol baldy the MD, PhD dpm with 1 license out of 3. The title… Read more »
There was an 87 (eighty seven) year old “Boots” driving to and from work still working. When he killed himself in a car crash, he could have hurt others because he was STILL driving. Curious what would entice a 87 year old elderly person to keep working? Was it a monetary problem, a mental problem, a greed problem? B/c the bullshit of loving feet/patients/the job is just a snow job marketing propaganda fable in shlocks silly “news”. IF it was a monetary problem, that’s sad. If the other reasons, then definitely greedy egoistic WTF!
Shylock wasn’t far off. Maybe for the fake ortho journal barryster can send in some silly outraggggeous shoe pics and see if theyre accepted into the fake publication. That would help the readership who had lots of “stress” during the plandemic. How about 3-4 masks on a shoe?
And the APMA wants to have DPMs sit for USMLE? LOL….. DPMs cant even spell USMLE let alone pass them.
Usmle u smell my lower extremity
Don’t denigrate the MD’s USMLE. For podiatry is should be Psmle A comment: She is not a surgeon. A surgeon is someone who went to med school and completed a 5 year minimum surgical residency program. Podiatry school is not the same as medical school, so please stop trying to blur the lines. That isn’t going to work in this subreddit, we know the difference. So far not a single podiatry student has taken or passed USMLE step 1 (8 hour exam) or the watered down NBME CBSE (4 hours). Hell 15-20% of podiatry students already fail their own APMLE board exam. Podiatry students are people who couldn’t get into… Read more »
Maybe ask this opened mouth soy boy why podupetrists are in the same sentence as chiropractors, audiologists, and optometrists? 2021.
Good demonstration of the basic MANUAL MINIMAL MEDICAL MENTATION OF DAILY PODIATRY. While the patient talks about seizures and heart attacks and cpr he’s confronted with as a flight attendant the wtf can only generally talk about “sugar”. It looks like he’s debrided with toenail cutters and a curette. (sterile or straight from the last trim?) Did he x ray for osteo? get a blood test? (EVEN a finger stick or U/A glucose strip??!!) to see where the guys glucose is so he can send him to a DOCTOR? Anyone see him take a culture or gram stain or Rx… Read more »
Did he monetize the video. If so, very podiatric