The recent PM News published commentary by Dr. Daniel Chaskin (oh, how I hate to refer to this Biden-esk depravity author as doctor) is rather sad. At least I now understand that simply ordering an EKG and some blood tests will diagnose any and all cardiac disorders causing edema. Thank goodness a history & physical and other testing is not required. Until viewing his insight, I had no idea it was that simple to diagnose cardiac disease. Based upon his keen insight, I suggest complete mental testing of Dr. Chaskin and then referral to an appropriate psychiatrist for dementia management. As usual, another happy dance in the alternate reality in which he lives. I wonder if Barry Block is sitting on his throne, declaring “bring on the fool”.As an aside, I believe ACPM may be adding a CAQ in Podo-Cardiothoracic disorders. Requirements will be $125. annual check and spelling EKG correctly. ECG will alternately be accepted.
Sample test questions for Dr. Daniel Chaskin and the CAQ in Podo-Cardiothoracic disorders:
EKG is correctly spelled:
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
The heart is located:
A. Where the home is
B. Where you cook your food and get warm
C. In the sinus tarsi
D. In the chest under the ribs
E. In the brain
What is a heart chamber ?
A. A viola, cello, two violins
B. A scary horror movie
C. Part of a gun
D. I don’t exactly know but I think there’s 3 or 4 or 5 of them somewhere
E. Where the APMA house of degenerates meets
True or false: The song “the beat goes on” is about atrial fibrillation, whatever that is.
A Patient has bilateral edema (swelling Dr. Chaskin). The patient has dyspnea, orthopnea. He has distended neck veins. EKG and blood work YOU ordered is normal. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Cannot possibly be cardiac in etiology
B. Tarsal tunnel
C. Onychomycosis requiring immediate Roth therapy for 100% cure
D. Flexible flatfoot
E. Patient requires referral for functional medicine treatment
If a patient states “I’m regular” this means:
A. They see Dr. Chaskin every 61 days for toenail cutting
B. They are using leaded gasoline
C. They have a normal heartbeat
D. They take a shit as often as PM News is published
E. The are grossly ignorant (as in the phrase I’m a regular podiatrist)
Podiatry has mentally ill and stupid people in it. Kathleen Neurhoff is trying to convince someone about her misperception. Unfortunately it’s not anyone that can help us. Who believes that PA’s are NOT trained to the depth of a dpm? Certainly not those that grant licenses. The empirical evidence is that PA’s treat all of the body and all systemic diseases and fk. dr’s aren’t even qualified to have PA’s work under them! Is she trying to convince legislators or just convince stupid students and lifers? She’s sure not convincing anyone with the ability to reason. Neuhoff wants us to… Read more »
It is mainly a second or third chance for C students and those graduating from low tier undergrads who majored in hanging out, fellatio-cunninglus, party times, a chance to role play an auxillary, ancillary health helper. Some even think theyre “doctors” or “surgeons”…talk abt mental illness.
Robert, please don’t forget the former pod stool “dean” interloper and delusional saddenfeld who apparently has trainees that manage diabetes and rx insulin. the mainly fake fraudlent field is filed wth f ups, flatulence, and fiascos. F troop.
dpwtf-say anything for a buck.
Yeah “Bars”, There is a nidus of brainwashed zealots in control of podiatric politics who, despite ALL THE PROOF, EVIDENCE, AND REALITY, REFUSE to accept podiatry’s INFERIORITY as presently constituted . All GOOD podiatrists and/or those that want podiatry to honorable and equivalent must act at the GRASS ROOTS LEVEL chiding the lifer’s pompus statements, REFUSE TO ACCEPT APMA RIGGED ELECTION RESULTS, AND JUST NOT PAY 1 CENT MORE TO ANY PODIATY ORGANIZATION OR CLUB. Most are corrupt in terms of importance and recognition,parity and diversity of opinion of those running them. Podiatry is a monolith of clones unwavering, implacable,… Read more »
There is likely trauma from being rejected repeatedly from real medical school. The dp wtfs over compensate with being over determined, over zealous to showcase their “talents” etc..
Instead they fall flat on their badly aging faces because one cant lie to themselves forever.
Hmm,I don’t know “Bars”. Mr. Chaskin’s been lying to himself for nearly forever. (70’s!)
Sophomoric. It is the perfect adjective for PM News enthusiasts. Sophomoric. Overconfident and under-informed. Podiatrists are gatekeepers. Podiatrists are better trained in general medicine than a PA. Dr.’s Kathleen Neuhoff and Daniel Chaskin opinions in PM News ? Sophomoric. They both state their ability to refer a patient to a real doctor should they order a test and find something wrong. Impressive in their minds it would seem. Delusional. Only 50% of podiatrists consider themselves a podiatrist. Delusional. Holding false beliefs about reality despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary. A legally limited D.P.M. degree. A degree that does not allow… Read more »
Barbers used to perform dental extractions. How can that be compared to a podiatrist who took Courses in physiology, pathology, internal medicine And passed those courses? NYS for example gave podiatrists a license to legally perform physical examinations in conjunction with podiatric care. As far as being trained, all the training in the world will not help if patients do not remove their socks and shoes when seeing an MD or DO or PA. When is the last time you saw your MD or PA and did they ask you to remove your socks and shoes? Then again their might… Read more »
The main purpose Mr. Chaskin serves is to DEMONSTRATE THE INFERIOR MENTATION THAT SO MANY PODIATRISTS HAVE. I suppose OPTOMETRISTS ALSO say, “those stupid podiatrists DON’T EVEN LOOK IN THE PATIENTS EYE”! An OPTOMETRIST can look in the patients eye and make a REFERRAL to a DOCTOR for DIABETES. T.G.F.O (thank god for optometry!) OPTOMETRY is another rationalizing non medical field. NON MD, limited licensed providers really have no place in medicine anymore. With full licensed PA’S and NP’S TO TREAT OR REFER, what’s the point except if you need glasses or shoes? You are either a DOCTOR OR HIS… Read more »
I can end this topic right now, taught at ocpm FOR 11 YEARS…THE KIDS ARE STUPID AND THE COURSES ARE WATERED DOWN. no dpm STUDENT COULD EVER PASS the USMLE and could never pass the PA licensing exam or the NP licensing exam.
Need more corroboration that your on the wrong side Mr. Chaskin?
I support the APMA. It is a fine organization with wonderful leaders.
I support their idea to vote to change the definition of podiatry.
We are all on the same side. To advocate to promote foot health and attempt to alleviate foot pain and suffering.
If you support it I’m against it.
To quote master bates at the filthadelphia stool, very few if any podiatry students has a ghost of a chance to pass the USMLEs or earn Medical School acceptance.
Maybe see if the collision shop is hiring mr chaskind–maybe use that dermatoscope to “assess” the dented cars for maximum insurance payouts.
Dear Sir, I work with or should I say I work for them. They do check feet and treat them too! All my orders and permission to treat go thru them. Let’s all learn ….
Even more corroboration that podiatry, the APMA, and those that have Lifer delusional syndrome are the ones that are WRONG.
They believe their own lies. They “enjoy” lying to themselves. Sick generation me puppies
Now that’s a good dose of realism and truth Hallux Guy. Lifer’s just keep avoiding the hard truth.
In general Podiatrists are better gatekeepers for referral of patients to correct specialists to treat systemic diseases regarding pedal symptoms, compared to MD s that do not examine the feet at all. Podiatrists usually tell patients to remove their shoes and stockings and an examination is performed of the feet.
The first step is to take a history of the foot problems and actually ask a patient to take off their shoes. These are my opinions and I feel they are logical and truthful
Currently and in past, podiatry was and is a bunch of clapping seals for the corrupt leadershit.
What do you think? Does the girl in the picture below regarding bipolar symptoms look like the girl on the cover of Podiatry Today? There is something majorly wrong with podiatrists imho.
Podiatry eyes. 100%. Shysters. Hustlers.
Play internist and get SUED TO THEIR STANDARDS. PODIATRISTS ARE NOT DOCTORS! They are just podiatrists. See an MD psychiatrist if you have trouble accepting that you were NOT ACCEPTED TO A MEDICAL SCHOOL AND YOU ARE NOT AT ALL “JUST LIKE”.
Nurses and PA’s know EKG’s and BNP’s. Being a podiatrist and just recently reading up on BNP (like Mr. CHASKIN just did) doesn’t change the fact that you can ONLY PLAY DOCTOR but NEVER BE ONE.
Robert, 1. I was invited to lecture to many medical students, physicians and I have been doing this about once a week for years. For example, just this weds I lectured to about 25 medical students. They all know I am a podiatrist with a limited license. Pedal edema is and example of one topic I bring up and I have been doing this for years. I have been quizzing medical students for years on their work Ups for pedal edema. So many different answers were gotten by so many different medical students. I must have taught 100′ s of… Read more »
Yes Mr. Chaskin we know you’re a superb talented sought after expert in ALL aspects of medicine. I’m sure MD students crowd and clamor to hear your lectures on the cardiovascu lar system. How you were rejected from MEDICAL school is unfathomable. How you were REJECTED from a post graduate foot program is an enigma. Why you’re prevented from practicing in some states is a travesty. Why you have a slum office across from a collision shop is a sign of you’re humility and sacrifice during this short stressful life. We know you are an accomplished ankle surgeon, dermatologist, and… Read more »
Or irregular irregular, etc..please help us mr chasskin and help that collision center oh nasally breathy one.
I never claimed to be an expert in all areas of medicine. In this day of so much specialization, find me one physician or podiatrist that can make this claim.
All GP’S, INTERNISTS, AND FAMILY MEDICINE practitioners are our present day experts in general medicine. Humans, of course have limited cerebration compared to a computer, however within the context of “man” treating man, the aforementioned specialties WOULD FIT THE DEFINITION (even legally) as “experts in all areas of medicine”. Podiatrist CERTAINLY WOULD NOT. What mental problem has you hung up Mr. Chaskin that keeps you defending what we continually prove wrong. You defend podiatry over PA’s (and even MD’s because they may not take shoes off). You defend and financially support the APMA which is POOR R.O.I.. (NY license change… Read more »
Aforementioned specialties WOULD FIT THE DEFINITION (even legally) as “experts in all areas of medicine”. Robert, the afforementioned speciaties in order to be considered and expert must be currently competent treating all areas of medicine. I do not think that anyone is currently competent as an expert specialist in all areas of medicine. I never claimed cardiac prowess of such magnitude that I am ASKED TO TEACH M.D. STUDENTS. I mainly teach MD students about dermoscopy on the feet. I have been asked by a physician I work with to teach MD students. In 2017 I was faculty teaching Dermoscopy… Read more »
You enjoy ATTENTION even though the attention is negative. You teaching at superbones? Another reason why it’s a waste of money.
Then how do you argue that pods should be able to tx systemic diseases if the foot is involved. Mr. Cha skin? Pods were NEVER COMPETENTLY TRAINED EVER, so currency (in terms of time) never existed. So, if current competency is YOUR standard, pods COULD (and should) NEVER BE COMPETENT with regards to systemic disease.
YOU made my point and torpedoed your own! No wonder you never got a program. I’m surprised you even got a license! Has any DOCTOR told you you just don’t think clearly? Get checked out.
Enlarged prostrate directly does not usually. cause pedal edema. If an enlarged prostate presses on the urethra this could cause fluid retention contributing to pedal edema. This is common knowledge and my guess is most podiatrists know about this or would figure it out
An enlarged prostate could be malignant or non malignant. You don’t know until you MRI and biopsy. If the prostate is malignant IT MAY VERY BE CAUSING EDEMA. You think so narrowly. And, YOU’RE WRONG in your knowledge of PODIATRIC UROLOGY. If the urethra is so constricted as to cause fluid retention in the bladder the patient would long ago be transported by ambulance in severe pain, catheterized, and worked up. No one who has leg edema has it because their bladder is too full! What the hell school did you go to?! YOU PROVE PODIATRISTS CAN’T BE TRUSTED TO… Read more »
“Very well” not very. apologies
“No one who has leg edema has it because their bladder is too full! What the hell school did you go to?!” Regarding the above comment I respectfully disagree. The school, I went to was the New York College of Podiatric Medicine which had a courses in pathology, anatomy, physiology and internal medicine etc… Robert, it is rare but an extended bladder can obstruct proximal veins in the lower extremity and cause pedal and leg edeam. Abnormal PSA levels might be a reason to refer a patient to a urologist. But again, I repeat even if an enlarged prostrate does… Read more »
I have to wonder, are your posts serious, or are you just trolling? With all due respect most of your comments are just silly. BY LAW podiatry is a limited profession. The boundaries are clearly defined. Are you actually ordering PSAs? Are you also palpating prostates? You are a podiatrist. Just like me. We perform relatively simple tasks. You should be old enough to understand this.
The mental pathology, so prevalent in lifers, precludes rationality. Despite ALL THE PROOF, they will not change their position. Religious zealots and jihadist would rather die than examine their belief system. That arrogance, narrow mindedness, and brain washing is a sign of insecurity and academic immaturity.
These types don’t belong in “scientific” settings. Perhaps there are so many in podiatry because of podiatry’s historic “business” philosophy. Practice management seminars are a nursery for these thinkers.
He is likely a plant from organized podiatry to distract from real and serious issues. Despite ALL THE PROOF, they will not change their position.
Robert is spot on Gentlemen–“Religious zealots and jihadist would rather die than examine their belief system. That arrogance, narrow mindedness”—Cuckskin. He and his shyster ilk are akin to religious zealots who cant look inwardly in a critical way.
If you could only understand how dumb you are.These patients with markedly distended bladders don’t just casually walk into a foot techs office and ask about their stupid swollen foot. The bladder pain would be the main presentation.
Yeah, and it’s also rare but an elephant sitting on the bladder may cause leg edema too. All I have to say about you is you are arrogant and dedicated to rationalize your position no matter how absurd and extreme you have to reach. YAI
Robert ejection fraction is one factor evaluating cardiac health related to pedal edema.. One must evaluate symptoms as per a history and there are other factors in addition to how well the heart is pumping blood.
My guess is most podiatrists are aware of the importance of ones ejection fraction.
A cardiologist is one specialist who could treat this and must communicate with a primary physician.
If there are no pedal symptoms a patient could hypothetically say see a specialist.
Disclaimer: the above is not to be considered medical advice. See a licensed healthcare practitioner licenced in your state.
Of course it’s not medical advice Mr Chaskin. YOU’RE NOT A DOCTOR. DOCTORS don’t need disclaimers. You do because you could be SUED for giving advice on non foot conditions. Aside from embarrassing us you provide no constructive solutions to podiatry’s myriad problems.
If you can’t be helpful why don’t you just go away. Try your illogical thoughts on a legislator. We have no use for your nonsense and delusions of dermatological-cardio-urology. I think Seth has given you more than ample opportunity for you to RE-REASON your thoughts based on all the facts given you.
You can preach all night long mr chasskind that 3 + 3= 9. Howel at the moon, scream, bark, write into the propagandist’s rag, etc.
Maybe speak to those pollys that you pay through that nasally section for and see what they say about podiatry when you leave their orfice other than eye rolling and wtfing. Theyll say anything to get you outta there.
To be a fly on the wall…Maybe it s time to sit on the condo board and have robust debates on what color the petunias or wall beige should be.
Senility aint pretty.
state where you teach medical students…….
they know most are shysters-conartists
Robert, if an internist fails to ask a patient to take off their shoes, valuable dermatoscopic data is missed that is critical to advising physicians of any additional testing to diagnose a systemic disease so an ultimate referral can be made to an appropriate specialist or specialists. I thought most podiatrists were taught about ekgs and BNP’s. It does not matter to me if I would hypothetically treat a systemic disease or not, so long as my patient receives a high quality of care for their systemic disease, by having that proper workup for their pedal symptoms and a referral… Read more »
Y.A.I. Mr. Chaskin.
I’m seriously thinking of spending my money to join the APMA! Will that make me happy and increase my short life span? Will I smile, be happy, and make friends? If so, where do I send my check? or will my scope remain LIMITED and my money be used for drinks, dinners, suites, and upgraded airplane seats?
If I see you at a meeting Mr. Chaskin will you be my friend?
Robert, your offer of friendship might be sarcastic, however I believe in turning ones cheek even if I have been insulted. I am of course open to friendship with you and others at pod post. I am hopeful that if we have differences of opinion we disagree amicably. As far as medical students clambering to hear me speak I do not at all emphasize cardiology, But dermoscopy. This is a topic they have little if no exposure to. The medical students know all about ejection fractions, mention to me about such topics, but I do not emphasize this in my… Read more »
I used to lecture on Fridays. I changed it to weds. The reason I changed the date is difficult parking on Fridays. If I had MD plates I would not have this problem finding parking on Fridays. Having an MD plate has advantages in parking. If I lived in New Jersey there would not be a problem. In New Jersey podiatrist are considered podiatric physicians. If a cardiologist did not examine your feet How do they know if you have any foot symptom affecting the heart or other systemic organs? For example more than 5mg Amilodipine might result in greater… Read more »
Y.A.I. (YOU’RE AN IDIOT!) > 5MG of Amlodipine (correct spelling!) is going to cause so much edema that a cardiologist will adjust DOWN the dose at the risk of MI OR STROKE SO THE STUPID FOOT will look skinny?! The benefit to risk ratio of NORMOTENSIVENESS VS. swollen feet would NOT militate for reduction of dosage if >5mg kept BP normal. It’s CA+ channel blocking for vasodilation and angina reduction is an added benefit vs. pedal edema. Get your mind BEYOND the stupid foot. Simple support stockings would lessen the edema while the greater dosage of Amlodipine would protect the… Read more »
Before referring to anyone as an idiot, please review the following:
The most commonly reported adverse effect hindering compliance with amlodipine is peripheral oedema. However, this adverse effect can be minimised if the agent is given at bedtime, and lower doses (2.5 or 5 mg/day) are used.
I also consulted with a nephrologist who agreed that the risk of increasing greater than 5 mg did not justify the possible side effects of Amlodipine at 10 mg instead of 5 mg. Other physicians also agreed.
Either you’re lying or the people you’re talking to are idiots too. 10mg of Amlodipine is very common and again the risk of systemic injury, MI, Stroke, ophthalmic vascular occlusion does not warrant remaining on a reduced dose just for leg edema. Again, leg edema is a minor consideration and can be minimized with support hose while maintaining the vasodilatory hypotensive effects and anti anginal benefits. I would like a physiological explanation (you tout you went to the fine NY quack college) of how BEDTIME administration would make much difference as the action effect remains for 24 hrs. That’s why… Read more »
Credibility? You say you’re an attending. You say you “participated” in a post grad program scrubbing in “just like” a resident. You say you do ankles. You say you’re an expert in Dermascopy (otherwise how can you teach it?) You say you support the APMA but they’ve failed you in so many ways. You say you have been speaking about cardiology for years yet have had no actual cardiology training. You say you’re Barry Block’s friend. You say you get “relief” from looking at shoe pictures and you say you really don’t have bars on your windows across from a… Read more »
I told you that the APMA provides lectures with cme credits and an opportunity for me to converse socialize with friends, plus a discount on my PICA malpractice of 15;percent not 10 percent I do not feel I am an expert in dermoscopy. I checked my online score on dermatological websites against others and I remember I was about average. This was about 3 years ago. I never stated I emphasized cardiology in any of my lectures. Dermoscopy has been lectured on. It was the medical students that first made me aware of BNP. We learn from each other. I… Read more »
I guess we shouldn’t try to help you anymore just try to keep you from harming yourself or others.
A Patient has bilateral edema (swelling Dr. Chaskin). The patient has dyspnea, orthopnea. He has distended neck veins. EKG and blood work YOU ordered is normal. The most likely diagnosis is: Seth, my guess is that most podiatrists already know that distention of jugular veins may signify right ventricular failure. This is problematic in pulmonary hypertension. I believe most podiatric medical schools teach about this in their internal medicine course. Internal medical texts such as Harrisons and Cecils Internal Medicine go into detail. It is best to purchase a more recent internal medical text so as to keep current and… Read more »
Having an abnormal Brain Natriuretic Peptide hormmone result or another abnormal cardiac enzyme result or abnormal potassium sodium imbalance does not give a specific cardiac diagnosis. Even your C-reactive protien cannot give a specific diagnosis, regarding cardiac disease, that results in contributing to pedal edema. Of course a medical history including reviewing a patients symptoms are important. As I posted before, ordering an echocardiogram, is also part of a complete evaluation regarding evaluating the causes of pedal edema. This is why podiatric medical school has courses including physiology, pathology, internal medicine etc…. This is why podiatry students can purchase Harrisons,… Read more »
YOU Just read up on it didn’t you? You don’t think of K+ or BNP in your foot business and if podiatrists didn’t exist patients wouldn’t be DIVERTED AND DELAYED. They’d be seen by an MD or a MAINSTREAM provider, NP, PA. who know and do systemic physiology every day. Don’t let any student think they’ll be screening for CHF OR PEDAL EDEMA PROPERLY. Are they going to ck a woman for pelvic pathology as a cause of edema? It’s pretty common, you know. They don’t even take a course in Gyne so there’s a whole area of pathology they’re… Read more »
Robert, the topic you brought up was podiatrists being able to diagnose cardiac conditions. I am assuming this is common knowledge most podiatrists are aware of. I assume it is common knowledge that most podiatrists do not have to look up in Harrison’s that a BNP and a potassium sodium imbalance does not usually give a specific cardiac diagnosis. However such results combined with a history give additional information on what cardiac testing is required to get to that specific cardiac diagnosis and ultimate referral to a cardiologist. Harrison’s is an excellent text, but I prefer Cecil’s Internal medicine to… Read more »
Is there some paragraph in NEW YORK STATE FOOT DR. LAW THAT ALLOWS FOR SELF TEACHING? Is there some “Harrisons” or “Cecil’s” or “Carpenters” book OWNERSHIP EXEMPTION? How do you explain a REAL medical school sending its students to be lectured by a limited licensed, non systemic treating, non residency trained podiatrist to be lectured on about cardiology? “One of these things is not like the other”. My 1st. cranial nerve has a piscatorial sensation.
just looked it up
“I believe most podiatric medical schools teach about this in their internal medicine course.” Chaskinn
Podiatry schools are NOT medical schools mr chaskinn. This has been explained to you multiple times.
Podiatric medical schools are not medical schools. They are podiatric medical schools.
No they’re podiatry schools just like TOOTH schools are DENTAL schools NOT dental MEDICAL SCHOOLS. WRONG AGAIN MR. CHASKIN.
that person is ill. something waaay off. brainwashing with stockholme syndrome, and me generation senility perhaps.
HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY Fugeddaboudit. The P is the P, and so far the USA is the only place on the planet you can get away with American podiatrists get away with. So take a day, and consider that. Tomorrow get back to the business of fixing, uh resuscitating? Uh, rehabilitating? Uh, transforming … Yeah, that’s the plan so the people who got duped get a chance to get square with shit. Dig? We started out writing about this years ago, and maybe made some progress, considering no one anywhere had the sack to call out the lifers and put… Read more »
You’re long overdue and missed, Eddy.
Gavigone: A healthy debate mandates you focus on
the specifics of my 2 previous responses.
One problem is that some podiatrists
1. May have forgot some of what they learned in podiatric medical school, or
2. After entering podiatric practice, they did not expand and learn about current diagnostic techniques used regarding
the diagnosis of cardiac pathology that contributed to pedal edema.
One more thing, even if Seth may have a difference of opinion than I do, he still allows me to post my opinions.
Robert, my personal opinion is it is not appropriate behavior to call anyone a shoe pervert. In all due respect, please be nice and have kind words for other podiatrists.
If something unfair is said about one of my friends or anyone for that matter I stand up for them. Please say only positive statements about podiatrists. After all podiatrists took an oath to help others and we all have the common goal of helping our patients.
If something unfair is said about the APMA,
Podiatric Medical Colleges, state societies,
I am a member of the APMA and I support the APMA.
What is a “positive” statement? things that make you feel happy and you smile even if it is bullshit mr chasskins? Youre a joke. Go write to barrys propaganda blast about getting stress relief….looking at his shoe pervert pictures. That is a sickness mr chasskin. Also, youre a lackey and cuck. You seem to enjoy eating shit and enjoy being lied to help get gasstworthsht a smiley half mill per year salary while smiling and telling morons what they want to hear. Robert is spot on and calls you on your horseshit. Youre likely in your mid 70s, it is… Read more »
Chakin is the “COMMISAR OF COMMUNICATION” NOW!! He DICTATES that we “say only positive statements about podiatrists”! Sorry, Mr. Chaskin. I don’t live in New York City where a culture of deception is the norm. I call a pod a pod, and if it’s a deluded pod, I say so. I don’t change reality as a mentally damaged person does. We know you’re a member of the APMA. That’s one of the things WRONG WITH YOU. Paying a failed overcharging propaganda group that has failed so many for so long. The R.O.I. is not worthy and sane people do not… Read more »
Robert, my personal opinion is if I see a joke about a shoe once it may be funny, but more than once gets boring. As far as improper shoes, they can cause foot problems if they are too tight. A podiatrist can examine a patient and see if shoes are too tight What you are referring to when you say shoes made of meat? Robert, is this your sense of humor? If yes, I do not share your sense of humor. Yet I will not become critical of you for having a different sense of humor than me. You are… Read more »
They just sent a vote out to change the definition of podiatry. Genius idea. Very intelligent. Once you take a look at the fine leadership of the APMA, you will want to spend your money to qualify for membership in this fine organization.
Please smile and be happy for all the positive aspects of podiatry, a profession dedicated to helping others.
Perverts, yes. Mr Bijack is correct. They’re perverted and the obcessions with shoes and socks in silly settings is very odd. Have not seen urologists with outrageous underwear pictures or pictures of silly erect or flaccid penises.
My post was indeed published in PM News. “If a patient’s foot symptoms indicate potential heart failure, a podiatrist can coordinate an electrocardiogram (EKG) and blood tests to determine if a consultation with a cardiologist is necessary.” Please review the previous statement above that mentioned, “At least I now understand that simply ordering an EKG and some blood tests will diagnose any and all cardiac disorders causing edema. Thank goodness a history & physical and other testing is not required.” In response to the above quote: 1. I did not claim that merely ordering an EKG and blood tests would… Read more »
Regarding pulmonary hypertension EKG is not always the test of choice. However, if electrical activity in the heart is oriented more towards the right side of the chest which might be seen on an EKG which might provide a clue toward having a cardiologist suspect pulmonary hypertension. Then perhaps a catherization of the right side of the heart might be ordered by the cardiologist, to measure the pulmonary artery pressure, or an echocardiogram might measure the pulmonary pressure velocity in the tricuspid valve, or enlargement of the right atrium and right ventricle. Thus in summary an EKG followed by an… Read more »
Let’s be honest… Maybe podiatrists should not practice cardiology , among other specialties…
Podiatrists as well as some internists do not practice cardiology. But if pedal edema is being treated by an internist or cardiologist both need to take a history, and order all testing so as to refer to the correct specialist to confirm the diagnosis as well as give the best possible treatment. Such a referral may be made to a cardiologist, nephrologist, liver specialist etc… This is what podiatric medical care is all about. Including making proper referral in conjunction with physical exams diagnostic tests related To conditions such as pedal edema. This is why some podiatrists work side by… Read more »
Let’s get it straight. Any R.N. can dx pedal edema as well and probably better than a podiatrist. Afterall they see these patients in the mainstream hospitals and deal with the meds. modalities and procedures attendant to this disease. At best a pod read a little in a book or heard a pod tell a class of pods a regurgitation of an MD lecture or what HE read in an MD book. It is not hard to see swollen feet and know something is wrong and a DOCTOR needs to take over. There is NO HONOR for podiatry to pick… Read more »
Robert, if there are MD’s that do not even ask patients to remove their shoes how can one assume that RN’s ask patients to remove their shoes to even examine a patients feet to even see if there is pedal edema present. As far as diagnosing causes of pedal edema and referral out, ones training and or experience at doing so is more important than one’s degree. Podiatric Medical Schools have that advantage of a course in internal medicine.
And you ask me for evidence? Where’s YOUR substantiation?
When one speaks the truth they do not change their story. If changed creditability is lost.
I have to the best of my knowledge been honest and have been careful not to post an untrue statement. I have stated what I have personal knowledge of. Any negative comments you post about me for which you lack personal knowledge is here-say. My substantiation is I have personal knowledge of my interactions with medical students I teach while you have no such personal knowledge.
You and I are currently debating differences of opinions. Please focus and address the logical rebuttals I posted
An RN cannot order the diagnostic testing required to determine systemic causes of pedal edema. A podiatrist with their fine education from a college of podiatric medicine can order such testing.
Wrong AGAIN MR. CHASKIN. An RN CAN ORDER AND TX SYSTEMIC DISEASE. Don’t you know that NURSE PRACTITONER’S HAVE TO BE RN’S? It’s bad enough to be dumb but when you’re shown how dumb you are and you persist on being dumb you’re Mr. Chaskin.
copied out of Harrison’s. He didn’t learn it and doesn’t really know it.
Just 2 days ago I was discussing about bmp
levels with a medical student. I learned and know it.
Yeah, you’re the only pod who learned and knows bmp. Really, with all the quackthtoic emphasis in podiatry do you expect us to believe you’re discussing BMP’s more than fungus nails. YAI.
recently looked up and copied right out of the book. the nerve to think we’ll think he knows
Your requests for ekg’s and cardiac tests will be reviewed. challenged and nearly certainly be rejected by most major insurance companies. They’re not going to waste their money on someone who’s forbidden by law to dx or treat systemic disease.
The problem is that too many podiatrists think he’s right and that they actual went to a medical school and can dx. heart disease. Who’s protecting the public from these dangerous poorly trained non MD’s?
Robert, pleas go to the APMA website where it states podiatrist as first responders for vascular disease. Read what the APMA s opinion is and then review my posts.
Now we’re “FIRST RESPONDERS”?! STOLEN VALOR by a dirty profession associating with real mainstream intervention. How many euphemistic stolen titles does this dirty profession call itself by to hide the fact that podiatrists are non mainstream, non MD’s? Slippery, slimy, and stupid.
I like APMA House of Degenerates. Stupid me ……………they had me thinking they are Delegates.
Medicine is not in the realm of a DPM…. Dummies Practicing Medicine
dpm= didn’t pass MCAT
Thinking is not in the realm of the dpm. Dipshits practicing masturbation
Quiz is too tough..,
Sybly; sadly, you are correct. The test is probably too difficult for p.m. news readers.
mr chasskin, did you pass the test ?
I am too busy reading the APMA news. However I did figure out that the heart is located where the home is.
This is because when people go home, they are happy. “My heart is full” when I go home.
This is a message for Sybly:
Dear Sybly,
The heart is located where the home is. People are happy at home.
People smile when they are home. Please go home and be happy.
“My heart is full” when I go home”.
Poor Mr. Chaskin. Didn’t do well in undergrad logic. False presupposition, false conclusion. Stupid logic.
Pod post can be changed into a social media site. Podiatrists can meet other podiatrists, form friendships and support the APMA and state societies.