On the other hand Dr. Santi ……………..
Interesting letter from the current APMA president Dr. Lawrence Santi. He writes a response to criticisms of the AMA recently posted in PM News. Ironically, the response says it all. Everything he speaks about are issues regarding money. We did this and we did that to make you more money. He then falsely states that it only cost a few hundred dollars to belong to the APMA. It is more than a few hundred dollars.
What is most interesting is the failure to discuss anything regarding the educational advancement of the profession or its acceptance by general medicine. He does not address the fact that two unneeded colleges (actually three) have been opened when our current colleges suffer from a lack of registrants and significant financial difficulties. He fails to address the failure of podiatry to gain access to the USMLE. He fails to address the differences in curriculum from college to college. He fails to address the differences in state licensure from state to state. He fails to address the lack of research by Podiatrists. He fails to address the failure to have total equity for podiatrists in various federal programs, including the Veterans Administration, the Military, the Indian Health Service and Medicaid.What the hell, a podiatrist still cannot independently order diabetic shoes for God sakes. What does that tell you, Dr. Santi? He fails to discuss the complete failure of the council on podiatric medical education (CPME) to limit corporate influence in education. Everything he speaks to involves reimbursements and coding. He fails to address the abusive power by individuals who have been board members in the APMA, who suddenly find themselves as consultants of various corporations. TALAR Medical anyone ? And find themselves as board members for organizations acquiring private practices or selling various products. In other words, he fails to address insider trading. He fails to discuss the inadequacy of the prior two APMA Executive Directors. He fails to discuss that the APMA will ban and censure various speakers from their meetings if they have any disagreement with the power structure. He fails to discuss the manipulation of the national and regional meetings to suit the needs of individuals with ties to different corporations, or having the same old people making money hand over fist lecturing at meeting after meeting. He fails to explain the lack of M.D. educators at our meetings. Some of the “accomplishments” which he alludes to were in fact the work of multiple societies, not just the APMA.
The response is not surprising. Gaslighting and strawman arguments are the basis upon which our national organization continues to function while they stuff their pockets with money from TALAR Medical, purchase failing private practices around the country and various other enterprises, which somehow seem to be owned or regulated by APMA insiders.
In other words, thank you for nothing, Dr. Santi.
Can anyone copy/paste where Santi stated it only costs “a few hundred dollars” to be a member? I think Santi is an example of incompetence (especially considering the Board voted themselves a $200k “honorarium” for the presidential year, an exorbitant fee considering the size of APMA, loss of members, and very superficial role of the Board president). You can always pull the 990 and see how much Jim the do-nothing CEO, his sidekick Deputy Executive, and the President make each year. All that said, I have a hard time believing that we have ventured from misfeasance to malfeasance with a… Read more »
Many dmps including this lackey need a serious diet. Why are they so fat and unhealthy looking? Schmiden too
Is it all the lying and hustling?
Oh yeah, according to the latest “poll”, < than half (that's LESS than 50% mr. P) call themselves what they really are! That means 51% are ASHAMED AND HIDE THAT THEY'RE JUST PODIATRISTS. Are you lying to the public, your friends, and your family Mr. P?
Podiatry is dying in its own MAN MADE (read, blind lifer) mess. Korn feld reminds the APMA cheerleaders that fees are 75% less than 20+ years ago and that podiatry as an AUTONOMOUS self run practice is becoming nearly extinct. IF you find a job it’s as an employee of a group of DOCTORS. Kornman heretically chastises the APMA for NOT really accomplishing much. When the lifers turn you know you’re doing a bad job! Unrealistic, desperate for business podiatrists like Mc Clean, are talking about diabetes causing depression. Two diseases PODIATRISTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TREAT AS THEY ARE… Read more »
Abnormal bmp levels could mean heart does not pump normally. The 3rd low pitch heart sound is when blood goes from atrium to ventricles.
My guess is most podiatrists know about this.
This is why internal medicine texts such as Harrison’s and Cecil exist.
Just about a week ago I was speaking to a medical student about the importance of bnp levels.
I am grateful my practice works as a team with and has access to MDs
As well as medical students. We all learn from each other.
Mr. Chaskin, you never heard of BMP levels till I referred to it. Don’t go pretending you’re some podiatric cardiologist on a team. I’m telling you this straight up. YOU HAVE NEVER GOTTEN OVER THE FACT YOU WERE REJECTED FROM ANY PODIATRIC PROGRAMS. You’ve had a MEDIOCRE career at best. You are unable to give up the fact that NYS forbids you from treating a wart on the ankle and you were forbidden for years to move to another state that requires a program. You frequently whined about that in PM News. Suddenly, somehow, you got connected to Flaw duh… Read more »
Robert, I challenge you to support all your comments about me. Start by the comment I never heard about BNP levels till you referred to it. As a part of a healthy debate you should only present subject matter for which you have personal knowledge of. You have no personal knowledge disputing my post that I have been teaching medical students physicians about once or twice a week for years about dermoscopy. I have also been learning from medical students and physicians. We learn from each other. As far as applying to Florida and New Jersey both states had legislative… Read more »
It’s not my opinion its the opinion of the profession. You didn’t do an actual program no matter how you try to parse it. Scrubbing side by side? How many foot techs does it take to do a stupid foot? An attending and 2 helpers for what a neuroma, bunion? I still think Y.A.I.. BTW, I recall many of your complaints about podiatry “residency” programs when you were being rejected by States denying you a license. You complained that if someone did a program years ago it wasn’t current by today’s standards and shouldn’t be used for privileges, yet you… Read more »
How many podiatry residents during their time period of in hospital training booked cases as podiatric surgeon of record? I booked cases as surgeon of record with assistance from another podiatrist who was credentialed to perform the procedure independently. I remember this was a method in accordance with the APMA guide to hospital privileges.
This similar path is being used by podiatrists with ankle permits to book cases to gain the experience to independently operate on ankles
in states such NYS.
My opinion Robert, is you lose creditability if you state I never heard of BNP levels till you referred to it. You have no personal knowledge of how many medical students and I spoke about about BNP levels being ordered in the presence of pedal edema. You really think you are the first one to bring up this subject matter to me. If creditability is lost, what other inaccurate statements are you stating?
Please restrict your statements to those you have personal knowledge of. Creditability is important in any good faith debate.
All the best.
Dear Dr Santi, In last 30 years on inflationary scale CMS has reduced payment 29 percent….
Hes a “doctor”?
Sorry foot surgeon… lol
Podiatry , the multi-subspecialty specialty. Lets discuss one by one. You can be a sports medicine Podiatrist..but you can not do a sports physical by law. LOL
Yes, “Facts”. Just like you can be a “Diabetic foot specialist” (Rogers) but CAN’T TREAT DIABETES. Podiatrists are “the experts” in MISLEADING TERMS AND RHETORIC. In other words lieing.
You can’t build a profession on quick sand. Shysterville
Mr chasskin, if dpms are limited license, 26cm providers that did not attend medical school nor ACGME residency nor ABMS, , how can you postulate that these allied health helpers should go above their scope and then after wasting itme and money, refer out? Footologists are redundant and not needed. NPs and PAs can do everything and much more-cost effectively-unlike a redundant , ancillary health waster who’s primary goal is to get money from the insurance corporations or private parties. Thank you mr chaskinn.
Chiropody yes, but podiatry NO. You’re either a Chiropodiatrist or a Doctor. There are no in between quasi-limited licensed DOCTORS.
My posts have a difference of opinion from you.
Have you been checked for dyslexia?
mr chasskin, there’s many opinions that fast food is really good and soda pop is yummy.
Podiatrists emphasize analyzing systemic causes of foot symptoms probably more frequently than MDs who do not even ask a patient to remove their shoes during an exam. This might lead to a needed referral to the correct specialist best able to treat a systemic cause of a pedal symptoms. Thus
Better more comprehensive care for our patients
State Legislatures DISAGREE WITH YOU MR. CHASKIN AND SO DO INSURANCE COMPANIES. BTW, an MD doesn’t need to take off your shoes to dx heart disease. They actually know what to do and how to interpret stethoscopic and electrocardiographic examinations. Podiatrists only think in terms of feet and are really in the shadow when it comes to the rest of the body.
Mental illness is a very serious problem in the US empire.
I could not believe the bull shit that Larry Santi wrote in PM. It almost makes me wonder,
does he really believe his own bullshit ? Just for the record I got out of the apma in 2016.
I was able to see thru all the shenanigans of the leaders.
Thats how many cope with themselves and their jobs— they lie to themselves.
Just read in the DEA control newsletter about a NURSE PRACTITIONER seminar. There were 4 THOUSAND 8 HUNDRED NP’S there. That seminar’s attendance equals half of ALL PODIATRY! We’re far too cocky and self absorbed in proportion to our numbers and usefulness. When will podiatry realize it can’t remain on an ISLAND worshiping its false gods? (biomechquactics, “sports” medicine, diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, et.al.). Aside from Mc Quactics, pod doesn’t even tx those other conditions. 4,800 NP’s and 148,000 P.A.’S (bls.gov) = podiatry is an INSIGNIFICANT NUMBER (or consideration) in mainstream medicine. Without a MAJOR PHILOSOPHICAL AND ACADEMIC CHANGE podiatry… Read more »
SETH SUMMARIZES PODIATRY’S FAILURES PERFECTLY. Podiatry is more noted for it’s failures than its advances (oh, but “someday”). I can’t see how those shrewd pod founding fathers conned the legislatures to even get podiatry to where it is. (and that’s less than a P.A.) Pay off’s? Friendly cult memberships? Hookers for life? Some inducement was made otherwise normal people would REJECT podiatry’s move beyond its chiropodal past. There’s a “60 minutes” or book somewhere in the investigation of “behind the scenes” podiatry. I think eyes would roll up knowing what secret deals occurred to keep podiatry from being eliminated all… Read more »
Organized podiatry is mainly greasy, shady, and slimey. A carnival of conartists and the conned. Robert, the sage Man stated this many times to the brainwashed–looking at you mr chapskinned.
He’s another scumbag in the dying shithole
The victories with Medicare are mostly AMA advocating directly! Not us !
100 Percent correct, My brother is a delegate to AMA, He tells me what they do.NO way does Podiatry do anything on its own..they attach to Medical associations agenda, when something gets done, they claim they did it. How much Political power does APMA have…its ZERO
Do you mean to say that, at its core, podiatry is a dirty lying profession?!!