If you follow PM News for information you’re a DUMB PODIATRIST, GULLIBLE, AND A SHILL for Barry Block’s bank account. Look at the nonsense. SPIDER WOMAN SHOES, Where to get “CERTIFIED IN BILLING” (coding) queried by “Summer Weary”,dpwtf, FAKE WOODEN PLAQUES given by a pod with HIS NAME ON IT!! (ZGONIS AWARD GIVEN BY ZGONIS) as an “award for excellence”. Hell, anyone can put their name there and give a plaque to anyone. Totally MEANINGLESS, LIKE PODIATRY. SPIELVOGEL (really, that’s his name) talks about psoriatic arthritis. Unfortunately he avoids the INCOVIENENT TRUTH that HE’S NOT ALLOWED TO TREAT THE SYSTEMIC… Read more »
Thanh Dumb
Don’t forget tons of tea bags stolen from podiatrick con ferences.
You mean scrotum in another man’s mouth at seminar?!!??!!!
Bars on the windows and door podiatry
You mean Anderson poopers statement on propaganda msm?
I am at the NYSPMA conference. Not as crowded. This is good because it is more relaxed and enjoyable. Some of the vendors greet me with smiles and it is such a wonderful feeling to meet vendors, other podiatrists, most from NYS. Awesome meeting. If you are a podiatrist, please consider paying money to qualify for membership. One gets to socialize, have fun and enjoy themselves and learn. My opinion is less people showed up so it is more relaxed and plenty of space to relax and learn about podiatry. I am proud to be a member of APMA and NYSPMA.
Where you get sober please read your post …
Hallux Guy
Hey Sybley ………. Is Dan Chaskin brain dead ? I think so.
Sad male. Duped to the core.
Dumber than a box of rocks. Predictable with them.
Drunk on podiatry. An empty room, stragglers wander around hobnobbing with like-minded foot urchins. Swiping tea bags and pastry, leaning on podiatry vendor booths to gaze at the fuzzy legged crones hawking foot goodies. Relaxing in comfy card-table chairs counting cp(m)e credits and shooting the breeze about the nails that got away. Reminiscing about the “good ole days” of the P and how there weren’t any. A few lecturers in motorized scooters pass by, fart, and nod at the attendees. Do the few attendees actually “ponder” the marvels of podiatry? How much its changed, grown, and the echo in the… Read more »
Robert Bijak
Beautiful writing Eddy. You paint the true picture of a Pod conference. Love, “the nails that got away” line!
Great stuff Eddy! A great Shakespeare quote for podiatry: What a terrible era in which idiots govern the blind!
Robert Bijak
Ladies and Gentleman. This is the type of man that makes podiatry less than a PA. There’s a certain mental illness with NYC lifers.
Mr Chaskin, respectively, are you for real or is this a parody statement?
Thanh Dumb
The writing is that of a child. Arrested development, adult child.
Robert Bijak
Best paying because they SELL THE MOST. Look at De Caro saying he found the GREATEST MARKETING SYSTEM for selling arch supports. Sure, you HAVE TO market them. As IVAR ROTH SAYS, general medical specialties will NOT ACCEPT that podiatry’s, “so called”, ‘custom supports work. Neither do insurance companies. ONLY PODIATRISTS, CHIROPRACTORS, AND GOOD FEET STORES “believe” they work. These are SALESMEN, and podiatry is one of them. ORTHOTIC BIOMECANICS IS QUACK. BIOMECHANICS ISN’T, BUT OTHOTIC BIOMECHANICS IS BIOMECHQUACTICS. IN- ACCURATE MEASUREMENTS AND MULTIPLE MADE UP THEORIES THAT DISAGREE WITH EACH OTHER. STAY AWAY FROM SHOE AND SHOE INSERT SALES… Read more »
Boots Toots
Podiatry eyes – yet another example .
Boots Toots
Look at gooberbosi’s eyes. Very podiatric. Those eyes say alot.
Please stay away from this website. Mr. Chaskin keeps posting it hoping to gain hits to convert it into money. I think it’s a money making scam from a 70 yo foot failure looking for an income source to retire on.
Hmm…this could be possible. Posting about joining foot clubs, dermoscopy, smiling at the walls of the depraved. Those persistent posts on “happiness” are disturbing, “making friends” at pod gatherings. Some opportunism, and the drumbeat of “becoming” a PA, and links to nowhere. Who knows they may be hackle sites…There’s something fishy about that childish enthusiasm, a feigned innocence that suggests manipulation – Those posts are somewhat disturbing. If it sounds too good to be true…it usually is. If you look a gift horse–not that (dis)organized foot clubs are any prize, they may have teeth. Stories about the magic kingdom of… Read more »
Reality….it’s Traumatic
Toxic positivity and the happy cult. It’s fake, manipulative, and shows a degenerative mind.
Forest Dump
Who gives a rip?
Robert Bijak
That’s the problem. Not enough podiatrists care that they’re mediocre. They measure equality by comparing bank balances and the model of your car.
If you follow PM News for information you’re a DUMB PODIATRIST, GULLIBLE, AND A SHILL for Barry Block’s bank account. Look at the nonsense. SPIDER WOMAN SHOES, Where to get “CERTIFIED IN BILLING” (coding) queried by “Summer Weary”,dpwtf, FAKE WOODEN PLAQUES given by a pod with HIS NAME ON IT!! (ZGONIS AWARD GIVEN BY ZGONIS) as an “award for excellence”. Hell, anyone can put their name there and give a plaque to anyone. Totally MEANINGLESS, LIKE PODIATRY. SPIELVOGEL (really, that’s his name) talks about psoriatic arthritis. Unfortunately he avoids the INCOVIENENT TRUTH that HE’S NOT ALLOWED TO TREAT THE SYSTEMIC… Read more »
Don’t forget tons of tea bags stolen from podiatrick con ferences.
You mean scrotum in another man’s mouth at seminar?!!??!!!
You mean Anderson poopers statement on propaganda msm?
I am at the NYSPMA conference. Not as crowded. This is good because it is more relaxed and enjoyable. Some of the vendors greet me with smiles and it is such a wonderful feeling to meet vendors, other podiatrists, most from NYS.
Awesome meeting. If you are a podiatrist, please consider paying money to qualify for membership. One gets to socialize, have fun and enjoy themselves and learn. My opinion is less people showed up so it is more relaxed and plenty of space to relax and learn about podiatry.
I am proud to be a member of APMA and NYSPMA.
Where you get sober please read your post …
Hey Sybley ………. Is Dan Chaskin brain dead ? I think so.
Sad male. Duped to the core.
Dumber than a box of rocks. Predictable with them.
Drunk on podiatry. An empty room, stragglers wander around hobnobbing with like-minded foot urchins. Swiping tea bags and pastry, leaning on podiatry vendor booths to gaze at the fuzzy legged crones hawking foot goodies. Relaxing in comfy card-table chairs counting cp(m)e credits and shooting the breeze about the nails that got away. Reminiscing about the “good ole days” of the P and how there weren’t any. A few lecturers in motorized scooters pass by, fart, and nod at the attendees. Do the few attendees actually “ponder” the marvels of podiatry? How much its changed, grown, and the echo in the… Read more »
Beautiful writing Eddy. You paint the true picture of a Pod conference. Love, “the nails that got away” line!
Great stuff Eddy! A great Shakespeare quote for podiatry: What a terrible era in which idiots govern the blind!
Ladies and Gentleman. This is the type of man that makes podiatry less than a PA. There’s a certain mental illness with NYC lifers.
Mr Chaskin, respectively, are you for real or is this a parody statement?
The writing is that of a child. Arrested development, adult child.
Best paying because they SELL THE MOST. Look at De Caro saying he found the GREATEST MARKETING SYSTEM for selling arch supports. Sure, you HAVE TO market them. As IVAR ROTH SAYS, general medical specialties will NOT ACCEPT that podiatry’s, “so called”, ‘custom supports work. Neither do insurance companies. ONLY PODIATRISTS, CHIROPRACTORS, AND GOOD FEET STORES “believe” they work. These are SALESMEN, and podiatry is one of them. ORTHOTIC BIOMECANICS IS QUACK. BIOMECHANICS ISN’T, BUT OTHOTIC BIOMECHANICS IS BIOMECHQUACTICS. IN- ACCURATE MEASUREMENTS AND MULTIPLE MADE UP THEORIES THAT DISAGREE WITH EACH OTHER. STAY AWAY FROM SHOE AND SHOE INSERT SALES… Read more »
Podiatry eyes – yet another example .
Look at gooberbosi’s eyes. Very podiatric. Those eyes say alot.
Please stay away from this website. Mr. Chaskin keeps posting it hoping to gain hits to convert it into money. I think it’s a money making scam from a 70 yo foot failure looking for an income source to retire on.
Hmm…this could be possible. Posting about joining foot clubs, dermoscopy, smiling at the walls of the depraved. Those persistent posts on “happiness” are disturbing, “making friends” at pod gatherings. Some opportunism, and the drumbeat of “becoming” a PA, and links to nowhere. Who knows they may be hackle sites…There’s something fishy about that childish enthusiasm, a feigned innocence that suggests manipulation – Those posts are somewhat disturbing. If it sounds too good to be true…it usually is. If you look a gift horse–not that (dis)organized foot clubs are any prize, they may have teeth. Stories about the magic kingdom of… Read more »
Toxic positivity and the happy cult. It’s fake, manipulative, and shows a degenerative mind.
Who gives a rip?
That’s the problem. Not enough podiatrists care that they’re mediocre. They measure equality by comparing bank balances and the model of your car.