I have a unique way I present orthotics to patients with which I have a 25% acceptance rate because they “get it”.
Iamvr Rot
Robert Bijak
A quasi scientific BUSINESS IS THAT PODIATRY SCAM. “GROWING PAINS” FROM A REGULAR ADVERSTISER, MC CLAIN. As if podiatrists can treat the leg in most states anyway? Follow podiatry’s science with this reasoning: Data and research on growing pains exist but it’s a MYSTERY. HOWEVER, ORTHOTICS (you know the “cure all” that only pods possess the magic secrets of) CAN’T EXPLAIN why orthotics work even when the “problem ISN’T A PROBLEM” WITH FUNCTION. Lots of backward gobbly gook rhetoric that somehow distills into saying selling arch supports is Kosher. No science, no logic, mostly anecdotes, except for one thing, SELLING… Read more »
Block’s embarrassing blog must be closed down. I believe it is a concentrated distillation of the stupidest and crookedest of podiatry. Desperate greedy Pinker with his pink tie talks about sweaty feet. Really? Would you want the MD’s around you (who may have just removed a bullet out of an mass of intestines) look at that? And, to demonstrate how quack podiatric education is ,a “so called” Asst .PROFESSOR of medicine, says sweat causes bacteria and infection. This is the state of podiatric medicine in Barry Block’s shoe perverted news. More on that later. Podiatry is money. 4 decades of… Read more »
The “girl” looks a little transgenderish, kinda like the Bud Lite guy. Once again, a hoaky profession makes it’s incompetence look humorous to deflect from that incompetence.
Laugh with me not AT ME ruse.
The “assistant” poorfessor girl—-Is that another USian male in transition? Good golly. Good night Irene
World (USA) of bullshit—can’t take it seriously anymore. A bad joke.
I have a unique way I present orthotics to patients with which I have a 25% acceptance rate because they “get it”.
Iamvr Rot
A quasi scientific BUSINESS IS THAT PODIATRY SCAM. “GROWING PAINS” FROM A REGULAR ADVERSTISER, MC CLAIN. As if podiatrists can treat the leg in most states anyway? Follow podiatry’s science with this reasoning: Data and research on growing pains exist but it’s a MYSTERY. HOWEVER, ORTHOTICS (you know the “cure all” that only pods possess the magic secrets of) CAN’T EXPLAIN why orthotics work even when the “problem ISN’T A PROBLEM” WITH FUNCTION. Lots of backward gobbly gook rhetoric that somehow distills into saying selling arch supports is Kosher. No science, no logic, mostly anecdotes, except for one thing, SELLING… Read more »
Block’s embarrassing blog must be closed down. I believe it is a concentrated distillation of the stupidest and crookedest of podiatry. Desperate greedy Pinker with his pink tie talks about sweaty feet. Really? Would you want the MD’s around you (who may have just removed a bullet out of an mass of intestines) look at that? And, to demonstrate how quack podiatric education is ,a “so called” Asst .PROFESSOR of medicine, says sweat causes bacteria and infection. This is the state of podiatric medicine in Barry Block’s shoe perverted news. More on that later. Podiatry is money. 4 decades of… Read more »
The “girl” looks a little transgenderish, kinda like the Bud Lite guy. Once again, a hoaky profession makes it’s incompetence look humorous to deflect from that incompetence.
Laugh with me not AT ME ruse.
The “assistant” poorfessor girl—-Is that another USian male in transition? Good golly. Good night Irene
World (USA) of bullshit—can’t take it seriously anymore. A bad joke.